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Coastal Delaware Running Festival Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.0 
Number of comments: 28 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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A. S. from Southern California (5/4/2017)
"This Race Should Be Your Next Marathon!" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Coastal Delaware Running Festival

I cannot say enough great things about this race. I truly had a remarkable experience! I'm a 50-stater and chose this race for my Delaware marathon. If you're not a local, such as myself your closest airports will be in Washington DC, Philadelphia, or Baltimore and then approximately a 2+ hour drive to get to Dewey Beach but I'm telling you it was absolutely worth the effort. This marathon easily fits into my top 5. If not my second favorite. (My first marathon takes the prize for #1)

The course was absolutely stunning! Running through Cape Henlopen State Park was my favorite. I really enjoyed running on the crushed gravel surface, it felt softer on my legs and was a nice break from the pavement. I enjoyed this portion of the race so much so that even on tired legs after the race I drove with my friend to get a closer look at the park and trails that I had run through earlier in the day.

The course is very flat but not in a boring sort of way. This course is perfect for running a new PR or running a BQ.

I initially worried that their wouldn't be enough water/gatorade stops, but that turned out to be a non-issue. They were well-staffed with great volunteers and I was well taken care of. I hydrated at each stop and that served my needs perfectly.

There's not a lot of spectators. But personally I like that. And the landscapes were so beautiful that I would not have wanted lots of people on the sidelines. Running through the park so peaceful and really inspired me to push myself.

Being that this is a new race, I believe in it's third year, they have a few kinks to work out. Packet pick-up was a little bit of a mess. Disorganized and you waited in longish lines to get your bib, t-shirt, swag, etc. But to contradict myself I was in and out with everything in 20 minutes. However sometimes you weren't sure what line you were in and they felt unnecessary and could have been avoided with a little more organization.

I also didn't like that spectators had to pay $30 to get into the finish-line festival to be with their runner(s). Even if they didn't want to eat. It comes free with with your bib but anyone extra has to pay. And the food is not worth the price. Very mediocre. The only good thing were the 3 beers you got with your entry. I would have much rather gotten my usual bagel, protein bar, bottle of gatorade, free beer, and cookie that you usually get at the end of a race and had more beer for purchase if desired.

Those are the only two things I think they need to work on. If I lived closer I certainly would make this an annual race. The starting-line was very low stress.

They have a VIP package that gets you nicer bathrooms, expedited packet pick-up, champagne at the finish, and closer parking at the start line. But I found it to be a bit frivolous and not worth the price. We got there about 30 mins before the start and could literally see the start line from our car. I didn't buy the VIP package and was totally fine without it.

The medals are beautiful! And the finisher's trucker hat I got is by far my favorite piece of swag I've ever gotten from a race.

50-staters rejoice this is your Delaware marathon. It is everything you could possibly want from a race experience when you're seeing the country one race at a time. And a great race for anyone else.


M. X. from North Carolina (4/27/2017)
"Not my favorite" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Coastal Delaware Running Festival

The Good:
1. Easy arrival to the start line. We drove and parked at the start line. There also were bus shuttles from the finish line area. Very easy in and out.
2. The course is very scenic and very flat. I loved running along the ocean and inside the park and then through the beach house neighborhoods.
3. Many different race distances. 5k was on Saturday. My travel buddy is not a runner, but having 5k's allows her to participate, and feel a part of the travel experience. 9k, Half and Full races were on Sunday.
4. Constant communication from the race organizers, especially the week before the race.
5. Nice friendly volunteers
6. Good Medal(s)
7. Post Party was on the beach, bay side.
8. Since it was off season, the hotels allowed very late checkout. Ours said we had until 6PM
9. Beer at the finish line. Shock Top and Mich Ultra on one side (Yuch) but a local brewery that no one was in line with on the other side
10. Very small race. You will get race photos that are just of you and nobody else.

The Somewhat bad:
1.I am not a fan of the crushed gravel trails. Yes it was scenic, but the change of surface did a number on my knees, and I could feel the energy drain.
2. If you are an out of towner, you need to fly into Philly or Baltimore and then drive a few hours to get to Rehoboth.
3.Packet pickup was sparse. You had to stand in line to pick up your race bib, then move to the next line to get your swag bag, and then stand in another long line to get your shirt. If you were doing one of the challenges, you need to stand in 5 different long lines.
4. Back of the packers didn't get much of a food choice. I had a lettuce and tomato sandwich due to food shortage.
5. Very few people spectating and cheering people on, being off season, that is kind of expected, but still it was super bad.
6. With the parking lot closing up 15min before marathon start, there were quite a few 1/2 racers and 9kers at the start, unfortunately, many of them had to take the pre race visit to the port a pots, which created longer lines for the marathoners.
7. I didn't see any medical stops. nor many volunteers along the course except at the water stations. A ran by a couple of people that cramped up, and probably should have had medical attention, which I'm not sure they got after letting the water stations know.

If you are a local or you are trying for the 50 states, I would say give Coastal Delaware a shot, a fast course which equals quite a few PR's from others.


G. G. from Dallas, TX (4/25/2017)
"Such a lovely race!" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Coastal Delaware Running Festival

I can't say enough good things about the Coastal Delaware Marathon, but here were some of the high points for me:

1) The course is absolutely beautiful, and it offered a lot of variety. My favorite part was when we ran through the state park, which was so peaceful and meditative. Coastal Delaware definitely offered the most scenic variety of any marathon I've done. To people who complained about the boardwalk getting crowded, I didn't really think that was an issue. I called out 'runners back, passing on your left' a few times, and people moved right out of the way.

2) My boyfriend came with me to Coastal Delaware (his 4th race to attend with me), and he said it was by far the easiest course for him to navigate. He ended up seeing me 5 times over the full marathon. It took some planning and some studying of Google Maps, but he didn't have any issues getting around by car.

3) I thought the volunteers were so kind and helpful, and every water stop I came to was well-stocked. At each, volunteers were calling out whether they had water or Gatorade, and Gatorade was consistently in the back. I felt like it was 100% clear. The water stops were regularly spaced, and they corresponded with the map the marathon provided.

4) Before this race, I had never been to Delaware or the eastern seaboard, and I ended up being so charmed by both. Rehoboth was beautiful, and I was glad that we stayed another day and departed on Monday after the race.

5) If you like a low-stress start, this marathon is ideal. I got to the starting area about 20 minutes before the race started because I waited in line for the bus to the start. I was initially a little worried this wasn't enough time, but I had more than enough time to use the bathroom (ample number of porta-potties) and get the the start with 10 minutes to spare. I crossed the starting mat 30 seconds after 7:00, which was such a treat for someone who's used to the interminable shuffle to the start that comes with most big city marathons.

I've run 15 marathons now, and I'd recommend this one to anybody who's looking for a great East Coast marathon and/or a small, friendly marathon that knows how to make its runners feel special. I LOVED this race, and I'm so glad I chose it to be my Delaware marathon.


B. W. from South Lyon, MI (4/25/2017)
"Excellent mid-size marathon" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Coastal Delaware Running Festival

Ran the Coastal Delaware Marathon as part of my 50 State quest. Definitely the perfect choice for Delaware. I think all 600 of us would agree.

1. Scenic, largely flat course consisting of roads, boardwalk, paved bike path, and limestone trail with views of the Atlantic.
2. Gender specific shirt with cool design and limited advertising
3. Additional swag including ball cap and attractive finisher's medal
4. Police directing traffic throughout
5. Post race beach party with three free beers for those of age and choose to partake
6. Regular shuttle bus runs between start and finish
7. Course very well marked
8. Clocks/chip mats in strategic locations
9. Water and Gatorade at all water stops
10. Regular email communication from race director in last few weeks before race.
11. Companion half marathon starts 30 minutes after marathon. Also 9K and 5K.

1. Dewey Beach is a beach town with extremely limited parking for expo and race. Get there early and park at state park on race morning.
2. Course is one big loop so it is not easy for family members to catch up with you in multiple places.
3. Location near ocean can result in significant headwinds.
4. Few spectators around the course.
5. Expo consisted of packet pick-up, one running store, and the race organizers selling additional race items.
6. Runners had to climb stairs to second floor to pick up gear drop bags after race.
7. A few short course sections where we were running on shoulder of main road separated from traffic by cones
8. Water stops were not located at consistent distances
9. No race morning packet pick-up

All in all I would definitely recommend it for the course alone.


K. O. from New York NY (4/25/2017)
"Well-organized, Excellent Spring BQ Option" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Coastal Delaware Running Festival

As someone who has spent his running career on the cusp of BQing, I've spent a lot of time researching marathons on this site. My criteria were: 1) in April, 2) drive-able from NYC, and 3) flat course. CoDel met all the criteria.

I finished in 3:21:27, my second best time, 3rd BQ, and BQ-ed by 8 1/2 mins. I recommend this race for anyone seeking a race specifically to BQ.

1. Race is well organized. Instructions are clear, easy to get to start (I walked from my hotel adjacent to the finish line - 1.5 miles or less).
2. Course is flat. Three minor hills of note, all in the first 14 miles. Varied surfaces, with asphalt, concrete, boardwalk, cinder path, and an undulating steel walkway.
3. Course is also interesting - on the boardwalk, through state parks, around a farm, through a subdivision.
4. Good infrastructure - website is good, there is a text update and basic mobile app for spectators.
5. Small enough so you can easily get to the start.
6. Post-race party on the beach with beer is a good touch.
7. I almost placed in my age group!
8. Swag is pretty good. Nice t-shirt, hats and medals for finishers, pint glass. Numbers were printed with your name on it.

Things to be aware of (not complaints but observations)...
A. As with any race, the start line logistics can get tough because a lot of people are getting to the same place at the same time. I'm glad I walked.
B. You will certainly encounter at least one or two unfamiliar running surfaces on this course. Be prepared!
C. I wish there had been more time clocks on the course.
D. The aid stations are small and inconsistently spaced and set up. You need to say what you want (Gatorade or water) and the volunteer will give it to you. Cups were small and not sturdy enough to grab under race conditions. The stations with the gels were not marked as such. The combination of all of these made it necessary to slow down or stop at the stations. I brought my own fuel belt and ended up using my own fluids.
E. You will probably run without a peer group to pace you, maybe for miles.
F. This was the race with the fewest number of spectators I have ever encountered. The loop course makes it difficult for friends to see you at multiple points. The map should label all the streets on the course so spectators can drive to certain locations.
G. The food at the post-race party is only ok. I did appreciate real food, though! There are at least three food lines so there was little or no wait, and we also didn't wait for beer.


G. F. from Philly (4/25/2017)
"Great course, great race" (about: 2017)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Coastal Delaware Running Festival

This was a great course. Having been to the DE beaches many times I know the running scene and routes fairly well, figured it would be a nice course, and it sure was. The start was easy to get to, adequate portapotties for the number of entrants, and well organized. Race started right on time. The course was gorgeous as all the other comments indicate from past years. Late April weather in Southern Delaware can be tricky but we were fortunate to have perfect temps and only a moderate breeze.

My only criticisms would be (1) inconsistent water stops - maybe it was well indicated on the course map, and I know the stops were where they could be given much of the race was in remote park area, but if you expect water every 2 miles exactly, be aware that isn't really possible here; (2) lack of on course portapotties - there was primarily one pj per water stop, so it meant that a line could form easily, esp on the out and back part in Fort Miles; (3) admittedly this is a pet peeve of mine - marathoners at mile 22 joining the half marathon at mile 9. Having the half start 30 minutes after the full was great, but when you get to 22, all of a sudden you are mixed in with the back of the half marathon pack. Makes for a lot of dodging. The boardwalk was awesome from a scenery perspective, but having to dodge slower runners and walkers at the end of a marathon, especially when you are grinding to hit a goal time, is no fun.

Post race party was fun, right on the beach (bayside). Everyone was very helpful and supportive. And though it didn't have the volume of spectators as a big city race, there were tons of people along the route cheering. Plus it was easy to get around for spectators! I saw my people probably 4-5 times, which they enjoyed as well!


W. S. from Virginia (4/24/2017)
"Flat and great if you don't care about spectators" (about: 2017)

1 previous marathon | 1 Coastal Delaware Running Festival

This was my first marathon however I've run several half marathons and other distances. Despite reading the reviews commenting on the lack of spectators I didn't think it was that big of a deal and chalked it up to the parts where you're in a state park or on a bike trail so it is difficult for spectators to be there. While that was true, what was surprising was that 95% of the course had few to no spectators. There were a few spots that had 10-20 fans but that was it. Even the second time you ran on the boardwalk in Rehoboth there was no one. I didn't think it would matter but in hindsight I feel like having someone cheering would have helped give that extra energy later in the race. I was extremely surprised that even as we ran through neighborhoods most of the residents didn't come out or anything. Maybe it's not a well advertised race? The on course support was great, yelling out what they were holding so you didn't grab the wrong drink. The course was great. The crushed gravel was a nice reprieve from pavement. Only complaint on the course is that in miles 24 to the end when you're running on Route 1 you're in the bike lane and the slope of the road is felt on already tired legs. Since it's the bike lane there's no 'middle of the road' you can seek to help with the slope. Also, for the cost of the race I was disappointed in the race shirt, it wasn't technical and just a soft cotton shirt.


T. K. from Cincinnati, OH (4/24/2017)
"A Delaware Beauty" (about: 2017)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Coastal Delaware Running Festival

Top 10 Reasons to Run the Coastal Delaware Running Festival Marathon:

Good swag - t-shirt, medal, drinking glass, car magnet, baseball cap

Easy start and finish line logistics

Gets you off of the hubbub of Route 1 to realize the true beauty of the area

Volunteers - tons of them and all very nice

One of the most beautiful marathon courses that I've run

One of the most flat marathon courses that I've run

Variety of running services (road, crushed stone, boardwalk)

Pure running experience - at times the field was so spread out that I was running by myself

Ever-changing topography - Adjacent to the seashore, marshland, through the sand dunes, canopied bike trails, beautiful neighborhoods

Sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean before marathon start - Most Beautiful Race Starting Line ever!


B. S. from Washington, DC (4/24/2017)
"50% scenic, small," (about: 2017)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Coastal Delaware Running Festival

What's special about this race? the beauty of a pristine beach around sunrise; a superb course winding along the beach, on Cape Henlopen's luscious trails, and through fastidiously maintained & quaint beach communities; a hefty medal, and a race management team who cares enough about runners to place lots of Porta Potties often along the route.

When we left the cheering human spectators behind, as a nature lover, I was especially thrilled when a fox popped out on the Junction and Breakwater Trail to cheer me on. I also ran past two giant Osprey nests and several statuesque Great Egrets. Stunning red birds flew right in front of me to keep me on course. And several times, I was mesmerized by the natural beaches and the soothing sounds of the rhythmic waves.

And they didn't forget the end: The finish line celebration was at a bayside beach.

Negatives: some running along busy US 1. Since it's near the beach, it can be windy at points. Weather is a crapshoot in late April: it can be hot, cold, rainy, or perfect.


S. K. from San Antonio, Texas (4/23/2017)
"First Class Marathon!" (about: 2017)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Coastal Delaware Running Festival

I'm a member of the Fifty State Marathon Club and have run around 50 marathons throughout the country. Just wanted to give the organizers their due recognition. I'd have to put this course and the excellent organization behind this event in my top 5!


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