calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Berlin Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 120 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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W. W. from Los Angeles (10/5/2019)
"A Surprise Lousy German Product" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Berlin Marathon

I have been a big fan of quality German products. BMW Berlin Marathon made me wonder the quality of German products. Like this event, BMW is poorly produced as well?

I have run 46 different marathons prior running Berlin marathon. This is the first time I have rated a event organizer less than 3 rating. I have observed the following in Berlin marathon.

1. The expo has a chaotic environment. I have waited more than one hour in the lines simply to get the bib. And, no, your family members are not allowed to be with you while you were waiting in lines.
2. You have to wear an if-removed-you-cannot-put-it-back wrist band from the time you are identified as a Berlin Marathon runner at the expo to the time you have finished the marathon.
3. No T-shirt for runners. You have to buy the "official" T-shirt with a minimum of 30 Euro a piece.
4. Anyone can buy a 2019 Finisher T-shirt before the event started - Don't you think this is unethical?
5. This course has many all of sudden narrowing down sections. The narrowed course sections were okay for the crowd size for professional runners, not appropriate for the size of the regular runners. At those sections, you have to slow down if you don't like to step on others.
6. The head shot of their ex-boss on the 2019 medal is not appropriate, or, is it a joke?
7. In the finish area, the announcer told the runners to return their timing chip to the staff at the exit gate. I was turned away from a gate staff. I had to return the chip to the staff at some certain exit gate. Why not use the widely used timing stripes?
8. The given away ponchos, as an option of not check in bag, are made with single use disposable material. Those ponchos did not provide runners meaningful protection from the cold rain in 2019 event. If you expect the quality of Poncho you have in New York Marathon, you will be disappointed.

The size of 46,000+ runners is too large to the capability of the organizer, and to the course, as the organizers arranged so.

Some positive experience:
Even if it rained heavily in 2019 event, many spectators were still along the way to cheer the runners. It was touching to see the bands play under the rain. The volunteers were very helpful. The free bus ride with bib number during the running day was very helpful. The warm tea supplied in a couple of the water stations were pleasant surprise.

We ran the course where the world record is set.

Berlin is a great city with rich history. I enjoyed my visit there.


G. O. from Canada (10/15/2018)
"Great city ok race" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Berlin Marathon

I have done 28 marathons and this is the first time I have commented. Berlin is a great city and a this is great race destination. The marathon was surprisingly poorly organized for a lot of reasons The corrals were a mess, and tough to get into, portable bathrooms lined the entrance to corrals which means runners lining up across the path making jostling a requirement to get to the corral on time. The water station handing out plastic cups was ridiculous as many have written. Additionally many of the runners mentioned water was being taken from open bins which were also being used for sponges. The volunteers and crowds were wonderful. CHIPS on the foot remains a pain the task of pulling them off after a race is never a great experience. The course was great but crowded, PBs could be tough if you get jammed up along the route. The expo had a great atmosphere we got there just after opening the first day, it is at an old airport, I am told by others runners that closer to the race day the expo was a "gong show".

Just an observation but I did not feel the runners spirit at this marathon, people pushing and shoving at the expo, on the course several people pushing and shoving to get by, I heard this from other runners as well. Merchandise was overpriced I got the jacket for 80 euros which should sell for $40. Anyways the race is one of the big 6 and Berlin is a great city, and with world records who wouldn't want to go. I have run other big races and I am sure these shortfalls could be easily fixed.


J. G. from Williamsburg, Virginia USA (10/6/2018)
"Love Berlin!" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons

This was my 3rd grand tour race. The course is excellent, roads are in great condition and very wide. The finish through Brandenburger gate is spectacular, just keep in mind you still have about 2 tenths of a mile to go to finish! The expo was very large, plenty of international races to learn about. Getting to the expo and race is very easy using the U subway, which is free on race day. Plenty of fan support and water stops on the race . They did offer a reusable cup, but it was not practical to use in race conditions as you have to stop and go to a water spigot to use it and it takes too long.

As far as small issues, one, the water was in plastic cups. Second the other fluid really had a bad taste for me, like beet juice. Also, no t-shirt, unless you buy it. They did give you a nice poster that has a spot for your bib.

I did this race with my wife and we finished together, never felt rushed to beat a cut off time.

We loved the whole event and would highly recommend it!


Ron Teed from Atlanta, Georgia. (10/11/2017)
"A world major among some major history" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Berlin Marathon

Let me preface this with a special note for American runners. If you run Berlin, you need to understand that this race is in Europe, and there will be some significant differences from races held in the US. If you go in knowing what to expect, then you will have a great day. Do your research!

This was my 26th marathon, and 3rd world major. The Berlin marathon is a fantastic race. I will list my likes and dislikes, but keep in mind, my overall rating for this event is high.


1. Packet pickup and Expo. The expo was located at Station Berlin, which is a historic building, so don't expect the expo to take place in one giant room. It is all connected, but spread out over 4 rooms. The vendors were many and varied, and the bib pickup process was simple and quick.

2. The course. Amazing. I prefer courses with no long straight aways and one with more turns. This course was ideal in that regard. The views along the course are fantastic, the history, significant and unmistakable. There was a triple width striped blue line along the course that indicated the shortest possible distance (tangent), and that was a great help. I followed it as much as possible. I have never seen this in a race before, and believe it was there due to the world record attempt. My gps distance was still 26.4, but that was expected and budgeted for.

3. Spectators. I don't remember many sections that were void of spectators, and there were many bands along the course.

4. The finish. Running under the historic Brandenberg gate was a personal lifetime running highlight for me. The finish medal was typically understated as with other world majors, but the ribbon was the German Flag. Nice touch.

1. The bib was too big, too degradable. It was a wet day and I had to re-pin mine at about mile 23 while in full stride.

2. Plastic cups for hydration. I don't get this one. They break and crack, with each squeeze. They are loud as runners stomp them into the ground.

3. Corrals. You are seeded by past marathon times, not by your goal time (understandable), but it is harder to hit your goal if you are in a slower corral due to the enormous volume of runners. I was fine, but some friends were not.

4. Champion Chip timing. It's 2017. Time to move on from these, get bib timing. They are not terrible, just outdated and costly if you forget to return it.

This is prob close to 1000 words, so I will finish by saying.. do this race, but know what you are getting. You will absolutely love it.


C. P. from Connecticut (9/26/2017)
"some good some bad" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Berlin Marathon

Just a few thoughts on this prestigious major:

- Packet p/u at the expo is super easy and fast, however the building that hosted the Expo is quite old and it was a bit chaotic AFTER the initial packet p/u.
- You have to wear a bracelet that is attached at the Expo, until the end of the race. This will identify you as a participant. Not a bad security check I suppose, and it eliminates sharing of bibs.
- Bib is HUGE, but typical of European races. Also made up of a more simple substrate than U.S. bibs. Saw many bibs on the ground during the race as the material of the bib is very weak.
- They still use the Champion Chip that's tied to your laces.
- Believe it or not, they use plastic cups, which become quite the obstacle when there are so many on the ground (and the noise).
- Many hotels are near the start/finish of the race; however it takes a bit more time than you think as you have to navigate around a large security area.
- Although you don't see a large police presence, the race itself feels very safe.
- The width of the course is rather inconsistent, and sometimes becomes quite narrow.
- The course is a good tour of Berlin, however there are many turns (but no sharp ones).
- Tremendous feel of history, particular near the Brandenburg Gate and Reichstag.
- For the most part well organized - however inconsistent aid stations, both in what is offered from one to the next, but also the side of the road that it will be on.
- I don't recall the electrolyte drink, but it's nothing like Gatorade. Didn't taste all that good, but did the trick.
- Crowd support is pretty good. It was a dreary day - hard to judge what it would have been like with nicer weather.
- Has that big/important race feel to it.
- Good communication throughout the process, and good website.
- Great finishers jacket and t-shirt, both of which must be purchased for an additional fee.
- There is a poncho option, but the purpose is defeated as you have to walk just as far to get the poncho as if you had a bag drop off.
- Pretty limited post-race bag of food, but you can get a non-alcoholic Erdinger Beer, which actually tastes real good.
- Very flat yes, but consider that there are many people to get around.

Seems like most of my comments are negative, but overall it was a great experience to run this race in Berlin.


T. H. from Fairfax, Virginia (12/5/2016)
"Phenomenal Race" (about: 2016)

4-5 previous marathons | 3 Berlin Marathons

Great race! The runner gear is very good at this race compared to Chicago and New York. This past year the event and finisher shirts had a unique design. I'm a big fan of having cool gear to run in after I have run such a long way. If you want to run a fast marathon then this is the race. All the recent world records have been broken here.

The best part about this race is you do not have to get up super early and hang out for hours before the start. I have stayed at a hotel that is within easy walking distance to the start and finish areas.

It's a great time of year to be in Germany in the Fall.


Y. K. from Houston, USA (10/14/2016)
"This marathon is not as good as US Majors..." (about: 2016)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Berlin Marathon

The course is flat for sure. However, don't expect you can always run your PR. It is because of the traffic jam in the course. The starting area has 6 road lanes. Many sections of the course has 2 road lanes. Imagine how crowded it is in those areas. You have no room to pass other runners. Too many turns too.

Many water stations have no volunteers to hand out drinks. You have to get it from the table. Worse is many runners just stop in front of the tables to drink especially during 2nd half of the run. Momentum is lost if you need to grab a drink on the run. Chaos at water stations. No chance to enjoy the course because you have to watch out for other runners.

First, you have to pay for the rental of the timing chip. If you forget to return it right after the run, 25 euro is charged to you. You will be so tired to remember to do that. No races in US do that. Old technology. You also have to buy the Finisher Shirt.
Run it if you want to do Majors. Otherwise, not worth the money to fly over there.


A. G. from London (10/9/2016)
"I loved this race" (about: 2016)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Berlin Marathon

given the size of this race the organization is incredible. Everything went smoothly from online registration, expo, race start and finish. I didn't experience any race bottle necks which is amazing considering how many people ran it. The free breakfast run on Saturday is also a must do as you finish in the 1936 Olympic stadium.


Francesco Cornelio from Berlin, Germany (9/26/2016)
"A must-do marathon" (about: 2016)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Berlin Marathon

Berlin is one of the Marathons you have to run. The course is very nice, flat and quick. Weather generally fresh and dry. Organisation very good, despite the huge number of runners. Lots of spectators (even if not super loud) and music.
After race party is great, I actually shooke Bekele's hand and had his autograph! :)

The cons: expensive and no t-shirt, despite the high registration price. There is a ballot so it is not sure you can take part to it.


J. N. from Florida (9/25/2016)
"World Marathon Major - for many reasons" (about: 2016)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Berlin Marathon

This was my 1st Berlin Marathon, but my 3rd World Marathon Major. The pre-race information, Expo and race morning logistics ran efficiently and very effectively - with one concern about corral entry (they have a single-point-of-entry to enter the road/path in the park, to the corrals, and it gets very congested when the 1 person is trying to check everyone's bib).

As far as the race goes, the course is remarkable.....many many landmarks, and motivated and loud spectators the entire length of the course. And, many bands stationed throughout the event. A couple of concerns for American racers, in this event:

1. Train to the metric distances. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal - but on race day, the metric signs can play havoc with your nutrition and hydration plan.

2. Speaking of hydration - this race does NOT have an aid station at every mile....or sometimes every 2 miles. For the first half, the stations are 2.5 to 3 miles apart in some the race progresses - the stations get a bit closer together.....but, train-to-the-race-course stations....otherwise your risk hydration issues (or, simply wear a hydration belt).

3. CROWDED! I had other racers on my elbows for the entire race. But, this is a big-race and you know that when you register....just be aware that it will be crowded the entire day.

I would highly recommend this race. The City of Berlin and Country of Germany are outstanding hosts.....the people of Berlin are very gracious and accommodating. And, more places to visit and places to eat - than NYC or Paris (in my opinion).


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