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Erie Marathon at Presque Isle Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 255 [displaying comments 171 to 181]
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Mervyn Chin from Toronto Canada (8/26/2007)
"Last chance to sign up" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Erie Marathon at Presque Isles

I have now completed 41 marathons in many cities/towns in NA so I can just comment on marathons (look at the different marathons that I have completed on this website).

If you are looking for a marathon with a lot of spectators and not much else, then do not do this race. If you are looking for a nice, quiet race, with a lot of benefits, then sign up for this marathon. It is also flat for those of you wanting a PB.

As I said many times before, the big races need your fees so that they can pay for the elite athletes. The directors of the smaller races do more for the average runner like me. Who cares about elite athletes anyway?

Sign up now for this race now or, if you cannot, then sign up for Akron Marathon and get FREE shoes. I am signed up for both.

You will not be disappointed with either race since the directors work very hard to earn your commitment.


R. L. from Toronto (1/10/2007)
"A tremendous small-town marathon experience" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

I have been running marathons for approxiumately 30 years but took a 10-year break and ran again in 2005. I am originally from South Africa and 30 years ago only a small number of people participated and we all had our own seconds. The Erie Marathon took me back to those days. The course, although flat, is interesting and fun. Friends and family can cheer one on at various spots along the course. The pasta dinner is prepared by local volunteers and has a warm, friendly atmosphere. There was plenty of food for after the race - for visitors as well as participants. It was extremenly well organized. Although there were not many spectators, I did not expect that at a small-town marathon - however those that did turn out were very vocal.

I strongly recommend this marathon instead of one of the bigger-city ones.


K. C. from Washington D.C. (1/10/2007)
"One of the best races in the country" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

What a tremendous race experience in every regard. I can't say enough positive things about the Erie Marathon/Half-Marathon. It was my clear favorite out of a dozen I did around the country this year.

Would certainly make any national top-10 list of best value races.

Plenty of affordable motels nearby. Pre-race pasta dinner was free for all runners and only $5 each for your guests - you can't beat that, and the food was excellent. Complementary post-race lunch was outstanding as well. They do a great job putting out a combination of home-cooked food along with great food from sponsors like Subway and Panera.

But there is more to the race than the food, of course. Scenic, park setting provided the flattest course I've ever run - not even a minor incline anywhere. And most of the course is in the shade. Plentiful water stations, more frequent than many of the larger races. The enthusiastic volunteers at the water stations more than made up for the lack of spectators elsewhere on the course. Excellent medals, comfortable long-sleeve t-shirts, and the age-group awards were very nice matted photographs of the park's famed lighthouse with your name and time engraved.

Simply put, this is one of my favorite races that I've run anywhere in the country. I've never experienced a race where the organizers and volunteers truly serve the runners better than this. Thank you, it was very much appreciated.


A. B. from DC (12/28/2006)
"Pretty course; next time, no construction!" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

I agree with most everything that's been said about Erie. I achieved a PR as well. It's a double loop course, which has pros and cons. Be mentally prepared when you see the 1/2 marathoners crossing the finish line, realizing you're only halfway done! The suckiest part of the course was the 1.5 miles of narrow trail, which was a detour we had to take because of park construction. I imagine this trail will not be in future races, which will make the course even better.


K. H. from Pittsburgh, PA (12/26/2006)
"a nice sunny day" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

I really enjoyed this race. It takes place on an island park, twice around. It's very green and very leafy and its a great option for those of us used to running in city parks. I personally didn't miss the pounding cement or those awful industrial zones they sometimes route us through to keep us from disturbing traffic. Sure there could not be many fans, but honestly who minds that? If you were really in need of cheering throngs you wouldn't have come to Presque Isle.


Mervyn Chin from Toronto, Canada (12/13/2006)
"My favorite race" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Erie Marathon at Presque Isles

I have now completed 39 marathons in many different cities and Erie remains my favorite "value for money" race. I have already listed on this site the many reasons why I get value for money in Erie.

I have read all the comments on this race and they are accurate. The weather for this year's race was overcast, and this made it perfect for running - though not so perfect for taking a dip in the lake after. If you are looking for a race with lots of spectators, then this race is not for you. The spectators at this race are runners' families and these are the best spectators. Your family can see you and cheer you on a minimum of 4 times. At this race you will get peace and tranquility, birds chirping, waves lapping the shores, the sound of trees swaying with the breeze and, if you start early, you will get to see the sun rise over the lake. Plus the technical shirt and excellent food at the finish line. (This race cannot start earlier because it is dark in the park at 6:30 a.m.)

As others have mentioned, this race is flat, so for those of you who are looking for PB, this race is for you. Personally all my PB's are on this course, although I pay no attention to PB's (I finish when I finish).

I personally prefer last year's technical shirt and I use it both as a running shirt or a long sleeve t-shirt. Everything was nice about 2005 shirt - both the colors and the design.

As usual, they had lots of wonderful subs left over and were asking runners to go for more at the end. I have never seen this at any race!!!!! I was reading the comments of the Honolulu race and all the runners got was an apple and two cookies and they had to search and walk half a mile to get it - and the race fee was $95. The Honolulu race director seems proud of the food for runners. Most races give you a half a stale bagel and a banana, if you are lucky. I cannot eat this after my race and prefer pizza or subs. I know runners do not go to races for food, but after running 26.2 miles, runners need some energy to get going and the nice food at Erie is just wonderful.

I am not sure why Erie does not get 5,000 runners, since the marathon registration fee is a cheap $40 and you really get value for your money here. (There is a saying that you get what you pay for, but the Erie race is an exception. I got more value than I paid.) One reason could be the Erie folks do not have an advertising budget and there appears to be a lot of nice small races around this time. Not sure why there are not more half marathoners since runners who are doing other races could use this race as a warm up. I sometimes struggle in this race because it is close to the hot summer. However, once I complete this race, I know I am ready for more fall marathons since I use this as my start.

I wish they could find a way to expand the expo.

In general, the good recommended races are those that care about the average runner rather than the "elites." Some race directors stand and wait for the last runner to cross the line some 6 or 7 hours later. Other race directors are only concerned about elite runners where they have to pay appearance fees plus huge prize money, so this is where your entry fees and sponsors fees go. Races like New York get $90,000 just for runners to apply!!! Plus I would have to pay $150 US entry fee and I'd have to pay for the expensive hotels!!! I suppose runners do not mind paying these prices if they are doing one or two marathons a year. However if you are doing many marathons a year like me, it could be costly. I am against the principle of taking the runners and sponsor money just to pay the elite runners. How many runners in the LA or Chicago Marathons can tell me who won the 2006 races ?? How many runners cared who won??

My advice to runners is to decide what is important to you. If spectators are important then go to those races. If you want a nice value for money and peaceful race, then go to Erie. Another nice, small race that I have done is Adirondacks in a nice scenic small town: Schroon Lake. I would go to that race often, but it is a 10 hour-drive one way for me.

I am hoping to be at the 2007 race if I can.


j. s. from USA (12/9/2006)
"Best Marathon in the US" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

When I ran Erie this year, my first comment after finshing was, "I'll be back!" I just finished another marathon (bigger and more spectators) and my comment at the end was, "I won't be back. I'm going to Erie!" The positive comments about the organization and course are right on the money and I would highly recommend this race. Also, the double-loop and size meant I could talk with my family up to five minutes before the start and they could see me multiple times during the race.


R. R. from Warren PA (9/25/2006)
"ERIE WAS AWESOME!!!!" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

Though I've done the half in previous years, this was my first time running the full marathon. Took in the all-you-can-eat pasta feed the night before (where else in America can this be done for $5?). Weather was perfect for Erie - started off in high 50s, overcast, with a light wind. Fluid stops at every mile, lots of great volunteers, and pancake-flat course. I PRed by 19 minutes, and also got to meet a guy who is running 52 marathons in 52 weekends (Dane Rauschenberg); another guy I met at another marathon (David Terrill) came in 3rd OA and went sub-3 (at age 49 no less).... Anyway, I would highly recommend this marathon to anyone who wants a nice small-town race and a probable PR.


C. D. from Fairfax, VA (9/25/2006)
"Maybe the best BQ course" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Erie Marathon at Presque Isles

This is the third year in a row I've run this marathon. It's because of the course and the organization. For me to qualify for Boston, there has to be a perfect combination of weather, a flat course, organization, and luck. The course and organization are a sure thing. Even the weather can be somewhat moderated by the shade. At least 75% of the course is shaded. The result was three straight Boston qualifiers and very positive marathon experiences. This is easily the fastest of the 13 marathon courses I've run.


D. T. from In the hills of w. Virginia (9/17/2006)
"Superbly organized." (about: 2006)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

I've run all 50 states and this was my 92nd marathon. I've never seen so many aid stations - one every mile in some places. A flat, very scenic course; perfect weather in the 50's; and an early start for old-timers like me.

A super pre-race pasta dinner and Subway hoagies galore at the finish. Stayed at the El Patio for $54.00, which was a 5-minute drive to the start.


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