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Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 481 [displaying comments 211 to 221]
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NORALBA GALLEGOS from chicago (5/1/2007)
"Extremely pleased with Nashville and the event" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

My first marathon was in Europe - about a 3rd of the size, and Nashville impressed me with their organization. Everything went smoothly with plenty of everything - more than I needed. The course is difficult but a challenge we are there for.... It's not supposed to be easy. The city is wonderful also. It as a great event and vacation. The fans were great but more of Nashville needs to get out there to cheer on the runners!


A. A. from Toronto (5/1/2007)
"Good Job Nashville" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons

We ran the half marathon, and enjoyed the race. Kudos to the residents of Nashville for supporting the CMM, this truly is a city that supports the running community.

Other kudos go out to our hotel shuttle driver, for the tenacity he displayed in his determination to get us to the starting line as police were officially closing the roads for the race.

The expo had a lot of different things to offer, and race kit pick up was well organized.

The weather turned out to be very pleasant. Great running weather!

The race course was interesting, meandering around neighbourhoods, with home owners participating by handing out orange slices (and beer?) and cheering on the runners. I heard others complaining about the hills, but found they were not at all challenging.
There were plenty of water tables along the route (maybe too much), too bad for the awful tasting accelerade.

A family reunion area categorized by flagged alphabet letters, made finding each other less daunting through the crowds after a tiring race. This wasnt my best time, but had a good time! Well done Nashville!!


j. h. from Daytona Beach, FL (5/1/2007)
"Well organized half; just missed full" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

I don't generally run large marathons, but there was a large group of first-time marathoners traveling from FL to this race - they talked me into jumping back into the marathon scene by doing CMM with them. The first con were the start line portables - come on, there are 30,000 participants at a morning race... the portables were disgusting! Secondly, one of the greatest points for me in ANY run is the national anthem and the uplifting music at the start - being in corral 12, I heard no anthem. After that, the race was great for the first 11 miles, then I felt like I'd been forgotten.... The Catalina Island Marathon had more support! The finish line was enthusiastic, albeit a bit confusing. The course wasn't all that beautiful.... If you like LARGE marathons and crowds, you'll have a great time. As for me, I'll stick to the small marathons where you're made to feel like a rock star as opposed to an afterthought when running 26.2.


J. L. from North Carolina (5/1/2007)
"Great for 1/2 Marathoners" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Let me start by saying that this was an extremely organized race... from the expo to the concert everything seemed to run so smoothly and there was always a friendly person available to answer any questions. There was quite a bit of free stuff at the expo which was nice also. After reading comments from past years I expected a hilly course; but I agree with a previous poster that if you are running the marathon, those "hills" seem like mountains when you are all alone with no one to cheer you on. The crowd support in the 1st half and last 1/4 was great, and coming down that finish chute the loud cheers made up for the lonely miles! The only true negative comments/suggestions I have would be better enforcement of corral assignment and maybe putting a hand-out in the pick up packet about running/walking etiquette. It was unfortunate to see a lot of people being held up by oblivious walkers many of whom walked side by side in groups of 4 or 5. That being said, this was a great experience and a friendly town to visit!


B. B. from Fort Worth (5/1/2007)
"One of the best anywhere" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Like everyone else, I loved the marathon. What's not to love? If you found fault, you are extremely hard to please. I knew from previous comments that the half far outnumbers the full. This year they had 25,000 vs. 5,000, but it was managed well with the wave start and six lanes for the first few miles. I was glad when the crowd thinned out after 11. It was fun passing Eddie George - he said that running the half was harder than playing in the NFL, like when Lance said running a marathon was harder than the Tour de France.

The course isn't perfect, but San Diego Rock 'n Roll was pretty boring from about 10 on and even made you run on an interstate before that, and Boston isn't really that picturesque and made you take a 7:00 bus but not start until noon. You're not running for the scenery, if you are you should be at Big Sur. It's hard to come up with 26 miles of flat and beautiful anywhere. The hills were not as bad as reported, but you'd better be ready for them. I almost PR'd and just missed a trip back to Boston by a few minutes, so it can be a fast, if not easy, course.

Nashville is a great town to visit. We stayed in the Embassy Suites a few blocks from Vanderbilt, with breakfast, happy hour (for afterwards), great service, and free shuttle to and from race and around town, and I'd recommend staying there, especially at $169.00.

This was #7 in last 2 years and along with NYC, my favorite. Next up: Chicago (with 45,000 people).


J. B. from Washington, DC (5/1/2007)
"Great Race! Super Town!" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Having run a full marathon in Oct., I opted to run the half in Nashville. What a great time! And what a super host town! Will definitely be back in 2008!

The course was hilly but fun, and the crowds could not have been better. It is so nice to visit a town where folks greet you with a smile everywhere you go!

Only three small complaints: 1. With so many entrants, maybe have walkers stay to the right and runners to the left - it was really difficult to weave through folks at the start. 2. Re-think the exit corral - we got stuck for almost 10 minutes in a huge crowd. 3. Change the sports drink - Accelerade is definitely an acquired taste.


B. N. from Smyrna, TN (5/1/2007)
"First Race Ever" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This was my first race ever and it was incredible. Not wanting to do anything halfway, I decided to run the full marathon. I can't find a single bad thing to say about the race other than that I could have done without the cramps that started shortly after the split. The music was great (turned off my mp3 player after mile 8). Spectators were outstanding. Even during the lonely portions, there were some spectators and bands that just keep you moving. I am almost reluctant to try another city because I'm afraid it will pale in comparison to how well the marathon was run. It was so good that I have talked my brothers into running their first marathon next year.

Great job, Nashville! You have done your city proud and I will definitely run this one again and again and recommend it to everyone I see.


J. P. from Jacksonville, Florida (5/1/2007)
"I loved this marathon!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

I have run 12 marathons (Chicago, Marine Corps, Disney, etc.) and other than Boston, this is my favorite! I am from Jacksonville and trained on all flat terrain and I had no problems with the hills. The wave start has to be the best addition to races...other races take note! I never felt crowded. As for the last half of the marathon where there weren't as many spectators...that was great as well! I run alone and so the path by the river and the Shelby Park part of the race were quiet and a nice break from the crowds. I qualified for Boston on this course so it can't be too hilly. Nashville spectators and volunteers, you are the best! You all are so kind and polite and helpful. Thank you so much for all of your hard work. I'll be in Boston next year but I will pass the word around about how wonderful this race is. Thank you Nashville!! If you are reading this comment to see if you want to try this race, read this list.
1. No crowded starting line thanks to wave start.
2. Accelerade isn't tasty but didn't bother my stomach.
3. Crowds were plentiful but not rude and didn't say anything negative to make you mad.
4. Plenty of food at the end!
5. Get to the race at 5:00 like they tell you to and you will have no problem with the shuttle, portajohns, parking, etc.
6. Really...the hills aren't THAT bad! I never ran a hill during my entire training and did a 3:49 which wasn't much different than my training times.
7. Just run it! It's well worth it!


S. F. from Birmingham, AL (5/1/2007)
"Well-Organized, Fun Race" (about: 2007)

First Marathon

This race was awesome from start to finish. This was my 3rd half and hands down my favorite. The packet pick-up was SO easy and the expo was great. So many WONDERFUL volunteers!
The wave start proved to be an efficient way to keep the course congestion to a minimum (as much as can be done with 30,000 runners). I can't say enough about the volunteers and fan support! There were SO MANY volunteers working the water/aid stations and water stations were well stocked and plentiful. The fans cheering were outstanding. I loved all the kids handing out fruit, candy,salt, and lots of high-fives. My favorite was the dressed-up couple who had their table in the front yard with a table cloth, a floral centerpiece, a silver champagne bucket, and were sipping champagne from fine crystal champagne flutes! Hysterical! I think they thought it was a cocktail party in their own front yard!
The bands were great....One every mile! As I was hitting mile 5, the band started playing 'Sweet Home Alabama' and the entire course started cheering!
My only complaint: ACCELERADE? What the heck was that? No one I talked to had ever tried it, much less trained with it. It was awful!!!! I understand they probably paid A LOT of money to sponsor, but YUCK!
I would recommend this race to EVERYONE. Great course, bands, organization, and great fans cheering you on!! Excellent job Nashville!


Tracy Brooks from Harrogate, Tennessee (5/1/2007)
"Great course and atmosphere. Will be back!!" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This was my first marathon, and I couldn't have chosen a better one! For me, there was not one negative aspect of the race from start to finish.The people of Nashville were amazing with their support and that helped keep me going at the tougher parts of the course, and especially near the end. The course had many hills, but they were not impossible as they were more long than steep. The scenery was beautiful, the water stops were plentiful, the medals were nice, and the post-race food had enough variety to appeal to most anyone. Overall, it was a very positive experience, and I cannot wait to do it again next year!


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