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Ocean State Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.7 
Number of comments: 25 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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Stuart Siegler from Baltimore, Md (10/13/2003)
"Unsafe course" (about: 2003)


This course, as run this year, is unsafe. Streets open to traffic and more than a few unmanned intersections. Insufficient medical. Course maps were inaccurate. Police left dangerous intersections before 'legal' back-of-the-packers passed.

Francis Nzeutem from brooklyn,ny (10/13/2003)
"Awesome race" (about: 2003)


I entered the race with a PR of 3:21 and finished with 2:58. At first, I was kind of leery about all those hills shown on the elevation map, but it ended up being much ado about nothing. In a 5K race, it would have made a difference but over the marathon distance they were barely noticeable. My pace was consistent and I only lost about 5 seconds on the hills. The course is relatively flat, the organization is superb and the buffet after the race is awesome. I'll definitely do it again.

M. D. from Newport, RI (5/8/2003)
"Worth the money" (about: 2002)


I did the 2002 marathon and have mostly good memories of it. It was miserable weather- rainy, windy and around 48 degrees, as I recall. The course was a little hilly at the end and there were a lot of turns. The loops through the park were awesome and the fan support was great. Lots of spectators- people on their front lawn, firefighters in front of the stations, etc. A very nice shirt and goody bag, completion certificate, medal, event commemorative magazine. Reasonable price, too. Race ends right at the Convention Center with tons of parking within a few hundred feet of the end. Start line is just up the street at the capital (I think). I didn't see any water at the start, so bring your own. I'd do this one again in a heartbeat. It takes you through so many communities of Providence- they're nice to see. RD Gerry did a real good job. With so many October marathons to choose from, this one is really worthwhile. And I am over my bitterness of missing a BQ time by <1 minute at this race.

S. R. from Pittsburgh, PA (4/9/2003)
"Marathons should offer runners better things." (about: 2002)


I have run the 2002 Ocean State Marathon as my second marathon. I was disappointed in the small amount of participants and distraught over the lack of crowd support. The course is tough.

A Runner from Newtown, CT (10/23/2002)
"50 State Goal: good one for #3" (about: 2002)


Completed: Hartford, New Jersey Shore

Course: hills at end not too bad, similar to Hartford. Missed mile markers in early phases with crowds. All intersections controlled by spectators or police. Downtown Providence is gorgeous - good vacation destination!

Organization: water/gatorade every 2-3 miles, baggage handling fine, at finish gave thermal blankets/medals/bananas & helped pull chip from shoe. Parked car at Conv. Ctr. 100 yds from finish.

Fans: Rain & 52 F was temp, few that were there were outstanding.

Net-net: am glad I did this one PR to boot!

A Runner from Miami, FL (10/21/2002)
"Very well done, glad to recommend it" (General Comments)


Regarding the 10/13/02 running:

Friendly local support, some very scenic sections (some bland, too), with enough rolling sections to keep all the muscles involved and give you a gooood workout (which also means you could do faster on flatter courses). A slow runner like me can welcome the significant downhills in the last 2.5 miles, but other faster runners may find them TOO long, steep and therefore quad-killing. Spectators ? very friendly, supportive (in that sense a 4 or 5) but very sparse especially in such a concentrated city/residential course (hence the 3). Race officials, aid stations staff, police, other volunteers ? among the BEST and friendliest I've seen (in 39 marathons).

For various reasons it's changed dates, months, and courses over the years. This may have substantial influence on all these variables. Still, I gladly recommend this one.

A Runner from Chicago (10/20/2002)
"Avoid the crowds of Chicago...come here!" (about: 2002)


This race is top notch and it was a pleasure to run. I was sad to see that there wasn't as much participation as in the past, but I think that is due to the change of date, which coincides with Chicago and a bunch of other marathons. It does not reflect the race or its organizers.

I've run 16 marathons and this race has one of the nicest and most colorful LS shirts, a goody bag filled with a bunch of stuff you can actually use, a nice medal (the shape of the state- how cool is that), a beautiful course that is very volunteer and spectator friendly (they can easily get to and see you at multiple points along the route), the course also combines city and scenic running so you get a tour of Providence and its beautiful Roger Williams park and it is predominately flat with a few hills for variety and challenge, finish line is steps away from the post race activities in the Convention center which had free massages and the best soup I have ever had. They also had tons of drinks, mostacolli, and cookies.

All of this for a mere $40. I've done Chicago..I'm from Chicago. It is a great race and the spectators are phenomenal; but I rather run a race that puts my entry free to use for me instead of paying elite athletes to come run it. This race is half the price of Chicago but turns out better amenities for us non-elite runners.

Great job Gerry and your team of wonderful volunteers. Also, thanks to the bagpipers at various points in the race. That was a great treat and I admire you staying out there in the rainy drizzle.

Tim Whitmire from Charlotte, N.C. (10/16/2002)
"As good as it gets" (about: 2002)


Having lived and worked in Providence in the mid-'90s, I was eager to go back, and I'd heard good things about OSM. And when I learned they were changing the course this year to be entirely within the city of Providence, I knew 2002 was the year to run OSM.
I was not disappointed. The course is a literal running tour of Providence, a fascinating, historic city that has made a big comeback in the last decade. The course starts next to the massive, white marble Statehouse and hits all of the highlights: downtown, the Providence Place Mall, Federal Hill, College Hill (Rhode Island School of Design and Brown University), Providence College, Roger Williams Park, the working waterfront, the East Side (including Blackstone Boulevard).
It's probably not a PR course because of the number of turns, but it's extremely interesting visually and the terrain is varied enough to make it a bit of a challenge, with a couple tough hills in the final five miles.
One great benefit to the course is the way it keeps looping out from the center city, then returning, making it easy for spectators and support teams to meet runners several times. It's even a benefit for unsupported runners, who get the illusion of more spectators cheering them on.
The goodie bag, T-shirt and medal were all of high quality; post-race was well done, with plenty of drinks and snacks and people to help you get your chip off. Water tables were well-stocked with water and Gatorade and cheerful volunteers and there were regularly-spaced portajons and medical stations. Even the Providence drivers -- not known for their patience -- didn't seem to mind about having to wait for the runners to pass.
If I haven't already made it clear, this is a great, great race. Among fall marathons in the Northeast, NYC will always stand alone, but if you've already done that or don't want the mega-race experience, I can't recommend Ocean State strongly enough. Race director Gerry Beagan and his staff do an awesome job.
I was truly disappointed that entry numbers (below 1,000 this year) didn't reflect the quality of the race. C'mon, marathoners: Let's reward the effort Gerry and his people put into a great race!

A Runner from almost heaven WV (12/16/2001)
"providence brought me there....." (General Comments)


Wanting to get Rhode Island as a state---I did this one---was pleasantly surprised--of the beauty of Providence-----and the friendliness of the locals----very WELL organized marathon---and great shirts---the town went all out to make us feel at home----this hillbilly will be coming back....

A Runner from Delaware (11/26/2001)
"great marathon!" (about: 2001)


I lived in RI 20 years ago, so it was really nice knowing the whole course in advance. The headwind off the bay sucked, but the rest of the race was great--excellent organization and support, indoor accommodations start and finish. I'm not crazy about seeing the sponsor stick their name right on the event, but this sponsor (Brooks Pharmacy) really came through.

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