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Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 481 [displaying comments 141 to 151]
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N. C. from IL -USA (5/13/2008)
"Great Race; Very Tough and Mentally Challenging" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This was my first marathon. For me the course was hilly, but I've trained for the hills. I kept hearing "rolling hills," and I think the marketing/legal/sales people coached the race helpers to use the same term. Also, running next to people going the opposite way was both good and bad. I enjoyed watching the people during the first half. Then the last half, I didn't like seeing the faces of people struggling where I was going to be in hour or so. Also, for me, the park at the end was not fun, only because I mentally broke down when I saw the size of the lake and the little runners on the other side. The Nashville folks helped move me forward - my thanks go out to them. I'm glad this was my first because it told me I can run any other races. See you in 2009, after Chicago 2008.


d. f. from silvis, IL (5/13/2008)
"As expected" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This is a 1/2 marathon heavy race, which can be both good and bad. The mass of people and spectors for the 1st 11 miles made the race fly by and the rolling hills hard to notice. The end of the race was a bit tough mentally, seeing the end only to run away from it. It would have been cool to finish in the stadium instead of outside. The fans were great, but to be honest, I don't worry if there are people present or not. I always think the fan numbers and support is more a reflection of the community rather than the race itself. So if you go to a non-running area, dont expect tons of crazy people/fans to carry you to the finish line.

But Nashville was great. I liked the Saturday race, which allowed for seeing the city that night. The cotton shirt was a bit of a disappointment. The pre-race food set up was a nice thought/touch.


A. A. from Wisconsin (5/9/2008)
"It's a fun race - just keep your sense of humor!" (about: 2008)

50+ previous marathons | 3 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathons

In a race with this many participants, there will usually be problems with logistics. Obviously the police wanted to see how many cars could be backed up on the interstate trying to park. Lines for the potties were almost as long at the start. Mobs of 1/2 marathoners clogged the first 11 miles. Spectators were sparse over the last 12 miles, but hey, I don't know any of these people anyway. Great music and enthusiastic volunteers. Every marathon is an adventure and a unique experience. Run, laugh and enjoy.
Ps. I carried that stupid tambourine for 26.2 miles!!!


p. m. from va (5/8/2008)
"Never again" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Somehow I got the idea that this race would be charged with energy, excitement and music. There were bands at every mile but because of rain several were just setting up when I ran past, and many of them were singing slow songs like "Country Road" when we needed "We Will Rock You." This race is definitely focused on the half-marathoners. Further, I thought this was one of the more boring and ugly courses I've run. The last half was particularly awful. I can't add anything new: little crowd support after mile 11, Accelerade was horrible to drink, there were long gradual stretches of uphill roads, the t-shirt was worthless (one friend used it as his throw away shirt Saturday morning), and trying to get to and from the race impossible. We even bought the ridiculously overpriced $15-per-person ticket to take us the 2.9 miles back to our hotel, but after waiting and waiting with no bus in sight, we got our money back and decided to get a taxi, which we couldn't find. So we ended up walking back after having to walk to the race start that morning. The following week I ran the Pocono Marathon, a small race, but the people there are wonderful, the goody bag was the best, they had a free pasta dinner, and the course was very pretty (still hilly, and it's still a cotton shirt, though). I won an age group award so I'm not whining that I didn't do well; I'm just whining because the CMM could do better.


Jadyn Stevens from Fairview, TN (5/7/2008)
"Great Marathon" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 2 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathons

Wow! What a day! This was such a great experience; I love the course, volunteers (even in the rainy weather) and the fans. The live music on the course is a great way to get some pep in your step. I reached my goal and qualified for Boston 3:09:10. It was one of the best days of my life. God bless!


Kelley Wells from Columbia,South Carolin (5/7/2008)
"Wonderful race - will run again next year" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon

The start was well organized, and I was on pace from the first steps. Met four really nice purple guys (Team in Training) from Atlanta, and ran with them till about mile 10. Thanks for the support and friendship!! The fan support was awesome, and the course was very scenic. I am looking forward to doing this race again next year. Post-race was also great, with plenty of food, drink, beer and medical support. Highly recommend running the marathon in 2009!!I hope I will see the purple guys again and will get to thank them for a PR!! My family stayed at Loews Hotel, which is 3 blocks from the start - perfect!The hotel really catered to the runners.


C. H. from Tulsa, Oklahoma (5/6/2008)
"High energy event; hills were not a problem" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

I loved the race. It was the largest race I have run by about four times, and the engery from the other runners, the spectators, bands, volunteers, etc. was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I was warned that this was a really hilly course, but that didn't bother me. There weren't any really long or super steep ups. I actually liked the hills because I used different muscles going up from those I used going down, or on flat surfaces. Overall, I felt that all this took a lesser toll on me than if I had run faster on a flatter course. Lots of experienced runners PRed, so the hills couldn't be that bad.


C. J. from Eagle Mountain, Utah (5/6/2008)
"Hospitality, Spectators, Hills & Some Country" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

How do you take the chaos out of 30,000 people trying to be in nearly the same spot and running the same route? The organizers of this race managed to do a pretty good job. The wave start worked well (the last people starting could find out who won the Half before they even started running!) The only issue I had with the logistics was parking and then trying to find and get a shuttle from the finish area back to the start of the race; it was not only going to cost $15, but the buses just weren't running and people were waiting...a long time. Otherwise, the volunteers along the course and in all aspects of race organization were friendly, knowledgable and helpful - reflecting the hospitality of the city - which we thought was great. The spectators were also plentiful and encouraging, which was helpful considering there were also plentiful hills.
The course wasn't overly spectacular or interesting, but did traverse some nice residential areas and parts of the city. I was a little disappointed in the number of music groups along the route, but suspect the weather may have kept a few away. My biggest question actually concerned course marking and measuring: I'm usually pretty consistent in my pace - and there were definitely a few miles where that consistency wasn't evident - but I suspect markings were incorrect, and I even wonder whether the course was a completely full distance. I was happy for a PR, but also a bit suspicious. Why can't an organization this large- and raking in the funds they did- get the course certified?
All that said, it was a good run, a good city and sharing it with 30,000 people wasn't half bad.


S. J. from Ellicott City, MD (5/5/2008)
"Overrated!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Serious marathoners look elsewhere. This race should be called the Country Music Half Marathon. That's what gets all the attention and all the entrants. Course is rolling hills; most aren't too steep, but they were long. Once the course splits around mile 11, there are hardly any spectators except for the "cheer zones." I will give credit that the cheer-zone people were very enthusiastic, but after the split there just weren't as many. Accelerade is garbage; saving a few bucks to go with this drink over Gatorade is pathetic. Making us runners in corral 1 wait while the elite get a "head start" is not needed, and is not fair to those in this corral.


Eddie Hahn from Rancho Cucamonga, CA (5/4/2008)
"The Most Scenic of the Rock N Roll Series" (about: 2008)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This is far and away the most scenic of the three Rock N Roll Marathons that are in existence (to date). The other two courses are (generally) urban and not very scenic. The name definitely owns up to the billing of "country." Great music, great food, nice medal, great hospitality. The course is a bit more rolling than I anticipated, but overall an excellent marathon, and a great choice, as it turned out, for my 100th lifetime marathon.


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