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Erie Marathon at Presque Isle Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 255 [displaying comments 211 to 221]
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m. C. from Toronto Canada (7/4/2005)
"Best value-for-money race" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

I know some runners read these comments to decide on races so I will give you my opinion. I have now completed 31 marathons in many states and cities like Chicago, Disney, Grandma's, Marine Corps, Ottawa, etc. and many runners ask me what is the best marathon that I have done to date. My answer to them is: ?What do you expect and want in a marathon?? Many races have received unfair reviews because of lack of runner expectations.

If you want a large marathon with a lot of spectators in spots (spectators are nice to have but you should be trained to finish the race), cheap t-shirt, hardly any food, expensive entry fee and hotels, then choose Chicago and Disney. Chicago director takes the money to pay the elite athletes and cares little about the average runner. Disney only wants the money. On the other hand, if you want a quality-value-for-your-money marathon, then choose Erie. Erie is one of the cheapest marathons; lots and lots of good food (pizza and subs); draw prizes; scenic course (it is a double-loop but it is scenic along the lake); gels; a good shirt; hotels are relatively cheap and the organizers try to do the best they can and listen to good suggestions. It is flat with no hills. I do not know why some runners complain about a hill or two ? just take it easy like me over the hills.

I am off to Erie in September 2005. Join me and see if I am telling you the truth.


j. u. from NY (11/22/2004)
"Excellent race to run - flat, shaded course" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Erie Marathon at Presque Isles

This race is top-notch.

The good:
- Erie has an isolated course shaded with trees. Even if the sun is out and it feels like summer, the trees keep the temperature reasonably cool in the early morning.

- There are Gatorade/water stations located at every mile throughout the course.

- The course is 2 laps around the park on a two-lane road. The right lane is open to automobile traffic and the left lane is closed. The runners have one complete lane to run in. The right lane is very lightly traveled and I saw very few cars on the road in 2004.

- The course is flat as a course can be. It is like running on a track.

- The course seems to be 70 percent asphalt and 30 percent concrete.

- The awards ceremony in 2003 and 2004 had a raffle where everybody gets a prize of some sort. This raffle may not happen every year but hopefully the Erie people will make this a permanent part of the race.

- There is free parking at the Presque Isle race site. The parking is about 1/8 mile from the start. The overflow parking for last minute arrivals is away from the start a bit, about 1/2 mile away.

- The race is chip timed. There is a chip mat recording your split time at the 10k mark, 13.1 mile mark, and at the 20 mile mark.

- The course is marked at each mile.

The bad:
- The one minor thing might be that there are no clocks along the course. The one clock is located at the half marathon point and at the finish. Many runners wear their own watches though so this is not much of a problem.

- Also, with such an isolated course, Erie has not many spectators. This is not a problem for many as it results in a peaceful atmosphere. But those runners who have to have streets packed with cheering spectators lining the whole route will not be pleased with this race.


Brad Thern from Appleton, WI (10/1/2004)
"Marathon #4 was flat, fast & fun." (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

This has to be one of the flattest & fastest marathons around. It's a double loop, but seeing everything just twice as the route meandered through the park and along the waterfront was definitely not boring. Adding to the park & water setting was watching the sun rise over Lake Erie. Another benefit of the double loop was that it allowed for the most water stations I've seen to date. This is the 1st marathon I've run that I want to run again to see what my potential for a PR really is (I'm hoping being sick for two weeks before the EM@PI was the culprit of my finish time). The best part of the whole weekend were the people supporting the runners along the course. I couldn't wait to see some of them on the second loop because they were so great. If you're into speed & fun, try the EM@PI.


R. V. from Cleveland, Ohio (9/26/2004)
"Incomparable" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

Unquestionably, the single-best organized marathon I have ever run. Hey Boston.....come to Erie and see how it's done!


T. S. from Columbus, OH (9/24/2004)
"GREAT RACE!" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

Decided to run 2004 after reading comments from 2003 (so this forum can be a really valuable tool for making race selections). The race met all my expectations. Beautiful location, beautiful weather, terrific volunteers, plus everyone loved my tie dye singlet! Party afterwards was a real bonus--ate a ton of pizza, got a sandwich for the ride home, and won a stocking cap with the Erie Runner's Club logo (I'll look sharp this winter). Great job!


P. D. from Pennsylvania (9/15/2004)
"Good, small marathon" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

I echo all of the positive comments of the other marathoners and recommend this race. There was a problem with the 5K however that started 15 minutes after the marathon. The course was mis-marked and was only a 2.2 mile race. This mistake is even worse when you consider that race organizers mis-marked the 5K last year also and turned it into a 3.5 mile run!


N. D. from Saginaw, Michigan (9/15/2004)
"Worth the drive from Michigan!! " (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

This race is very runner friendly. A beautiful, shady course, lots of friendly volunteers, tons of water, Powerade and wet sponges. Lots of bathrooms,(not just porta johns)& well marked miles. A well organized event. We stayed at the Bel Aire (very nice) and left at 6:20 for 7:00 start and had plenty of time to park, pick up chip, and use the restroom. Awesome post-race party with tons of subs, pizza, pop and homemade chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies. It was wonderful. Also so many free prizes. It seems like everyone won. I spoke to a race official to personally thank her for such a great experience.

This was my 10th marathon. Got my qualifying time for Boston. Also, there are beautiful beaches throughout this park. It was nice to go and relax both the day before and after the race. This place is a treasure. Highly recommend!!!


C. D. from Washington, DC (9/15/2004)
"A Great Small Marathon" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

This is a great small marathon. Two loops in a scenic state park (Presque Isle) that juts out into Lake Erie. The park is heavily wooded and flat. The marathon is run concurrently with the half marathon. The Erie running club puts on the races and it was extremely well organized and supported. I think there might have been more volunteers than runners.

The race started at 7 AM. I guess about 600 runners toed the line split between the half and the full marathon. Weather was sunny, around 60 degrees going up to the mid 70s. However, shade covered about 80% of the course which seemed to mitigate the heat. This is a great course to set a PR or to qualify for Boston.

The support stations averaged 1 per mile and all contained water and PowerAde. There were 2 sponge stations and 2 GU stops. Volunteers were very helpful and enthusiastic.

Post-race food was great and the finisher's medal was happening. Lots of parking and very reasonable lodging.

The Erie Marathon is one of the best kept secrets in marathoning.


R. C. from Pittsburgh, PA (9/14/2004)
"Very well organized small marathon." (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Erie Marathon at Presque Isle

This was the first marathon I have run in 11 years. There were hundreds of volunteers all over the course for water stops etc... Very well organized. I am glad I picked this race to make my marathon comeback.


E. H. from Rochester, NY (9/14/2004)
"Beautiful course, sunny and pleasant day" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Erie Marathon at Presque Isles

This is my 2nd year on this course and I just love running here. The course is flat and has many beautiful vistas. There is plenty of water (stops are mostly every mile). They had sponges to really help keep cool, and Gu at mile 8 and 21. I really think the Erie Runners Club does a great job with this event.


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