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New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 315 [displaying comments 211 to 221]
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p. k. from FL (2/21/2006)
"NO Rocks!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

This was a bittersweet event, but I was very impressed by all that the organizers did to pull it off, from the national anthem, to the course, to the post-race party. Obviously, the marathon was scaled back this year, but the organizers and volunteers clearly put their hearts and souls into producing a great race! It did get a little lonely in the second half as the majority of the runners were in the half marathon, but the volunteers, NOPD, and citizens put their everything into cheering us on as we continued. A special "thank you" to those in Audobon Park, and the "red dress guys"!


G. B. from CT, USA (2/19/2006)
"New Orleans is recovering, great marathon!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

I would call this a well organized event. Perhaps they could work on the parking garage backups. The flat and super fast course was aided by this year's ideal weather. I got a PR, not expecting that at age 45 in my 45th lifetime marathon. Food and post-race entertainment, atmosphere, on the plus side of average. A bit odd in this day of chip timing that there were no results or awards for the marathon. Much of New Orleans will be slow to recover, but as a visitor it is still a great city to run, eat, drink, and be merry.


J. M. from Utica (2/16/2006)
"New Orleans - Welcome Back!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons

Well, it was worth the trip. I was stunned by what I saw in New Orleans. The video footage never measures up to what you see. The marathon course took the runners through everything - the good and the bad. Parts of the course made me cry as they were so devastated, while others made me smile for the way they have rebuilt themselves and the way they supported the race. You could see the pride of the locals as you passed their houses and neighborhoods and you could see the pride of the police and security that protected the areas and stopped traffic at the intersections. You could see the patience of the people in the parks who were out walking their dogs or enjoying a nice morning walk. The overall attitude is: We will move on and will survive.

As a New Yorker I felt honored to run this marathon. I have run 33 now and done most of the big ones - I will say this, though, that this one was the most important ones I have done. New Orleans will be back and I was glad to be a small part of the rebuilding effort. I have nothing but praise for the organizers and volunteers for this event. For you guys to pull this off is amazing. Thank you so much for a wonderful experience. If you never did Mardi Gras before - do yourself a favor and run this marathon next year. I am sure it will be better than ever.


J. H. from Mississippi (2/16/2006)
"very fast and great weather" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons

This was my first Mardi Gras Marathon. I was really surprised at how fast the course was. I didn't PR or anything, but was running it as a training run and for a chance to see the city. Next year I may decide to race it. The expo was great along with the post-race party. The only downside to the marathon was all the L.S.U. fans down there. HOTTY TOTTY!


M. H. from Kansas (2/15/2006)
"Not too shabby." (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

The course was flat. The only negative point is that the roads are full of potholes. It's tough to accelerate or look around. No spectators after 13.1.


G. B. from Connecticut (2/12/2006)
"Great event, welcome back New Orleans" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

I would call it a very well organized event. Flat and super fast course aided by this year's ideal weather. I got a PR, was not expecting that at age 45 in my 45th lifetime marathon. Not many spectators, understandably. Perhaps they could work on the parking garage back-ups.

Much of New Orleans will be slow to recover, but as a visitor, it is still a great city to run in, eat in, drink in, and be merry in.


D. R. from New York (2/11/2006)
"Two-Time Mardi Gras Marathon Runner 2003, 2004" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathons

I have run this race twice. I am a Dr. from New York, age 44, and I have run a 3:27 on this course. I think the temps were way too warm for me. I was hoping to run about a 3:10 or better. I would not run it again. I could be 50, or maybe 70. Also, the people for the most part were rude, and prices vary greatly, esp. for cabs, etc. Sort of a rip off.


M. W. from Mandeville, LA (2/11/2006)
"Great Post-Katrina Event" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 3 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathons

I run the half-marathon portion each year and think it's a great race - flat, fast, and includes some interesting parts of town.

This year, 2006, was memorable for a couple reasons: 1) The proceeds went to relief for Hurricane Katrina. It was announced that a check for over 27K was being sent to Habitat for Humanity 2) It was the first major sporting event in New Orleans since the storm and 3) The race finished outside the SuperDome instead of inside.

The finish was a major perk for me. If you haven't run the race before, finishing in the SuperDome is fun. But the "false finish" is a killer. The distance involved in running back around the building to get to the entrance is an unwelcome surprise after 12.5 miles. I much preferred the outdoor finish - when we made the final turn towards the Dome, we had a straight shot to the finish line.

One of these years, I may pony up and run the whole marathon, but until then, the half marathon is a very fun race. The race is well-organized and water & Gatorade are plentiful. I'll be back annually so long as I'm around.


K. C. from Tucson, AZ (2/8/2006)
"The Best Race Ever" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon

I was at the Mardi Gras Marathon, 2006, and I have to say this was *the* best organized race I've ever been to. And I've been to the large (Chicago) and the small (Shiprock). I just wanted everyone to know how great a job the NOTC and City of New Orleans did! Packet pick-up was easy, with enough vendors that I could pick up what I needed. The race started on time, outside the now infamous Superdome. They had someone calling out the time at every mile (which I've never seen in a race before and it *really* helped keep me on pace). They had power gel at every water stop, the stations were well-manned and enthusiastic, the later ones had cookies and candy. They announced my name twice in the race (entering Audobon Park and at the finish) which never happens to me since my name is "Kazumi"). There weren't many spectators, but they made up for it in enthusiasm! I even got Mardi Gras beads (and didn't have to show my sports bra). And the real kicker - they had the race results up online the very next day! As for the course, it's flat and fast, the weather is perfect at that time of year, and it goes through the best parts of the city. I PR'd, taking 20 minutes off my last best time, and was absolutely shocked.

All proceeds go to rebuilding efforts of this great city. I know there was a lot of speculation and trepidation (on my part as well) about how they'd pull off this first major athletic event since Katrina, but it was flawless.

I will be back for the Mardi Gras Marathon next year, and so should you!


M. B. from Little Rock, Ark (2/8/2006)
"Great Post-Katrina but with Early Course Closing" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons

The first major event for the Post-Katrina New Orleans was great. The aid stations were great, fans were great, but my MAJOR problem is the advertised course limit of 7 hours. The course was closed on a 5-hour-and-30-minute pace. I finish in 5 hours and 40 minutes, but there were about 65 people behind me without police protection from the traffic. Having the course closed on me took away the excitement of setting a PR (I took off 30 mins). I am not from New Orleans so I had no idea how to get to the finish line. Thank goodness a fellow runner told me where to go. The last aid station (Runners in Red Dresses) was a lifesaver and pointed the way. It is the job of the race to provide protection and directions for the advertised course limit.

I am not sure what happened but after reading some of the comments from last year (2005) this seems to be the start of a tradition for New Orleans. If they don't want us out there for 7 hours, that's fine - just give us the correct time limit. Also, they say they are "walker friendly" and I am not sure about that. The end police car, official race vehicle, and two ambulances would follow a runner and as soon as the runner would walk, the end group would move up to the next runner. To anyone wanting to run New Orleans, either just do the half or make sure you can finish in 5 hours. Do not believe the course limit.


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