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Buffalo Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.8 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.3 
Number of comments: 315 [displaying comments 231 to 241]
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M. G. from Buffalo, New York (6/7/2004)
"Not for slow runners!" (about: 2004)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon. YEAH - me! I ran great time the first half, but by the second half my pace slowed considerably. Yikes, which way do I go? No signs, no volunteers, no people, no arrows - how discouraging. Several times I had to ask for directions. Thanks to my personal cheering section and thank you to those few volunteers that did stay behind. I wasn't going to give up. I was almost there. (I think?)

Hey, I did get a cool medal.

T. M. from Greenbelt, Maryland (6/6/2004)
"Buffalo: Only one negative" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Buffalo Marathon

Thought both the 'in training' and finisher's T-shirts were very nice. Course was quick. Crowd support was either very good or very poor, depending on the section of the race you were in. Plentiful water/aid stations (every 2 miles starting at mile 3). The people handing out oranges were angels from heaven.

The only negative was the absolute DEARTH of food immediately following the race--basically granola in a half-ounce cup & cups with small portions of water & soda were all that was available immediately after finishing. FOUL. BIG TIME FOUL. How about some cookies, fruit, chili, pizza... almost anything.

s. s. from Ft. Lauderdale (6/6/2004)
"Not one I would do again, any time soon." (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Buffalo Marathon

I have run 9 marathons and have to retire for a while. This was my last one. Unfortunately, various events left me disappointed: if you are going to have a chip time spend the extra money for a start mat, volunteers should never ask you to stop to let traffic go by, and don't let runners get lost on the course. If you don't want slow runners, set a cutoff time that will not attract them to your race. I came in at 5 hours flat. The course (the part I was actually on was nice), the weather good as well, but if I could get my money back, I would.

SSY- Ft. Lauderdale

L. D. from Liverpool, New York (6/6/2004)
"I'll Be Back!" (about: 2004)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon and was able to finish under 3:45. My family and I had a great time and will be back next year. Here are my positives and negatives.

1. Mile markers off... my pacing was screwed up from the start.
2. Shirt... I wish the shirt was better, maybe long-sleeve and bigger wording. I'm proud of my finish and would like to wear a shirt that people can actually read without squinting.
3. Chips... please have a mat at the start next year.
4. More city p.r... I encountered many angry neighbors and drivers. Thanks volunteers and Buffalo Police for doing a great job handling people the best you could.
5. Mile markers on the course map... Next time it would be great if the miles were marked on the map so family members can meet the runners at certain spots.

1. Great course... mostly flat, scenic and tree-lined.
2. Nice weekend to have the race... My family and I visited the falls the next day.
3. No big traffic hassles or getting around the city the evening before.
4. Nice choice of hotels... We stayed at the Raddison. The location was great but our room was dirty.
5. Nice friendly running crowd from all over... I was able to get through the first 17 miles with a great pack.
6. Price... I will be willing to pay a little more next year for improvement of the FEW negitives.
7. Many more positves but not enough space or time to write.

Overall this is a great race for a first-timer or a BMQ (hopefully me next year). I will be back for many years to come seeing that this is the only upstate spring marathon around. Thanks Buffalo Marathon staff and volunteers for a great job... cheers!

d. w. from corning ny (6/5/2004)
"Great small-city marathon" (about: 2004)

50+ previous marathons | 3 Buffalo Marathons

I give this event high marks for organization and course. The few spectators along the course were friendly and supportive, but this is not a run with crowds lining the course. This year (2004) was the third time I have run Buffalo (1999 and 2001 previously) and the third course iteration. I liked this version the best yet. It had a good mix of city scenery including residential neighborhoods, commercial areas, an expansive cemetery and a park.

Packet pick-up and staging for the start were outstanding, held in a downtown high-end hotel. It was nice to lounge in relative luxury before the run.

The course was well marked and controlled. I think the best sections were around the marina near the start, through the cemetery and the last couple of miles back to downtown, the slight downhill was excellent. During the run, the people at the aid stations particularly impressed me. All were efficient and friendly. I finished in ~4:06, which is typical for me, and I felt the support was strong throughout the event.

This marathon is good size for my tastes, ~700 marathoners plus ~50 teams, and an uncrowded route lets you concentrate on your running. I intend to shuffle off to Buffalo again next year for another go at a fine event...

D. R. from Buffalo (6/4/2004)
"Excellent Course, Weather" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Buffalo Marathons

I really enjoyed the course and the weather was great. Volunteers did a great job. Why there were no port-a-potties at the start was beyond me. Also, the only fluid I could find at the finish was water. Would be nice to have a sports drink.

D. K. from New York (6/4/2004)
"Nice course, no organization" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Buffalo Marathon

The course really was a very nice course, however the organization takes away from what could be a wonderful day. They use ChampionChip timing without a mat at the start. Many of us wanted to start out conservatively so we went to the back of the start. We then walked up to the line only to find this out. Mile markers were all over the place (I know I didn't run a 5-minute mile). Water stations every two miles or so, if you are lucky enough to get water from someone or can safely make it to the tables. No food at the finish line; you have to walk to the convention center if you want some. Even the awards ceremony took forever and was unorganized. One person commented that if you run 4:00 or faster that this would be a great course... well, many of us between 3:20 and 3:30 found it less than appealing.
This could be a great race with organization... I won't be back to find out!!!

J. C. from Pittsburgh, PA (6/3/2004)
"The meatballs were great!" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Buffalo Marathon

This is definitely a PR course, level the entire way. For $35 bucks ya can't beat it - including the pre-race pasta meal with the best meatballs. I saw a guy with a 'Joe Mana' shirt or something which must be the local Italian resturant that supplied the food. This was my 12th marathon and easily the best pasta meal, for free! The expo is short and sweet. I gave the organization 3 stars only because some minor traffic problems, no massage tent and no food at the end - I'm comparing to larger races - but still great for $35 smackers. The crowd support is light but great. The women runner's were phenomenal. I was with a group running 8:05's to 8:15's that strung me along. Another important rating for this course, all the women runners were 5 stars and some are even good runners!!!

This Pittsburgher will be back.

S. K. from New York (6/3/2004)
"Absolutely love it" (about: 2004)

2 previous marathons | 1 Buffalo Marathon

Overall, I absolutely love it.

- it's inexpensive
- start/finish at the same place
- this year weather was the best, can't be any better
- it's spectacular, from shoreline through downtown, around a gorgeous cemetary, through typical American neighborhood and back to downtown - very nice.
- spectators and volunteers were very friendly and supportive

The only negative thing is the course was closed 40 minutes earlier than scheduled, at 12:20 not 1 pm as promised. It didn't affect me, though, so I should not probably say anything. Just keep this in mind if you are a 5-hour runner.

Thank you, Buffalo.

T. R. from Connecticut (6/2/2004)
"Fast course, nice race" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Buffalo Marathon

Overall, I had a very good experience at the Buffalo Marathon. This was my 7th marathon and I brought home a PR (by 8 seconds). Positives include: relatively flat, fast course; friendly volunteers and race officials; small size but big enough that you could find other runners at your pace; low entry fee; perfect weather. Areas for improvement: t-shirt is lame (raise the entry fee by $5 and provide a decent shirt!); traffic control a problem at one or two intersections; expo (only 2-3 booths); the city didn't seem to embrace the marathon as a key community event (e.g., limited media coverage). Bottom line: I'd run Buffalo again. This marathon is a very nice race that has huge untapped potential.

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