calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon) Runner Comments

Back to Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon) Information & Reviews

Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 205 [displaying comments 151 to 161]
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J. G. from Colorado (2/14/2005)
"Best One Yet" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

I have read some of the earlier comments. Were we in the same race? Sure the wind blew a little but what do you expect when you are 100' from the Pacific Ocean?

I wish I could be a salesman for the PSM. I'd do it again in a minute and encourage anyone looking for a well run, FLAT marathon to give the PSM serious consideration.


L. G. from Olympic Peninsula, Washington (2/13/2005)
"Perfect Weather, Pretty Course" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

I had read several of the negative comments on the '04 race, so my expectations weren't terribly high. But the race ended up being fantastic. The course was very flat, with maybe two short (and fairly insignificant) inclines. Most of it was run along the water, so it was very serene and beautiful. It does loop on itself quite a bit, but I would rather run next to the beach than anywhere else in Huntington Beach anyway. The course is fast, I unexpectedly ran an 8 minute PR. Packet pick-up was a breeze, bag check was easy and well organized and the medal is the coolest I have received (a little surfboard). The size was also perfect, there was always someone to run with or catch up to without being too crowded. I would recommend carrying a gel packet for the first half, but the second half seemed well stocked with drink and gel. Overall, I loved this race. If you want a fast, beautiful and fun race, do Pacific Shoreline (and get a ride or walk to the start).


Pamela Verrinder from Redondo Beach (2/13/2005)
"1st Marathon -- Poor water stations after mile 20" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

My first marathon, and yes I am slow. I started in back as not to impact faster runners. This experience was done to mark my 40th birthday.

GOOD: Scenic run first 13 miles, wonderful medals. Thanks for staying a letting me get my first medal. Nearly everyone was gone when I arrived at the finish. (I had severe blistering on my left foot, but I didn't want to quit.)

BAD: Starting times should be different for the marathon, half-marathon, and 5K. After the 20 mile marker all water stations had been abandoned. I finished a half hour after the time allowed for this course so I considered it my problem.

Thanks again to those who stayed!

For those who say it was sunny: It was not sunny until the end of the race. Um, after 1:00 p.m. for me. Mostly overcast and W-I-N-D-Y!

Parking: I arrived at 5:30 and did not have a parking problem.

A great way to start Superbowl Sunday.


Kyle EricSon from Riverside, CA (2/9/2005)
"I Love This Marathon!" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)s

Just ran the 2005 PSM, and once again it was great! In my opinion, this is the best kept secret in marathoning, although it saddens me that this race doesn't get more recognition or support from the local running community (only 705 people finished the full marathon, whereas nearly 4,000 ran the half!). I know from talking with fellow runners that a lot of people only run the half in preparation for running LA the following month. That's really too bad though because I think this course is much nicer, much less crowded and much better organized (in a 'why didn't they think of that sooner' moment, this year to speed-up parking you paid when you left the lot instead of when you entered). It would also be nice if the locals came out to encourage the runners a little more, but maybe if you really need that type of motivation, you've picked the wrong sport.

Although the course does loop back on itself once along the bike path, and yes there is a small hill (approximately 50 feet) that you have to navigate twice towards the end of the race, the course itself is beautiful, with the majority of the time spent running parallel to the Pacific Ocean, with the remainder going through tree-lined Huntington Park and a very nice (and rich!) residential area. Although we had to contend with some serious headwinds this year when heading back towards the start/finish line, the threatening rain never materialized and the weather was great for running.

Lastly, the T-shirts at PSM are the best in marathoning (long-sleeve, mock turtleneck without a lot of advertising on the back), as are the finisher's medals (although it would be nice if the design changed each year instead of just changing the year and ribbon color).

All in all, this is one of my favorite marathons (only behind Long Beach), and one I plan on running every year for as long as my 41-year-old body allows me to.

P.S. A special thanks to all the volunteers along the course too, who all appeared to be about 16-years old and had given up their Sunday to hand out Gatorade, water and GU to a bunch of sweaty 'old' people (something I never would have done when I was that age!). Thanks HB, see you next year!


M. P. from California (2/8/2005)
"Generally well organized with a flat course" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

The course is generally flat. The few ups and downs are fairly minor, though coming in the second half of the race they may feel significant to some people. There was a strong wind this year, otherwise it would be a fast course.

The route runs along the coast except for a 10km excursion inland. The entire width of the Pacific Coast Highway had been closed to motor vehicles and it was great running along that road. However, I did not find the route very scenic, but this perception may have been influenced by the weather - dull and overcast.

Organization generally seemed very good, but I do have a couple of gripes. One was with the parking. Participants had been advised to arrive early and that the beachfront parking lots would 'fill very quickly.' I arrived nice and early and noticed great long queues for the car parks; it took me about 45 min to get to the front. There was only one person collecting money at the entrance, so the car park was not actually filling 'very quickly' but very slowly. One would think that if the organizers can arrange for several miles of the PCH to be closed off they could arrange for more than one person to be at the entrance to the car parks. A long wait for the shuttle from the car park to the start line ensured that I, like very many others, missed the start. Just as well they use chips.

The other weakness was that there was no energy drink until mile 14.

Overall, my feeling was that it was a great marathon, but I just hope that next year someone remembers to put more people on the entrances to the car parks.


J. B. from Los Angeles (2/8/2005)
"The Perfect Marathon" (about: 2005)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)s

Scenic course, well organized race, great support and volunteers, ideal weather (okay, so there were some headwinds). Doesn't get any better!


D. R. from Los Angeles, CA (2/7/2005)
"Much better Experience than LA (for me)" (about: 2005)

3 previous marathons | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

Pacific Shoreline was the first marathon that I have done that was not LA (I have done LA 3 times) and it was a night-and-day contrast. Small field (700 for marathon, but almost 4,000 for the 1/2). A lot of complaints that reviewers mentioned in years past have been addressed. There were mile markers every mile, they didn't run out of medals, the race started on time (well 7:02 AM, 2 minutes late is nothing), there was food (and beer!) available at the finish line.

The course is relatively flat, but the winds can be brutal. Still a PR for me. The temp this year was great for running. If you park at one of the further beach lots (Brookhurst/Newland/Magnolia) and take a courtesy shuttle, parking is fine (but costs $8). Water/'Gatorade' (it was something else) stations were sufficient.


J. P. from Huntington Beach (2/7/2005)
"What a fun race!" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

This race was a blast. Course was beautiful and fun to run along the Pacific Ocean with no cars. I live nearby, so walking to the starting line was a benefit. The spectators were nice but fairly sparse except near the start/finish, but that's ok, I do not need a cheering section to enjoy a run. The water & gels were sufficient. The day was cool & windy, but fine for running. All week was sunny & warm, but it changed overnight. The food court afterwards was great too. My only problem was finding my wife with my dry and warm clothes; there were over 6000 runners, plus their families. The temperature was in the high 50's but felt cold after stopping. I love this race!


T. k. from West Hills, CA (2/7/2005)
"Greatly Improved" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)s

This one keeps getting better. Started right on time with near perfect running weather - high 50's and overcast (though a significant tailwind that turned into a headwind once we turned around). Ocean-side course is beautiful all around. The course turns into a residential neighborhood and park trails for some variety around the 16-mile mark. Because this marathon does not get much spectator support, the organizers stocked the final miles with teams of young ladies every 100 yards or so, shouting encouragement. Very fun. Separate food area for marathoners at finish line was great, as was the beer garden. Kudos to the race director for a well run race!


d. e. from loma linda, ca (2/7/2005)
"very scenic, I recommend it to everyone!" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Surf City Marathon (prev. Pacific Shoreline Marathon)

I ran the marathon on 2/6/05. The course is very scenic. I enjoyed the run along the beach and running throught the park. Water stations and Gatorade stations provided good service.


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