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Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 481 [displaying comments 241 to 251]
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R. B. from Katy, Texas (4/29/2007)
"Great organization; course route could improve" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Had a great time in Nashville; ran the 1/2.

1. Best organization from start to finish of any of the races that I have run, with friendly folks happy to have you in their town.

2. Great expo, also with short lines, quick service, and separate stations to pick up chip, T-shirt, etc. Georgia Marathon could learn from the expo organization.

3. Every amenity you could ever want on the course, plenty to drink, stations on both side of roads, and great volunteers and fans.

4. Hills were tough but not unbearable.

1. I thought the course route was very ordinary. This is Nashville; would have liked to have run by the Ryman, the CW Hall of fame, some of the famous bars, etc. Mixing in more of downtown and more of the scenic neighborhoods would be worth considering.

2. More coffee for fans at start of race - they were there in body but very quiet the first few miles, but like the weather they warmed up as the day went on and were great at end of race.

All in all, great experience - see you next year!


A. H. from Atlanta, GA (4/29/2007)
"Long Second Half" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

First, I have to say, this was an unbelievably well organized race. I loved the wave start, which helped to keep from there being ANY congestion during the race. The water stops were plentiful, and the volunteer support was awesome. The medal was nice, and the free sandals provided at the end were a blessing to my throbbing feet and ankles.

However, I have to say, that it wasn't the hills that got to me. It was the emptiness of the second half of the race. I had read the reviews, and I was prepared for the hills, training in Atlanta. I was not prepared for the barren second half of the course. The scenery was less than lackluster from mile 11 to mile 18, and there was virtually no crowd support in that period as well. (Mile 11 is where the 1/2 marathoners break off to their finish, and the marathoners take a different course.) That's when I really started to notice the hills on the course. From mile 18 to mile 21, there was a good amount of support again, but then it totally disappeared as we entered into a small park area. The crowds and cheering were non-existent again until the last quarter mile.

I would have to agree with many of the posters here that this would be an awesome 1/2 marathon, but, as a first-time marathon, it was definitely not what I had hoped for.


A. M. from CT (4/29/2007)
"Another new favorite run!!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons

I did the CM Half this year after saying every year "this year I'll..." - and I don't know why I waited!!! I had a great time and am already registering for next year! I will definitely stay in one of the host hotels downtown next time, to fully avail myself of all the fun on Broadway and 2nd Ave.!!


b. h. from rockland count, new york (4/29/2007)
"Good, but something missing" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Well it was a hot one. I'm a slam dunk 4:30 - 4:45 marathoner. Although I've run marathons on much warmer days, I was knocked out by the humidity and had a bad day at the office time wise. So with nothing to do with that I will say the volunters did a great job - could have used a water station BADLY up top along the water path somewhere around 14. The folks that helped out were awesome.

OK without the people this is a LAME course. Horrible running surface with pavement concrete mix. I DON'T MIND HILLS BUT PLEASE BE HONEST WITH THE RUNNERS SO WE CAN TRAIN! If there is beauty to Nashville, we never saw it.

Something needs to be done about the 1/2 marathon. Get rid of it OR CALL IT THE COUNTRY MUSIC 1/2 MARATHON and marathon. More attention is paid to the 1/2 marathon then the marathon. If you want to grow your marathon, do it. Otherwise call it THE COUNTRY MUSIC 1/2 MARATHON FOR PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO WALK. If you were someone that had a finish of less than 3 hours for a 1/2, that's cool - congrats! BUT I NEVER, EVER SAW MORE FOLKS WALK ALMOST THE WHOLE THING. MY BOSS IS THE MOST OUT OF SHAPE GUY AND HE COULD FINISH BETTER THEN HALF OF THE FIELD WITH NO TRAINING.



D. B. from Tennessee (4/29/2007)
"Very, very well organized" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This was my first CMM ever, and my first one overall was in Knoxville, my hometown. Compared to that one, this was a little easier. Knoxville's is much hillier and it was also raining, so it made it a bit more challenging... although, I was very surprised at the amount of elevation here. I loved it and ran a lot better than I thought I would. Also, I really love what Nashville has to offer and the variety of things to do here is awesome! It is a beautiful city and so much fun to tour and see a lot of things I've never seen before. I'll most certainly be back!


L. S. from Roswell, GA (4/29/2007)
"Love the race but fix the shuttles and potties" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathons

This was my 5th time - 2 marathons, 3 halfs. Did you see the guy who was pushing a family member in a wheelchair?? Talk about courage and commitment... awesome. My two recommended changes: 1) This year, we drove to the start and got stuck in massive traffic and ran late to the start. Won't do that again, but $15 bucks for a shuttle to the start - that's just not right.... 2) Also after finishing the race, I really needed a potty but had to weave my way past the water (good), chip removal, goody bag, bagels, bananas, more food, and shoe giveaway and then actually had to leave the runner area in order use the potty - logistically, that really needs to be fixed. Other than those two small suggestions, it was another great (and challenging) race and I will be back again.


E. A. from New York City (4/29/2007)
"Great Race!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Great town, great people, great enthusiasm, excellent and flawless organization at start and finish, very good course, and excellent support (water, medical, volunteers, etc). I liked staying at a hotel near the start (as opposed to finish) - no need for shuttle to start and no problem getting home after via cab. Best to stay a few days if you can - it's a fun town.


T. R. from Columbus, OH (4/29/2007)
"Too many participants!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

It was my first CMM (I did the half) and will be my last. I thought the course was tough but fair and the water stops were plentiful. The wave start, in theory, was great but I think they might need a little work on the placement of people. I was surprised to pass walkers early and often because I thought they'd be starting behind the runners. By the 3rd mile it was a sea of humanity and I've never been bumped, pushed or what have you more in any of the 30+ half or longer races I've done. Even at mile 12 and 13 I was getting pushed around a little. Definitely not fun.

Also, the finishing chute was far too crowded and it took quite awhile to get through it. It wasn't much fun!

All in all, if you're into running with 35,000 people, it's a good event. If you like having a little space and worrying more about your time than getting through traffic, then I'd pick another race.


J. B. from Atlanta, GA (4/29/2007)
"Very well done." (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon

I ran the 1/2. I was in the second wave and was able to get into my pace within 30 seconds. There are hills but you should expect that because they give you plenty of warning on the website. All water stations were well stocked, staffed and long. Accelerade tastes like chalk and you might want to try it before running the race to see if it is to you liking.

Traffic coming into the expo was kind of hairy, so give yourself more time if you are driving in.


K. B. from Clarksville, Tennessee (4/28/2007)
"good race, TERRIBLE sports drink!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathons

Accelerade was served at this year's CMM, and it seems to be a witch's brew of Metamucil, Tang, and mucus. Yuck! The four of us in my group found it so repulsive that we finally had to stop drinking it. Note to race organizers: spring the extra cash for PowerAde or Gatorade! Other than that, the course is challenging but fun, and the bands and crowd support are wonderful.


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