calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Silver State Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.6 
Number of comments: 29 [displaying comments 21 to 29]
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Donald Fritsche from San Leandro, California (5/7/2003)
"Small, Scenic, Pristine and Wonderful!" (about: 2002)


I've run this marathon 3 times now and each time I run it I fall in love with it even more. It's a small, rural marathon with little to no spectator support. Regardless, it's well organized peaceful and very relaxing. I'm glad they changed the course a bit last year so there is far less running in the sand! Good move! If you love marathoning this one is a must!


A Runner from Louisville, Kentucky (8/29/2002)
"Great Scenery and an Excellent Picnic!" (General Comments)


I ran this race for the first time in 2002, and loved it! The temperature was not a problem at the mile high altitude -- 50 degrees at the start and in the 60's at the finish. Course was mostly flat and paved, but with some sandy stretches to keep the running interesting! The picnic featured unlimited quantities of hamburgers, hotdogs, baked beans, ice cream, and Bud Light! I will definitely run this marathon again!


A Runner from Denver (8/29/2002)
"Wanna Run a Marathon in the Sand?" (about: 2002)


Sure, why not? There must have been five or six miles worth of sand running on the course. I'm not complaining, but you can bet you're not going to run a PR. You'll go slow, but that'll give you a chance to savor running through the scrub brush. It's quite a relaxing run, all in all.

And the medal (a special coin pressed at the Nevada City Mint) was pretty nifty.


A Runner from Chicago (9/30/2001)
"Biggest little marathon?" (about: 2000)


I ran in 2000, my first marathon, so at least one person had a PR that day! This was definitely an enjoyable experience - plenty of nice, supportive people, gorgeous scenery, and anytime I can run past livestock I'm happy. Be prepared for hills and tricky terrain, like patches of beach-like sand. Also, the temperature changes drastically from the beginning of the race to the end - we started in the low 50s F and when I finished it was upper 70s.

I also enjoyed very much the post-run activities, and would definitely go back. See you in the desert!


Kathleen Detrow from Arlington, VA (9/25/2001)
"Nice Course Dissappointing Leadership" (about: 2001)


The race was nice, good weather (a bit warm, but that's to be expected in August), relatively flat, interesting trails, supportive course staff, bad organization.

Admittedly, I had a bad run (my mildly asthmatic lungs can't do altitudes, I 've found out.) In fact, to my chagrin I actually threatened that photographer in the valley after cutting into the horse farm/ranch if he took my photo -- I was humiliated. This was the worst performance of my life (my fault - altitude sickness isn't fun at mile 8).

However, imagine my dissappointment realizing that I'm not on the finisher's list. I've since sent several e-mails to the race website and contacts with only one reply stating (wrong person)... I ran, I have the medal, I flew across country Saturday and returned back to the East Coast on Sunday after the race only to find out that I'm not counted.

Everyone at the finish line (where my friends stayed to cheer me in and take my photo) was so preoccupied with dismantling the banner/area that no one ever took the info tab off my bib number.

Therefore, after trying really hard to keep my spirits up on the run, after a 1/2 hour lost to altitude sickness, and my pathetic finish time, I was devastated to find that 'I didn't run and my time didn't count.'

The support crew along the trails were very nice and cheerful -- delightful people. There were few spectators, but those that were there were more than kind.

I, however, cannot believe any race would not try to maintain accurate records of it's finishers. Yes, I was slightly over the 'official' time, but so were others who were accounted for.

It's been a month since the race, and I still have NO reply from the race director or staff regarding my inquiry -- that's my complaint. If the race director had returned my calls or e-mails I wouldn't be posting this publicly.

Not to mention that the race did not abide by the 'no race strollers/no walkman' rules.


Keith Whited ( ) from Alexandria, VA, USA (8/28/2001)


I've just returned to Virginia after a quick weekend trip to Nevada specifically to run this marathon.

The course, although one of the flatest I have ever run, has its own set of challenges - - primarily the sandy stretches. I was expecting 'hard-packed gravel' which I found very little of. The two inches of sand over packed earth is easier on the feet than pavement but forces you to use your muscles differently. I've been running a marathon a month for the past year and this is the first time that I've had 'muscle aches' the day after - and today!

The heat is also a factor on this course. Although I don't know exactly how warm it got, I heard the temperature reached the lower ninties by late morning.

This is not the place to go for a PR but it's a great place to run a marathon that's interesting and more than a bit different (at least different from what us East Coasters are used to).

Great Course - Superb Organization - and the Spectators were Great also . . . it's just that because of the venue of the course and the size of the marathon, there were just so few of them.

I recommend this race to anyone who is willing to back off their pace a bit to allow for the heat and just enjoy a good run.

While in the area check out the Carson City Mint where your medal was stamped on the 125 year old press . . . and visit Virginia City where the Comstock Lode was discovered. Don't be fooled - - there's a LOT of INTERESTING History here!


A Runner from Vallejo, CA (7/30/2001)
"The Best Course" (General Comments)


I ran this marathon in 1997. It was one of the best courses I have ever run (80 marathons in all). Outstanding hospitality and support. I plan to run it again this year.

See you there.

Ted K.


A Runner from Southern Shore New Jersey (4/23/2001)
"Excellent Race and Venue" (about: 2000)


I really enjoyed this race and plan to participate in 2001. The course is nice, encircling Washoe Lake. The scenery is outstanding and the weather divine! I liked the early race start time because it can get hot by mid-day.

The Silver State Marathon Committee does a fantatsic job. The barbeque and music were a very nice treat! The finishers medal is a collector's item from the original Carson City mint, which can be visited, too.


A Runner from Eugene Oregon ... (2/24/2001)
"An excellent marathon." (General Comments)


I would highly encourage a marathon runner to participate in this race.

Contrary to popular misconception, all of the desert is not barren, and the Silver State Marathon Committee sees to it that they include the most beautiful scenery Nevada has to offer.

The race encircles Washoe Lake near Carson City: the diameter of the lake offers the perfect distance to incorporate a full marathon. Tall pine trees, blue lake waters, and the aroma of the desert earth and sage are with me to this day. There was a one mile section of burned terrain from a recent wildfire when I ran in 1999.
It is moderately rolling, at 5000 feet altitude and not necessarily condusive to a fast time. It also has a very early start, because it can get quite hot this time of year.

There is a great barbeque with live music afterwards. The finishers medal is a coin, the only coin still minted in Carson City. It comes encased in plastic, draped by a blue and white ribbon .

Speaking of which, while you are in the area, be sure to check out the Carson City Mint, it's well worth the visit.


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