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The San Francisco Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.6 
Number of comments: 503 [displaying comments 161 to 171]
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Blair Van Dyne from Overland Park, KS (8/13/2008)
"Good First Marathon" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 The San Francisco Marathon

This was my first marathon. I chose it mainly for the chance to run the Golden Gate, and the fact that my work schedule made it possible to run an August marathon. The weather couldn't have been better. It was in the mid 50s at the start. People make too much of the hills. The hills are not that bad. The best part of running uphill is getting to run down them as well. The last 8 miles were pretty boring except running through Haight Ashbury. There were plenty of water stations. One station even had beer! I didn't partake, although I was tempted. The station was run by a local group. Overall, it was a great first marathon to run.

The host hotel was nice, and very close to the start and finish. The massage tent at the end of the race was a nice touch. For anybody running the half, I would highly recommend the first half over the second.


G. S. from Central Florida (8/12/2008)
"Great Summer Marathon" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 The San Francisco Marathon

This was the first time I had run the San Francisco Marathon. Weather was perfect for running: 55 F and overcast. The marathon started early (5:30 a.m.) and I was a bit worried about getting to the start. It was a false worry; I was able to walk out the front of my hotel on Market Street, catch a bus, and get delivered within a block of the start for $1.50. The start was in waves, so there was no real chaos at the beginning. They also used a 1-time disposable timing chip (D-chip), so there was no hassle at the finish either.

The race started on time and ran down the Embarcadero along SF bay. The lights of Bay Bridge, smell of sourdough bread baking and the Golden Gate made for a great start of the race. At mile 2.5 there was a steep hill that signaled the rise/fall of the 1st third of race. At 5, another long climb leading up the Golden Gate, and then it was a wonderful run across the bridge in light fog. The turnaround at 7.5 miles gave great view of the city waking up. The second third goes through the Presidio along the coast, and then into Golden Gate Park had ups and down there as well, but the redwoods, eucalyptus trees, gardens, ducks, buffalo, and runners made it a pleasant run. After running 6 miles in the Park, there was a run though the Haight Ashbury district, a very long, steep downhill, and meandering stretch back to the bay, a loop around Giants stadium, and a finish back along the bay.

I wasn't trying to run a BQ, but was able to run a negative split, and felt good at the finish despite the hills. I spent the day sightseeing, and then had chowder in a one of the sourdough rolls that had beckoned in the pre-dawn hours. There are definitely a lot of worse ways to spend a Sunday morning in August!


c. g. from Marietta, Georgia (8/12/2008)
"Underrated marathon" (about: 2008)

50+ previous marathons | 1 The San Francisco Marathon

Spectators: For all those whiners complaining about no spectators: The only marathons that have any spectators are the big ones - New York, Boston, Chicago and Marine Corps. As a veteran of almost 70 marathons, very few except for those mentioned above have any spectators at all. Most places don't even know a marathon is going on in their town or city. The spectators were typical for most marathons of this size.

Marathon: The first half of this marathon was very difficult and the second half much easier but it was all worth it. Coming from the southeast where the heat and humidity are terrible, it was so nice in August to run in temperatures in the 50's. The marathon takes you past all the scenic spots of San Francisco. The bad hills were all worth it.

Compared to other marathons, I consider it well organized. The website was especially good, with every kind of information one could want.

This marathon is underrated. I told my friends back home about it and they are all considering running it next time.

- Finisher 50 States + DC. marathoner


I. P. from Austin (8/11/2008)
"Beautiful course, but still needs work" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 The San Francisco Marathon

This is my first full SF. The course was amazingly beautiful and quite challenging. The other marathon I've run that I can compare is the AT&T Austin Marathon. Both were hilly, but I think SF was a harder course. Fluid stops were disorganized at the start of the race (I had to get my own Cytomax at the start of the race!) and sometimes they weren't where they said they would be. I think I saw maybe 3 bands, and there were almost no spectators.


B. B. from Florida (8/10/2008)
"Personal best for me" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 The San Francisco Marathon

My time was my personal best, which was quite an accomplishment for a course with quite a few hills. I was surprised to see that this race was not well-publicized in San Francisco... there wasn't anything on the news before the race or much after the race, so the lack of spectators was to be expected.

My major pet peeve was the way people acted on the Golden Gate Bridge. People were jumping up onto the rails, taking pictures, and then jumping back down into the race... give me a break! It created a dangerous situation in my wave, as there were quite a few people who were almost hit and/or stepped on by people who don't know how to act during a marathon (although most of the people doing this were the "halfers"). Because of these crazies, my wave slowed to a snail's crawl. It threw me off my pace (which I made up for in the next 20 miles), but still. Run the marathon, and go back as a tourist later.


R. F. from Darien, Connecticut (8/8/2008)
"Tough Course - Great Tour of San Francisco" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 The San Francisco Marathon

This was a tough course, but the scenery was absolutely spectacular. The Golden Gate Bridge portion of the race was fantastic. But, beware, there are a lot of hills. Overall, this is a great race.

Organization: Good - wave starts are great. Decent number of water stations. Lots of support along the course from locals.

Spectators: Not a lot. The race starts very early and there were not a lot of people along the course. Once we got to Haight/Ashbury, there were a number of people along Haight Street. After that, pretty scattered. Entertainment was non-existent. There appeared to be some bands set up about miles 22-25, but I never heard anyone playing, although I was in pretty poor shape by that point.


J. F. from Oak Park, Ca. (8/7/2008)
"Hey - I enjoyed it..." (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 The San Francisco Marathons

We arrived late on Saturday. Even though I knew about the expo being moved, I was surprised that it was so far away from the Hyatt. I had absolutely no problems picking up my "goody bag" or having any questions answered. My only suggestion is to have later hours for the Saturday expo. Many runners are coming from out of town and SF isn't the easiest city to navigate through. The weather was perfect and wave starts went without incident. The course is great all the way through Haight Street... then it becomes a bit boring until the waterfront. Hey, by that time in the run, I'm really not critiquing the scenery anyway - I'm just looking for a finish banner! The crowd support is also a non-issue. I enjoy running alone, so just being around hundreds of other runners is enough "support" for me. Overall, everyone I met along the course (runners and volunteers) was friendly and made this a great event.


r. e. from los angeles (8/7/2008)
"disappointed overall" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 The San Francisco Marathon

I understand limiting the race to 6 hours. But my understanding was that the 6 hours were from my start time. It was depressing to finish the last 6.2 miles without seeing mile markers! It was also depressing and quite nerve-wracking not to see any directional information through the industrial area at the end of the course. I didn't plan on running with a course map in hand, as I assumed there would be not only spectators (what a laugh) but signage of some sort. I guess they took that down as well.


S. H. from Atlanta, Georgia (8/7/2008)
"My favorite destination marathon" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 The San Francisco Marathon

Top 10 reasons to do this summer destination marathon.
1. Great city
2. Beautiful course
3. Respect.... Conquer the hills of SF
4. Run in the famous Golden Gate Park
5. Run on the Golden Gate Bridge
6. The weather is perfect
7. Lots of free Smoothie King
8. Host hotel, The Hyatt, is amazing
9. Great restaurants to carbo-load
10. I ran a PR and Boston qualified here... it can be done and no one can say that you qualified on an easy course.

The only thing holding this race back is the lack of spectators. Bring them out, San Francisco, and you will be not only the best summer marathon, but the best marathon in the country... period.


J. H. from New Jersey (8/7/2008)
"This was the best marathon I have run." (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons

I have run 10 marathons, and this was my 11th. And I must say, by far, this was the best. This was the most scenic marathon. The Golden Gate Bridge was breathtaking (NO FOG), and we had the most perfect weather to run in. The starting time was perfect; we had most of the day to sight-see afterward. The finish line was great, with plenty of spectators cheering you on. The give-outs at the finish line were plentiful and great, and the medal was very nice. The hills weren't that bad; some were hard, but the downhills were great. The expo was just right, with just enough vendors, and you didn't have to spend all day there. I could go on and on - I recommend this marathon to everyone. San Francisco is a great city, and I'm coming back.


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