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Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 481 [displaying comments 271 to 281]
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A. D. from Dunnville, ON, Canada (5/5/2006)
"Awesome race... despite the hills" (about: 2006)

First Marathon

As a former spectator who got dragged into running by my marathon-running wife, I was thrilled to run my first half at the CMM. The organization was first-rate, the people were friendly and the experience was awesome. We have never had this much pre-race fun in a race city either... the live music along Broadway was fantastic! Despite the fact that we live in a very flat area, and I wasn't able to work a lot of hill work into my training, I found the hills manageable, although I only had to do 13 miles of them. I'll definitely try to fit this race on our calendar again! Thanks Nashville!


L. B. from Raleigh, NC (5/3/2006)
"Great time in Nashville!" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons

I ran the 1/2 marathon Saturday. Elite Racing did a fantastic job of organizing this event. The start was flawless and I was running as soon as I crossed the start pad. I expected to shuffle for at least a few blocks, but there was room for everyone. The route was scenic and the bands kept me distracted. It is a hilly course if you are not used to training on hills. I run 10 miles every Saturday so I did not feel like this would be much of a stretch, but I was pretty beat up the next day. It was a great experience and a race I would do again.

The only complaint I have is that we stayed at Union Station which was listed as a HQ hotel. It was under renovation and we had to listen to jackhammers that started at 8:00 a.m. each day and went most of the day. Trains also went by at 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Everything else was sold out or we would have moved. Other than that, Nashville was awesome!


K. M. from Atlanta, Georgia (5/3/2006)
"I'll be running back for more" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

The County Music Marathon was very well organized. As a slower runner, I disagree with those who said the water and Gatorade were not well supplied ~ there was PLENTY when I waddled through the water stops. The Sport Beans were GREAT - no need to gag down the Gu. I agree the food at the end was mediocre, but tasted good to my hungry self. The scenery was lush and green, especially around Belmont in the first half and in the park from miles 22-24. The medal is great. The tee is, mmmm, okay. The hills were not challenging. C'mon! They were rolling at best. The course was totally enjoyable. The best thing about Nashville... undoubtedly the spectators. Wow. Kept me going. Loved the sign at mile 20: "There is no wall." Unfortunately - there is. I'll be back for more.


S. M. from Chicago, IL (5/3/2006)
"A fun but challenging marathon!" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

The start location at Centennial Park was great. Everything was well-marked and well-organized. The corral start was fantastic. I have never run a marathon with a corral start before and I don't know why every big marathon (I'm talking to you, Chicago!) doesn't start this way. I started in Corral 3 and started right on pace, with no dodging or walls of walkers to go around. Things were crowded, but not overly so, through Mile 11 when we split off from the half-marathoners. It did get a bit lonely at this point - there were over three times as many half-marathoners as marathoners, so the course really thins out there. The crowds seem to thin out around mile 11 too, as you head towards Metrocenter. That was a very lonely part of the course.

My recommendation to those of you that train in flat parts of the country is (a) do as much hill training as possible; and (b) make sure you don't go out too fast, since you will encounter many hills in the last half of the race. I probably went out a little too fast and felt pretty weak around mile 18 or so. None of the hills are god-awful steep, but there sure are a lot of them.

The finish was a lot of fun - there were a lot of cheering spectators lining the street. We were moved through the chute and the finish area quickly and efficiently. I know there was food at the finish line, but I was feeling a little sick so I didn't take any of it.

Overall, a very fun race and experience, and the town seems to really embrace the runners - both local and from out of town.


D. T. from Atlanta, GA (5/3/2006)
"This is how a marathon is supposed to be "run"" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

All of my prior marathons were relatively small. The CMM spoiled me. Every aspect of the event was excellent, from the expo to the medal. I did not encounter one problem, and everyone was friendly and more than helpful. Thanks to all who helped make it successful. : )


T. I. from Northern VA (5/3/2006)
"Great Race for a Country Music Fan!" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

It was my first Nashville Half Marathon. I like the course, bands, and crowd; it was run in nice neighborhoods and through the famous Music Row area with a recording studious. I wish this course wasn't a loop so we could see more of Nashville. Some facts I didn't like:

1. I was driving from Northern Virginia and had a problem finding a parking spot near the expo (it was Friday afternoon), so I ended up paying $6 for an hour, which is too much even in our Washington DC area rates. I didn't have enough time at the expo, picked up my T-shirt and went back. I hope they will have a better place for an expo, or at least free parking. We paid a lot for a race already.

2. I had some after-race questions and stopped by the "Information" tent, but the woman who worked there was completely unprepared to answer any of my questions.

3.Pre-race snacks: All fruit was gone by the time I arrived - at around 6:20 a.m. But I saw a lot of people who had two to three bananas.

4. I didn't like the idea of jelly beans; I couldn't open a bag and had to finally throw it away.


T. M. from Mississippi (5/3/2006)
"Great marathon but too warm" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

It was a fun marathon with all the runners (23,000+), spectators and bands. Course was kind of hilly but there were a lot of gradual declines to help you pick up speed. The water and PowerAde were warm at drink stops but volunteers there were fantastic because they were positive and tried to keep your morale up. Power Beans were terrible! I had power gel with me so it was no problem for me. It was nice having the marathon on Saturday because Nashville is a fun town to spend Saturday night in. I recommend this marathon for runners who want to have fun - but I probably won't run it again because I like running in cooler weather, and April 29 in the south is not conducive to cool weather. The half marathon wouldn't be bad, though, because most runners of the half can finish before it gets hot.


matt sandlin from indianapolis, in (5/3/2006)
"fans were fantastic" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

The race was very hilly, but bearable. I was a little disappointed with the choice to use PowerAde and "Sport Beans" (Jelly Belly's with nutrition info better than power gel). I usually consume lots of Gatorade before and during races because I sweat a lot and need to get some salt back in to my body. With the muggy temps on race day I was losing the battle against dehydration. I had about six cups total of PowerAde, which was just too sweet, and I had a bathtub ring of sugar in my belly for about four miles. My fellow runners and I quit drinking it altogether because it was just a sugar overload. Next time I hope they get Pepsi to sponsor it so they can have Gatorade out there and maybe some power gel or Gu (as opposed to Sport Beans). The RnR out in VA Beach had Gatorade and power gels. Go figure: the race was awesome and the fans were great. Once you hit the 26th mile you have a tunnel of people to get you home. Goosebumps. I'll be back, but maybe for the half. You can't train for hills like that in Indiana.


G. T. from Beavercreek Ohio (5/3/2006)
"Well Done Nashville!" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon

This was a great race. Organization, bus shuttles to the start, food, drinks, spectators, course - everything. Well done, Nashville! Music was great, but the Belmont Church was awesome! Traffic and parking in downtown Nashville are bad. One suggestion is to NOT have a street sweeper blowing dirt onto oncoming runners. That was just plain stupid. I'll be back!


Elizabeth Phipps from Memphis, TN (5/2/2006)
"Loved it as a first-timer - would do it again!" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

As a first-time marathoner, I didn't have much to compare this one to, but there has been a standard set!! The race was well organized, and the expo was much better than one I had attended previously. The spectators were fabulous. Running through neighborhoods, the residents were hilarious. Some were out making mimosas and offering them out around mile 6. Others had poker games going. Kept me entertained! The course was hilly, but not too bad. I had prepped myself for HUGE hills (because there are some in Nashville), but it was more gently rolling than anything. I had a great time and am now looking for my next marathon! My only complaint was the Jelly Belly Sport Beans. I have decided I'm a GU fan while I run. I didn't like having to actually EAT something rather than just being able to swallow a gel. Other than that, the water/PowerAde stations were well stocked - I didn't get dehydrated! I would highly recommend this race!


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