calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Steamtown Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.7 
Number of comments: 610 [displaying comments 221 to 231]
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R. B. from Tamaqua, PA (10/21/2013)
"This is a great race and I am never disappointed." (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Steamtown Marathons

This review is going to be biased because I was born, raised, and still live in the coal region, specifically, Schuylkill County. Regardless of that, I think most will agree that this is an excellent race, and the support of the local community along the course is just terrific. I know theres hills, but youze guys hafta train on them. If yuz don't, yiz'll know it.


Dean Giering from Newton, NJ (10/17/2013)
"Beautiful and inspiring marathon" (about: 2013)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Steamtown Marathons

This was my second time running the Steamtown Marathon and I plan to return next year. Everything about the race from planning, organization, the volunteers, the course, aid stations, crowd support and post race support are flawless. The course is a very beautiful point to point journey with awesome fall foliage, trails and great people as the runner passes through each town. Scranton comes to life in the later miles with people giving out refreshments and constant cheering. As tired as I was in the last few miles, I was able to sprint to the finish with everyone cheering the runners on. I ran my slowest marathon due to a tough summer training season, but had the best time ever. Slower was better. The longer I was out there, the more I enjoyed it. Thank you everyone involved. See you next year!


B. H. from Philadelphia, PA (10/16/2013)
"Very well run 'small'-ish marathon!" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Steamtown Marathons

This is a fantastic marathon on many levels. It is only a marathon so there is no half-marathon traffic. It is relatively small at about 2,000 finishers, so your claustrophobia will not rear its ugly head. It in run through some scenic small towns in the greater Scranton area, so you see some wonderful foliage and people. It has very good crowd participation along the way which will surprise you given its ruralness. It has a great shirt and medal, too.

Ok, quick story and then I'm out. I wore an Oregon singlet that was a shout-out to the great Steve Prefontaine which prompted many in the crowd to call me Oregon, Mighty duck! quack, quack, etc. No one seemed to get the Pre theme until about mile 24 when a middle aged lady in a lawn chair yelled, 'Prefontaine!'. I stopped in my tracks and congratulated her on her reference, the only correct answer of the day. It didn't make me run any faster, but was an enjoyable experience to know that someone got it.

Also, the assistant race director keeps those update emails coming and they are very funny. Great job!


C. W. from Pottstown, PA (10/16/2013)
"Great small town race" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Steamtown Marathons

This is my 2nd time running Steamtown (first time was 2010). My only complaint in 2010 was that there was not much room from the finish line to the food tent which caused a large back-up. The organizers have since corrected the issue and now there is plenty of room to stretch and spread out after the finish line. There are tons of volunteers and lots of informative (and funny) e-mails from the organizer. Lots of 'extra' waterstops/food giveaways from various residents are a great bonus. I highly recommend the race.

Don't be fooled by the elevation map. There are lots of long gentle inclines and two decent hills in the last 3 miles but the residents will cheer you on to the finish. I just would like to know why 20% of the runners who sign up for the race never show up. The organizer makes it very easy (and free) to transfer the bib to another runner.


Chris Wong from Canada (10/15/2013)
"Great Experience" (about: 2013)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

Scenic hilly course that travels through small towns. For a smalltown marathon, this was extremely organized race that had a small town feel, but great support from locals.

The after race food was good. Race shirt was above average and the medals were surprisingly nice.

The only thing I disliked about the course was the trail running, which was a bit unexpected and the rocky terrain was quite stressful on the joints.

Less than three thousand runners in this event, but I would highly recommend this to out of towners looking for a well organized and scenic route.

Impeccable organization for this event and the residents and volunteers were unbelievable.


G. R. from Baltimore, MD (10/15/2013)
"Great midsize marathon! Inspirational." (about: 2013)

3 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

I loved this race. It really lived up to expectations. The course is nice, scenic. I'm sure there are more beautiful and exotic locations, but there's something to be said for fall in the mountains and quiet towns. And the support from fans is amazing. Wow. These guys are just great. Overwhelmed by emotion on several turns. They really inspire you.

Relatively fast course
Awesome fan support
Funny emails from race organizer
Pasta Party (deal of the century!)
Post-Race party
Sense of community

Only thing I missed was official pacing groups. If you're worried about setting your goal, you need a accurate GPS watch or find someone you can trust to pace you.


P. P. from New Jersey (10/14/2013)
"Fantastic Course! Wonderful People! Great Scenery" (about: 2013)

2 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

If you want to experience the spirit of the marathon in small town Americana, come to Steamtown! The course may look easy but it's not. The last 2 miles and the homestretch hills are tough but the awesome crowd will get you through it. I will definitely run this again next year as my tune up for NYC.


l. g. from Wyndmoor, PA, USA (10/14/2013)
"Loved it!" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons

Somehow they have nailed the enthusiasm of a large marathon, but have kept the charm of a small local marathon. The crowds were great, who knew some many people lived in Scranton. Impressive that everyone who helps out in this race is a volunteer. Impressive that the schools are so generous to let the runner use the buildings. You all have done a great job for a great cause. May good karma come your way Scranton. PS. not a PR and I still loved it.


T. M. from New Jersey (10/14/2013)
"Really Nice Course, Great Experience" (about: 2012)

2 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

A point to point marathon which is a very fast course. Downhill for about 23 miles but the last three are uphill and can be brutal depending how you are feeling.

Everything about the marathon was great - the course, the organization, the finish, and the expo. Good fan support and some nice touches to the race - the local cross country teams at the water stations, fans cheering for you when you get off the bus at the start, etc..

Highly recommended.


A. W. from Allentown, PA (5/24/2013)
"Fantastic Marathon!" (about: 2012)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Steamtown Marathon

What a great race! This was my third marathon, and it was everything that I was hoping for and more.

The race was very well organized. The race organizer (Jim Cummings) was great about sending helpful emails with race updates and details (which were also quite hilarious as well!). There were plenty of water stations, and the fans, though sparse at times, were energetic and fun!

The course is unlike any other. It is downhill for the first 10-12 miles, which seems like a good thing at first, but then you realize how easily it wears you out. I ran the fastest half marathon of my life, unfortunately it cost me in the end and the second half was very very painful. My own fault. I'll have to pace myself better next time! Thankfully, the crowd was energetic and keep me going through the pain.

The race ran through many small towns, and had some beautiful scenic areas. I was never bored with the scenery once throughout the entire race. The finish is in downtown Scranton, and nothing can beat the feeling of cresting the final hill, and looking down at the finish line and all the people cheering you on!

Of all the marathon's I have run so far, Steamtown has been by far the best! I would love to come back and run it again in the future.


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