calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 518 [displaying comments 251 to 261]
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R. S. from Collinsville, Illinois (5/8/2007)
"This is a first-class marathon" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

This was my first Flying Pig. The course had its share of hills from mile 5 to 8.5, but none were too stressful. After that, the few hills there were on the course were gently rolling. In fact I got a PR and qualified for Boston here. The organization was excellent and the crowds were great. They were standing 4-deep downtown. I'm new to this, but this was my most enjoyable. You gotta give this one a try.


Sid Busch from Goose Creek ,SC (5/8/2007)
"rates more then 5 stars" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathons

This was my second running of the FLYING PIG and it was even better then last year. The expo was great and they gave so much free stuff. No wonder you get a back pack for free, you need it to carry the stuff.
The Marathon was awesome, the weather perfect and course challenging but so great. The entertainment was placed all over as well as water stops with themes, such as the Key West one around mile 8.
If you like medals, (and who doesn't?), the PIG is great. And if you want more then one, I recommend the 10K and 5K held on Saturday.


D. B. from Mason, OH (5/8/2007)
"A first-timer who's ready to tackle another one" (about: 2007)

First Marathon

The timing of the Flying Pig couldn't have been better. I made a New Year's resolution to run a marathon. The Pig is 18 weeks into the new year. Perfect!
The start, while slow, was expected. Too many people not following etiquette and moving to the right side and/or starting too far up front.
Water/Gatorade stations every mile was awesome - you could pick and choose when to get H2O or 'ade. The fans (especially in Mariemont) were awesome too!
There were a few concerns: one guy was handing out 'M&M's' out of the palm of his hand - very scary. There were a number of places that desperately need repaving. An additional Gel Shot stop earlier in the race would have been great (mile 18 for the only one).
After crossing the finish line, I didn't like being herded like cows past booths I have no interest in, especially in post-race condition.
My family said the 'Finish Swine Brunch' was a joke. I spent $30 and my family could only get muffins (their words, not mine)?!?
Last: Kudos to all the H.S. track teams who manned the water stations. They were the BEST!!


A. B. from Atlanta (5/8/2007)
"I LOVED THIS MARATHON!!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

This race was 5 Star from top to bottom. I traveled from Atlanta GA based on past runner comments and all the positive feedback is for real. Wonderful organization and passionate fans.
Full marathoners got a special gift, a neat backpack, totally cool!! You also get a technical t-shirt.
We stayed at a race hotel and could walk most everywhere. We even figured out how to take a city bus to the expo, everything was that easy. I can't offer a thing to improve on.
A note about the hills. Past comments had me nervous...but I learned, it is all relative. Calling the inclines we did, hills, makes real hills mad! Do not let comments about hills scare you!!
Run this marathon!!


G. T. from Beavercreek OH (5/8/2007)
"WOW" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathons

Well done, Cinci!

I actually shook hands with the officials at the end. Well done on all fronts.

I would love next year to finish on the 50 yard-line like Sunburst, or Detroit, etc. (Big hint.)


E. I. from Hollidaysburg, PA (5/8/2007)
"Phenomenal" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

I ran this as a training run for an ultramarathon, and it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. This was only my second road marathon but it left me wanting more.

So that I didn't run faster than my training pace, I wore a pig mask for all 26.2 miles. The crowd loved it, and I had a great time interacting with all the kids and people cheering for 'the pig'. The crowd was incredible! And it was much larger and enthusiastic than I expected. The crowd was so large at the finish it took me a half an hour to find my wife and son.

Since I'm training for an ultra, the hills really didn't bother me. They are very gradual anyway. If I was a flatlander they might be a little intimidating, but I don't see the hills being a problem if your trying to run a BQ or PR. The last 10K seemed to be a slight downhill which was nice.

Overall, this is a fantastic race and race experience! Great job Cincinnati at putting on a first class event!


J. G. from auburn, New York (5/8/2007)
"My 1st Marathon - great experience!!!!" (about: 2007)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon and it was a great experience. The course is very scenic and a bit challenging (a couple of big hills). Cincinnati is a beautiful city, and you get to see all of it. There were a ton of port-a-potties and water stations. The only knock I have on the course is that it is a bit narrow at times, especially in the beginning - just make sure you line up with the pace group you want to be with.

The organization along the course and at the expo was great; however, there seemed to be a lack of organization at the start line - not enough volunteers and no signs for bag check. The pace group leaders were great - they knew the course well and gave some great tips along the way - thanks Jay and George!!!

The spectators were AWESOME!!!! The course goes through several local neighborhoods and the people were out in full force cheering the runners on.

I definately recommend this race!!!!


J. J. from USA (5/8/2007)
"Better Every Year" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 2 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathons

The 07 Pig was as perfect as the weather. Great race, organization and support from start to finish


R. B. from Chicago (5/8/2007)
"A Must-Do Marathon" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

I loved almost everything about this race. It was very well organized, great course, friendly people, easy to get accomodations. They even did a great job on the weather! Water stops were everywhere, the finish area was the best I've seen. For a smaller race (it's not Chicago or New York), the supporters were GREAT, much more than I expected.

My ONLY complaint is that they have the relay runners finish with the marathoners. Folks who are only running 6 miles should have a separate finish lane designated for them.

Other than that, it was a great experience, and a race I would definitely do again.

Thanks, Cincinnati!!


N. B. from Rootstown, Ohio (5/8/2007)
"Superb course, organization, and execution" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

This was #14 for me and is now my favorite (behind Steamtown #2 and Richmond #3). From arriving early for the Flying Piglet Run for my 4 and 6 year olds on Saturday, the expo, race morning, during the race, and post race, they didn't miss a beat. Even the Expo was organized in such a way to keep people flowing and not miss a single vendor (good for the vendors and the runners). Excellent race shirt and free Asics Flying Pig backpack, too!
I don't know how many porto-johns were at Paul Brown stadium, but I'm guessing around 50! Not a long wait for them and they were IN the starting convenient!! As for the course, the Gatorade/water stops were extremely well staffed, well-stocked, and never did I have any congestion or trouble getting some Gatorade.
This city definately supports the Pig as they were out in force throughout all 26.2 miles. The course was beautiful and Cincinnati sure did order up a picture-perfect day of 50F race start and climbing to the mid-60s at finish with clear skies, low humidity, and low pollen count (due to night-before rain). Yes, the course has its hills, but I truly believe it makes up for them in a generous offering of long downhills (my quads are sore now to prove it!!!) Plus, the hills were very manageable and not ever too extreme.

I will be back! Thank you!


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