calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 518 [displaying comments 281 to 291]
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M. M. from Grand Rapids, MI (11/1/2006)
"This is a marathon must" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

This was my first marathon and since then I have run marathons of all sizes from Grand Rapids, MI to Chicago and none have matched this race. The course was challenging, but a lot of fun. I really felt I earned it at the end. The crowds were great and a lot of fun. It wasn't Chicago with fans packed five-deep the whole way, but it was still good and consistent. I felt the race was very well-organized as well. No problems getting to the start or getting out of the finish. The only downside was having to walk a mile back uphill to my hotel room after finishing. This is an awesome race. If you are thinking about doing it, you should. You will not be disappointed.


M. D. from Syracuse, NY (10/19/2006)
"My 24th, and one of the best yet!!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

I decided to finally run Flying Pig, and boy, I wish I had run it years ago. It was fabulous! I loved seeing Elvis - thought I was delirious!!!! At first, I was nervous about the three-mile hill, but it wasn't so bad. I'm doing it again this year. I loved the feel of the marathon; it was fun and festive! See you again in 2007!!


D. M. from Toronto, Canada (10/9/2006)
"An absolute must!" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

I ran this race in May 2006 and was overwhelmed by the whole experience. This is one of the better "smaller" marathons. The organization is fantastic and expo amazing (freebies are the best).
The course is challenging (uphill at the start), but nice net decline in the later stages. This is a great race to run and a must for any enthusiast's diary.


L. M. from Virginia Beach, VA (9/21/2006)
"I'm an Oinker for Life!" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

This marathon was by far one of the best. The locals are great and really get into the spirit of this event. The pig nose in the race packet got us in the spirit right away. There are pigs throughout the expo that you can pose with like Pigdipidees! The freebies are fantastic. The spectators are awesome; so many people out even early in the morning and late into the race. I bought a pair of Flying Pig wings at the expo and wore them during the marathon. I had so much fun clowning around during the race that I had no idea I was only 5 minutes away from a PR. Dang! There are also plenty of nice reasonably-priced hotels in the area. Due to registering late we had to stay on the KY side of the river but there was a ferry set up to take us to the start and back. Oh, and if you want to be a real medal hog, like we were, you can run the 5K, 10K, and half or full to walk away with three medals!


B. L. from Ohio (8/10/2006)
"Great fun with only one drawback...." (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

This year's Pig was my second marathon and it was a blast. The expo is awesome. The t-shirts and premiums are high quality. The race board members are clearly identified and personally on hand at the expo to give you directions, encouragement and their thanks for running their race.

I loved the course! I live in south central Ohio and love running hills, so the rolling course was great fun for me. There were always a great number of spectators who were an absolute hoot.

My only problem the whole weekend was the finisher's chute. I chuckle when I read about all the finishers who go to the 10-course post-race meal. I didn't finish until 5:21 and there was nothing much left by that time. All the half and full finishers before us got all the bags, good food and sports drink. We had water, potato chips, oranges and ice cream (no spoons). There were no bags left by that time so you only took what you could carry. There were no electrolyte drinks, bananas, Panera bread rolls or anything. Our saving grace was a friend who finished the half hours earlier and let us devour the contents of her bag.

Aside from the food and drink shortage, I loved it. I guess I'll have to run faster next year so I can get my share of food and drink. :)

I definitely plan to come back.


Sid Busch from Goose Creek,South Carolina (6/8/2006)
"Don't have to be big to be great" (about: 2006)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

The Flying Pig proves you don't have to be a big marathon to be a great one. It lived up to its article in Runner's World, and was a fun run. From the expo, where you needed a shopping cart to carry all the free stuff you get, to the finish line, where the race director greeted me and cheered me on. The spectators were amazing, and the police not only kept the course safe, but gave much-needed support to keep us moving. This was so much fun I have already made hotel reservations and will be ready to register as soon as it starts. If you want a fun marathon, where pigs really do fly, then this is for you.


w. d. from Asheville, NC (5/22/2006)
"fun race" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

Put this one on your to-do list. A fun and well-organized event. Lots of goodies. Nice rolling course, with the worst climbs over by mile 9. Incredible support, especially considering the 6 a.m. start.


J. K. from texas (5/19/2006)
"I had a great time!" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

I had so much fun running this race. I chose to run with the pace team and came in 3 minutes earlier than my goal. Thanks Clif pace team! I thought Cincy was beautiful and that everyone seemed very proud of their city. It was extremely well organized, plenty of porta potties at mile 12 and lots of water stations. Enjoyed free massage after the race and did not have to wait long at all. I took the ferry from KY to start and from finish with no problems. The hills were a little tough on this flatlander from Texas, but the weather was perfect! A great time!


Isaac Pacheco from Washington D.C. (5/17/2006)
"Great as usual but lacked support from last year." (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 2 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathons

This is the second year I've run the Flying Pig. 2006's race was just as fun as last year's. There was an earlier start time last year for walkers which should have been duplicated this year as it would have alleviated the crush of the record breaking crowd numbers at the start. Fan support from those who showed up was awesome as usual (one Madisonville resident was selling Bloody Marys to runners from his porch for $1) but the cool temperatures at the start scared off the throngs of supporters who lined the course last year. More Port-O-Johns are a must at the starting line, on the course and at the finish. Everything else was awesome and the great weather this year helped me and my girlfriend improve our time by more than an hour from last year (ok, training helped too :P). I'm looking to shave another hour off at next year's race. Hope to see you there!


D. S. from Michigan (5/17/2006)
"Well organized!!" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon

I was pleased with the overall organization. Stayed on the Covington, KY side and the host hotels were very supportive of the event (i.e. information desks, pre-race snacks, directions, where to eat...).
Better frills than most marathons (nice tech shirt, poster, pig snout, pig bag, good looking medal...although the finish towel was rather mundane).
I thought the porta-potties were plentiful throughout (stadium was also open for use at start!), plenty of water/gatorade stops (every mile) and a medic station every 3 miles is the most extensive I've seen.
My only negative is that most of the 'excitement' is in the first half and near the end. It's a long, boring highway stretch from mile 18 to the river. Those small unprofiled hills in the last half are worse than that daunting hill between miles 5&9!


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