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Memphis Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.2 
Number of comments: 382 [displaying comments 161 to 171]
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R. C. from Louisiana, U.S. (12/8/2007)
"Way to go, St. Jude" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Memphis Marathons

This is a top-notch event for one of the best causes that I know of. I was proud to run as a St. Jude Hero. The course was as described, the water stops were very well done, the volunteers were amazing and the spectator participation was much improved since we were here in 2002.

The only problem I encountered was at the finish. I was forced to run the half because of an injury, and when I came through the finish there was a huge bottleneck; I was pressed on every side. We had to shuffle along for about 10 minutes before we finally got to the stadium steps. I climbed the steps to get something to eat only to find the food venue was as crowded as the finishing line. It took quite a while for it to clear out. The director might want to re-think the finish line....

Overall a great experience!!


Art Jacobson, 50-State'r from Bloomington, MN (12/7/2007)
"One of the best!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Memphis Marathon

I really enjoyed this marathon. I felt that the organization was top-notch, and there was plenty of everything. Aid stations every mile, which were well staffed by enthusiastic volunteers. Port-o-potties at every aid station too. Good food at the end and lots of places to sit and rest in the stadium. I highly recommend this race to anyone looking to run a TN marathon.


M. C. from Cheboygan, Michigan (12/7/2007)
"Not As Advertised" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Memphis Marathon

This was my 7th marathon and I was disappointed with Memphis. The water stations were on one side of the course forcing a mad dash. I didn't get water for the first 5 miles because of the number of people jamming up the course. Not great organization. Very hilly, but the first few miles did have a beautiful view of the Mississippi.


S. R. from Memphis, TN (12/7/2007)
"Route was fantastic, but poor organization" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons

Pros: Loved the route (although more hills than I was expecting); weather was perfect; fans were everywhere and very supportive; and volunteers were very friendly. My favorite part was crossing the finish line in AutoZone Park with all the fans in the stands ~ it was awesome.

However... once you crossed that finish line, you were on your own to fight your way through major crowds for a long way to get water (with no clear direction of where to find it). It took forever. Just getting out of that area and back to the front of the park was just as hard. It was very frustrating. Before the race, there was a major parking shortage and no help from police trying to figure out where to go. On the course, cars were a little too close for comfort at times. My watch had the half distance closer to 13.5. And what was up with the delay in posting the times?


David Moyer from D/FW Texas (12/7/2007)
"Best-Kept Secret in Top-Tier Marathons" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Memphis Marathon

Reviewing other comments, I'd say 95% of them get it just right. Perfect weather! It was 43 (F) at the start. Sunny all day. 60 at noon (my finish). Sure did create a tide of discarded gloves, caps and sweatshirts along the route (esp. during the first half). Having a Saturday race is TRULY a God-send. The director was cruising the course and cheering - where else are you gonna find that!?

BATMG (ButAccordingToMyGarmin) people are embarrassing themselves. Folks, the USATF and RRCA certification tells you everything you need to know about your gadget's accuracy/validity. All the music/zaniness was great. The crowds/fans were better than anyone should expect for an event this scale. (I saw at least a dozen unaffiliated cheerers reposition themselves at 3 or 4 different spots on the route - they were running HARD to support us.) For the record, Memphis is not in the foothills - it is in the Mississippi River delta and you have seen ALL the hills within 20 miles if you run this 26.2. Most elevation was due to highway interchanges and the river bluff. The mile-marker to mile-marker elevation depicted on the website doesn't convey the frequency of the ups and downs on the route, but literally shows the elevation ONLY at each mile post. Park south of Beale and stay closer to the airport and you'll get in and out fast. There was unlimited supply of aid, still, for us 4-hour pacers. Memphis Runners Track Club pacers are heroes second only to St. Jude and the kids. Big, digital timers at each mile and flawless traffic control (at my pace) cannot be improved on!! Rookie marathoners will be so spoiled with this level of organization and support - it almost pains me to boast on the event. It is a 5-star race in a genre where sheer size (30-50 thousand participants) is the most notable feature of too many other races.


D. G. from Gatineau, Canada (12/6/2007)
"Water at every mile... GREAT!" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 Memphis Marathon

Great race - well organized. The water, Gatorade, port-a-potties and clocks at every mile were fantastic - from now on I will be looking for races that offer the same. Course went through not-so-nice parts of town, but offered a lot of interesting sights. Gentle rolling hills were just what I needed to break the monotony. Fans and volunteers were cheerful and, supportive. Staggered start worked out well.

The expo was a bit disappointing (not a lot to do/see/buy), but getting the packet was a breeze. Goody bag and t-shirt were OK, but nothing special. Medal looks good and heavy, and post-race food was yummy.

A few people commented on their GPS showing more than 26.2. Same here, and it started at mile 1, where my Garmin showed 1.15. I realize that the average runner will always run a bit more than the official distance simply by moving from side to side to pass people, or get water, or by not staying on the inside in a curve, but 0.15 in one mile??? Miles 2 to about 15 were pretty accurate, but some of the last miles were also off. In the end, my Garmin showed 26.49. Something for the organizers to review.

Overall, it was a great race, and I highly recommend it.


C. G. from St. Louis, MO (12/6/2007)
"Loved it!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Memphis Marathon

Five things I loved:

1) Fun finish inside AutoZone Park.
2) Little girl dressed from head to toe like a Christmas elf cheering runners somewhere around mile 16.
3) Aid stations every mile.
2) Started in waves based on performance time, which prompted runners and walkers to line up where they should.
3) Dozens and dozens of glazed donuts and sugar cookies at the finish line. It was like a dream. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head when I saw them.

The one thing I didn't like: Rolling hills from mile 1 through mile 25. They weren't big, but they were relentless.


J. Z. from Montgomery,AL (12/5/2007)
"Best one that I've done so far" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Memphis Marathon

Time was a PR by 4 minutes in the half-marathon. Nice course that included sections downtown, along the Mississippi River, residential area and even a section through the woods. Not terribly difficult but some rolling hills around mile 10-12. GPS showed 13.22 miles, so the course may have been slightly long. Lots of cheers and high-fives from fans. A little crowded (got boxed in a couple times) but the wave start was a good idea.


M. P. from Atlanta, Georgia (12/5/2007)
"This is a fun race for a very worthy cause." (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 2 Memphis Marathons

Love the race, and the supporters. It is the best organized event I have done and it sure beats a few of the ING fiascoes I've gone to. I will do it every year until my knees wear out. But, what's up with the pictures? The Peachtree Road Race (with 55,000 runners) starts posting pictures the same evening. We're four days out and still nothing.


C. F. from United States (12/5/2007)
"Awesome Experience" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 Memphis Marathon

I was a Chicago survivor, running as a St. Jude Hero, who was forced to walk after 20 miles of running. Memphis was my chance to finish on my own terms. For me, the course was challenging, the crowd was wonderful and the weather was very cooperative - minus the wind at times. I ran a personal best, this being my third marathon in 14 months. I'd definitely return again and I was very impressed by the volunteers on the course and the direction they gave to the runners. Kudos also to the Memphis Police for their efforts with the traffic. Overall, I had a wonderful experience in Memphis and thoroughly enjoyed the finish in AutoZone Park and the food that was offered to the runners. Thanks to the organizers for a great race and I'd definitely recommend running as a St. Jude hero!


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