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Rocket City Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 285 [displaying comments 211 to 221]
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A. B. from Montgomery, Alabama (12/17/2005)
"unbelievable!" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rocket City Marathon

This is what marathons should be like. Having done LA and Nashville, I had forgotten how great a small marathon could be. The organization was superb, post-race food was great and, like another poster, I have no idea how my race fee paid for it all. The organizers should be commended for running a first-class race. While there weren't fans along the whole course, the fans that were there (especially the hilarious high school kids) were wonderful. My one complaint was my giant purple toe. I'll blame myself for that.


Jake Knight from Nashville, TN (12/14/2005)
"Can I give these people SIX STARS? Please?" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rocket City Marathon

I cannot even begin to say enough good things about the marathon - particularly the skill of the organizers and the friendliness of the volunteers! I've only run one previous marathon - Chicago way back in 1997. It was a largely miserable experience. All I remember is: ouch, ouch, ouch, Dear God let me finish and I'll never ever do this again.

To contrast that experience with this one: after Chicago, I didn't run a step for years. After Huntsville last weekend, I was already on the road 72 hours later preparing for my next marathon.

I'm hooked on marathons - and the fine folks in Huntsville have much to do with my new addiction! Here's the deal: I was preparing to run Music City in April, and a friend invited me to accompany him to Huntsville. I figured why not - and since I was going, why not run the thing?

I wasn't really ready for it. It was frigid at the start, somewhere in the low 20s. The marathon was tiny compared to Chicago, less than a thousand people.

But guess what? I ran a whopping 45 minutes faster than my goal, shattered my personal best from almost a decade ago (and with less training), and had a helluva a good time.

The weather turned out to be perfect: once the sun came out, it was 45 and clear. It was definitely different running in a smaller race: there were times when I was all alone, and rarely were there more than a handful of people around me.

But the course was flat and relatively interesting (except for that one long straight stretch - ugh!). While groups of spectators were infrequent, when you came upon them they were boisterous, friendly, and loud! And let's not forget the massive gaggle of teenagers at the high school - I think my right ear is still ringing from their screams!

But the best part was the organization. It was flawless. The people were wonderful. Crossing the finish line and hearing my name called, and then being treated like I'd just won the darn thing, was amazing. I wish I'd gotten the name of the guy who guided me through the finish process, put the medal around my neck, and helped me into the hotel. He was literally an angel.

Can you tell I was impressed? :) The food was great, the speaker was great, the t-shirt and medal are great. Having a room at the HQ hotel about 10 feet from the start/finish was WONDERFUL.... So different than Chicago.

Only one criticism: they have GOT to make sure there are no torn up sections of road in the last few miles next year. That REALLY hurt. But it was only for a couple hundred yards.

Other than that, it was perfect. Just perfect. I've never understood all the marathon addicts. And now I'm one of them.

About the only bad thing about Huntsville is that I'm worried that I'll be disappointed with other runs now.

If you want a smaller, more laidback marathon with great people, absolutely zero stress, great goodies, and a good time... do Huntsville. And in case I forgot: it's also fast as hell, too!


D. S. from Florida (12/14/2005)
"Grissom High Rocks!" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rocket City Marathon

This was my second marathon, so I don't have a lot to compare it to. The pre-race information was excellent with emails and booklet. The expo was way better than the mega-expo I experienced at San Diego in June, with good buys and helpful people. Was on the cold side, but clear and beautiful. The people that were there along the route were wonderful, friendly and supportive, including the volunteers, especially the fantastic crew at Grissom High School. Wish there had been more spectators. Lots of water/Gatorade stops, 2 well placed Gu stops, and even candy. For the first 17 or so miles, every mile was marked with a volunteer calling out times. I ran the race in about 5 hours, a time I was pleased with; however, after about 3:45, the volunteers were packing up the course. Three times I crossed busy streets without assistance, and twice I was not sure I was still on the route. The course was beautiful through downtown Huntsville. There was a long stretch where we ran along a busy 4-lane street with traffic buzzing by, only cones separating us. And there was a fairly long stretch of unsurfaced, very rough road under construction which was tough on my feet. The amenities at the finish were fantastic. Nice medal, hat, and long-sleeve, Nike shirt. I would do it again, but I hope they can improve the route and not close it down so early: it was advertised as a 6-hour limit, but if you were slower than 4 hours, you were not supported.


B. T. from Appleton, WI (12/12/2005)
"Marathon #7 had more southern hospitality." (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rocket City Marathon

While being a bit lit with this review, I still wanted to get my comments in. Overall, the Rocket City Marathon is an enjoyable event. The expo was more encompassing than I expected for a marathon of this size. The course support was top-notch, and the course itself was fairly fast. The most significant challenges were of the highway over- and underpass variety. My favorite course attraction was the rollerblading accordion player, even though I couldn't get her songs out of my head every time I saw her. Once again, the term southern hospitality comes to mind since everyone I met that was associated with this event ended up being a great person. Try this event. It's definitely worth it.


B. F. from Southern Illinois (12/11/2005)
"Showcase of Hospitality, Support, and Integrity" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rocket City Marathon

I drove five hours through snow and ice, only to be met with a 21-degree temperature at the starting time Saturday morning. They under-promised and over-delivered on making it a very memorable race. The support team on Friday and Saturday could have not been better. They were well-trained. I was delighted to see a very active intergenerational group that worked at the expo, and also the race. I recommend this, especially to anyone who desires encouragement while with a smaller-size running group (1000). You are more than a number at Huntsville. Their food supply after the race was beyond imagination, but very heartfelt and appreciated by the worn out runners. Thanks. The course was marked perfectly, along with accurately timed mile splits. All of the volunteers seemed well trained. Having hot showers afterwards was invaluable. The group of 200 or 300 teenagers on the ten mile-mark were the greatest cheerleaders I have ever seen. I hope they receive just reward for their effort. What a boost! It was my 14th marathon, and none has ever surpassed this one. God bless you. What goes around, comes around.


Paul Kilvington from Jonesboro, Arkansas (12/11/2005)
"A good race for a first-time runner and a fast run" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rocket City Marathon

I was a little apprehensive because other runners' comments had mentioned hills. THERE ARE NO HILLS! There are one or two little inclines and these are not a problem. Those other runners must have been talking about a different race or don't know what real hills are. The race itself is extremely well-organized, and everyone is very friendly to and appreciative of the runners who turn up for their event. The race is a great event for the first-timer (no hills!) and for those wanting a Boston qualifying time.

My only gripe (and it is a personal gripe) was the 4-5 mile section along a very long and straight section of main road - too many exhaust fumes! Apart from this the race was excellent. Plenty of aid stations and times at EVERY mile. What few spectators there were happened to be very vocal and very encouraging. At about mile 10 it looked as though an entire school had turned out, and to run past hundreds of screaming kids was a blast. I enjoyed the race and will definitely recommend it to my running friends wanting a race in Alabama for the 50-stater. The T-shirt was very good (one I'll actually wear!), and post-race refreshments were very good and plentiful. Excellent value for your money. I wish all marathons were as good as this one.


D. T. from Nashville, TN (12/11/2005)
"Great race. I would highly recommend it." (about: 2005)

3 previous marathons | 1 Rocket City Marathon

The course runs through a small city in mostly residential areas. It doesn't compare to truly scenic courses but it doesn't try to. The race bills itself as flat and face, and I would agree. It was a little more rolling that I expected but not hilly at all. I did run a PR.

Organization is excellent. You are mailed a 56-page race booklet several weeks before the race so you know what to expect. I emailed the race directors several times with questions and got quick responses. The race is smaller, about 900 runners, and run in early December. It can be cold. For 2005 it was about 28 at the start and I think still under 40 at the finish. However, the number of runners allows the crowd to fit into the race hotel so we could stay warm before and after. The medal is nice but I really appreciated a technical long-sleeve shirt and hat. Food at the end was good and you could sit at a table in the ballroom to relax, eat and review the run. Another very nice touch for those not staying in the race hotel was access to an Aquatic Center right next door to get a shower.

The crowds are small but I gave 5 stars because I passed several small but enthusistic groups at times when I really needed them.

If you don't need the big-city experience and crowd and this race fits your calendar, it is a great choice.

One other note, unless you are fast, this is not a race to cherry pick for an age-group award. It is known and respected in the Southeast and has a competitive field. Check the race results.


Rick Karampatsos from Salisbury, NC (12/11/2005)
"Makes me want to move to Huntsville!" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rocket City Marathon

This was my 30th marathon, my 27th state and 11th since Boston this year... AND the most fun that I ever had at a marathon. The team did a great job with the e-mails from the running club, the web page was perfect, the expo was not 'overpowering' and had many deals that one could not afford to turn down. The supper and the people I ate with the night before were wonderful and JD was a speaker of speakers!... I tripped just yards just before the finsih line - helped to get quickly up and was taken care of afterwards by the medical team. The lady who helped me get up even looked for me at the food area to see how I was doing! Such an effort!! Thanks for all that you did to help us all feel welcomed!... Did I say I even did a PR?! This marathon should be drawing thousands of runners! Why it does not I do not understand.


J. B. from Evansville, IN (12/11/2005)
"Terrific speaker, best goodies" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rocket City Marathon

My entry fee couldn't have covered the hat, Dri-Fit shirt and the nicest medal/key chain I've seen in 12 races. Jack Daniels PhD was so good I had to get the book. Water/sports drink about 15x, the best post-race spread of food, and interesting scenery/neighborhoods to run through. NOT a flat course, but definitely worth repeating.


M. K. from Atlanta (12/11/2005)
"Super race for a good time, and a good time" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Rocket City Marathon

The course is flat and fast, rarely scenic, but not an office park experience, either. It is a PR waiting to happen. Volunteers call out times EVERY MILE. There are a fair number of turns, especially early and late, but unlike in Chicago or one of the other mega-races, a turn in Huntsville doesn't mean a traffic jam and elbows flying everywhere. This is a civilized, expertly organized, race designed for runners, with enough entrants so you aren't all alone but not so many that you have to weave or shove or be shoved. Plenty of water stations (and plenty of water in the cups), two places with GU, the best post-race food I've had (soup, bananas, grapes, pretzel bits with peanut butter inside, Moon-Pies, ice cream sandwiches, PBJ sandwiches) served indoors in a warm hotel. Spectator support was surprisingly good, especially the woman with the accordion who showed up at three or four spots along the course. Start is just outside the hotel, so you can stay warm, and the finish is at the hotel, so you can get warm. No need for space blankets here. Temperature was perfect for running, about 30 Fahrenheit at the start and 42 at the finish. I'll be back.


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