calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Twin Cities Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.9 
Number of comments: 454 [displaying comments 291 to 301]
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john nagan from Maple Grove,MN. (10/4/2005)
"incredible!" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Twin Cities Marathons

This was probably my 9th or 10th TCM and it just keeps getting better. I would like to see some of the big-name runners here instead of the minor leagues. This is a great course that would test the best. It's too bad they all go to Chicago. I would really like to see them all run this course.


D. E. from Fort Collins, CO (10/4/2005)
"Great fans, awesome volunteers & beautiful course" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon

Crowd: Amazing!! I ran Chicago last year and although the crowd at the TCM was only a quarter of what it was in Chicago, they made up for it by their consistency and their enthusiasm. In Chicago, between the miles of 23-25 the crowd was very thin. This never happened at the TCM. The crowd was everywhere and very LOUD!! Because of the narrower streets, it felt like the crowd was as big as Chicago. Thanks to all of you who cheered for us. You were AMAZING. Thanks especially to those who could read my name and yelled it. You have no idea how much you helped me and kept me going!!! For all of you who passed out oranges, Peanut M&Ms, water, gummies.... For all of you with your signs, music, drums, etc. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

Volunteers: You were absolutely spetacular!!! It was VERY organized. Lots of water and yummy Gatorade. I can't say enough good things about the volunteers. You did an amazing job!! Tons of aid stations, tons of petroleum jelly. The medical staff was fantastic. I noticed them scanning the runners towards the end and making sure we were all doing well.

Course: More challenging than I expected. That said, I did like the variety in the terrain. Sometimes all flat gets boring. Minn./St. Paul is very beautiful. Especially this time of year! The homes and the lakes we ran past were breathtaking. The weather was great, no sun!! Thank goodness or the heat would have been unbearable. I also liked that there were fewer runners. It made it easier to run without dodging so many people.

Overall, incredible run. I said this would be my last, but it was such a great experience. I might just have to do another!!

Thank you TCM!! It was wonderful.


M. M. from Crookston, Minnesota (10/4/2005)
"Fantastic!" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

This was my first marathon, so I have nothing to compare it to; however it was one of the greatest thrills I've ever experienced. As far as the course is concerned, I don't know if I must have been more prepared for the so-called 'hills' everyone describes, but I don't remember there being any challenging hills, only a couple of slight inclines (and short inclines at that!). The scenery was gorgeous and the people of the Twin Cities were so extremely supportive, making the miles fly by much faster! There were even spectators who set up impromptu aid stations along the course, supplying runners with water, oranges, and bananas, which was a nice touch.

I thought overall the organization was awesome. I never waited in any lines to pick up my packet, and everything seemed to run very smoothly, from the aid stations to the finish chute. Both water and Gatorade were plentiful, even for us back-of-the-packers.

The only complaint I have is one someone else mentioned in 2004 - I finished around the 5-hour mark, and the only shirt sizes left were large and x-large. Seeing this was a problem in 2004, it probably should have been corrected in 2005. After all, everyone paid the same registration fee and should therefore be entitled to a finisher shirt that fits, especially since the design was so neat!

I'm probably a little biased because this marathon is in my home state, but I feel this is definitely an event to be experienced by any marathoner at least once.


Geoff Martin from Winnipeg,Manitoba,Canada (10/4/2005)
"The place to be in October" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Twin Cities Marathons

This was my ninth time running in this race and it gets better and better. OK, so it was hot and humid; live with it and enjoy it. This course is so scenic, with fantastic spectators. One cannot say enough about the great folks at the water stations. They were giving 150% in the heat and still smiling and cheering us on. Twin Cities has in my opinion got most of the other marathons in the States beaten. Everything is so well organized. One little moan: not enough high-energy music on the course. Great expo, nice pasta party, one helluva good race, post-race stuff wonderful. Next year is the 25th running and if you are not there you will miss out on a very special event.


D. F. from Minneapolis (10/4/2005)
"Marathons are supposed to be challenging!" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Twin Cities Marathons

First, this was my 8th TCM and the race has never been a disappointment. Keep up the great work.
Now I have to respond to commentary about the course being too hilly. I understand the thrill of a PR; but I never hear avid golfers talking about seeking easy courses so they can score well, or tennis players finding weak opponents so they can tally more wins. Runners overly obsessed with PRs might do well to run nothing but downhill courses; but then they'd be missing the real essence of this sport.


S. G. from Omaha, NE (10/4/2005)
"Can it get any better?" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

I was bitten by the marathon bug last year. I said then, 'I'll be back, definitely.' I didn't think it could get better. This year I ran Twin Cities, and guess what? It can and does. The slogan "Most Beautiful Urban Run in America" sums it up perfectly, but that isn't all. The spectators are AWESOME. I did not run as well as I had expected, but it felt like every step I took I was hearing my number being yelled in encouragement by adults AND kids. I had the feeling that these people, while not all runners were truly knowledgeable and knew that the marathon experience can be excruciating and is not simply a walk in the park. It seemed like every spectator on the course felt it was their duty to see to it that I finished. That is what makes this marathon great. Maybe I'll be saying this about another race next year, but I can't imagine better. Twin Cities has a gem of a course and spectator support. I WILL do this again. THANK YOU to everyone that made it happen.


R. P. from Canada (10/3/2005)
"Bob" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

Just ran the 2005 version of Twin Cities (my first time running it). I went because of all the great things I heard about it. Sum it up to say it was all worth it, but I probably will not run it again. Sounds odd...

I really enjoyed it (my wife ran as well & she enjoyed it), but it wasn't my or her cup of tea. Why:

* We went to run PR's, but it really isn't that great of a PR course - there are hills & lots of them. They are not overly large (except from mile 21 to mile 23 or 24), but they do hurt efforts at a PR.
* Expo: The handouts were great, but it was missing some of the big companies (eg. Nike), there were not many neat new products/services like at Boston or New York, and my favorite (Asics) had a very small booth that was sold out of everything in size small my wife wanted to buy.

Let's just sum it up by saying I liked it and suggest everyone run it at least once. I would then suggest skipping it until you either are not able to travel (i.e. you live in the area) or are finished with trying to PR.


I. E. from San Antonio, TX (10/3/2005)
"Beautiful, wonderful, fun, hilly..." (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

What a great experience!
First allow me to give thanks to everybody stading along the 26 miles making the course so much fun.
The race itself is amazing, beautiful indeed.
The course was more challenging than anticipated though. I found the miles between 13 and 19 unexpectedly 'hilly.' And yes, I saw the profile of the run and I dind't expect 3 up-and-down, leg-breaking hills in a row.
The weather was a challenge too but not a factor, I think.
I highly recommend this wonderful experience to all runners. But if you are trying to qualify for Boston, you might run this for the beauty and fun and try to qualify for Boston in Chicago or Austin.
Thanks again Minneapolis!!!


L. G. from California (10/3/2005)
"Most Organized Urban Marathon!" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

This was my fourth marathon and my first Twin Cities Marathon experience. My prior races were all in major cities well-known for their organization -- TCM is by far the best in terms of maximizing the convenience and efficiency for runners. The expo is huge, yet it didn't take forever to pick up your packet. On race day, everything from the drop bag process (they have volunteers handling everything and it took all of 10 seconds to get my stuff at the end of the race), portable toilets (finally! a race that has plenty of them all along the route!), the t-shirts (absolutely beautiful and a departure from white), the post-race activities (great bands, lots of snacks to choose from), and even the water stations were all perfect. Everybody was friendly and supportive. Loved the experience.

The course itself is beautiful, snaking around pretty lakes and lovely trees that are just starting to turn bright colors, with old gorgeous homes full of cheering people along the way. Fairly flat, though I think people are exaggerating when they describe it as being totally level - there is a sizeable hill at 22 that everybody mentions, but I also felt like there were many others, albeit minor ones, throughout the course. They were not hard, but frequent enough that doing some practice with inclines seems advantageous. The crowd support was very strong, though not as nuts as Chicago (where I don't think you run one step without a crowd) or even Grandma's (where people were more vocal). There are plenty of people cheering at TCM, but it seemed like a more mellow crowd than others I've seen/heard. All and all, a fabulous marathon that is managed extremely well. And one more thing - definitely keep it around 8,000. It is an ideal size!!


J. L. from San Angelo, Texas (10/3/2005)
"Great event!" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

This was my sixth marathon, and the best of them all. I PR'd by 21 minutes on the generally fast, flat course. The hill at mile 21 was tough (thus 4 rather than 5 stars for the course). Volunteers were plentiful - I'm told there was 1 volunteer for every 2 runners! Scenic, fast, and well run. Water stops were long, with multiple tables of Powerade and water. Weather was a little warm, but the cloud cover and moderate wind made it a great race.


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