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Gold Coast Airport Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.7 
Number of comments: 29 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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N. M. from Auckland, New Zealand (7/17/2008)
"Flat with a few bumps (topographic and organizatio" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Gold Coast Airport Marathons

This is a really walker/slow runner-friendly event with a 7:10 cut-off. The course is fairly flat. The spectators are great and they are out there for hours!
The organization is great and you can change events just about right up to the start line! The pre-event events are great and the other events occurring at the same time mean the whole family can take part.
The only downer this year was the un-advertised cut-off times en route. I was supporting an 80-year-old, seasoned marathoner and we were threatened with removal from the course at 25K (due to numerous toilet stops). We "convinced" the marshal to let us continue, but less stroppy entrants might not have. We saw 2 other signs with cut-off times but these were not given in the event literature. This was different from when I did it 2 years ago and people took more than 7.5 hours to do it. The roads were not even supposed to be opened, but we were pushed to the footpaths. I feel most people would be happy to move to pavement at a certain time (like in the Auckland Marathon). Once we showed that we were able to keep up the pace, everyone became much nicer and we made it in under the cut-off time (no more toilet stops!).


V. C. from Singapore (7/10/2008)
"Great 1st Marathon" (about: 2008)

First Marathon

Pre-race organization was very good. Collection of bibs took seconds on the day before. Buses to the race from the city center were not frequent enough. The start was very orderly - no pushing or shoving and it seemed as if most runners started in the zone they should have. The previous day the weather had been shocking. The day of the race was slightly overcast, cool/warm, and pretty well perfect with a slight sea breeze. The course runs up and down the very flat coast, so it was easy to pace and preserve energy for a first-time runner.

Although busy throughout the run, there was a ton of space to move and the vast majority of runners were very considerate of others around them. Tons of refreshment stops and toilets. Spectators were spread along the entire course and were of good value. They seem to know the right things to say. Not too many of the "not far to go" types around. As through the entire race, the finish was orderly, with massages and refreshments readily available. My only complaint was transportation back to the center of town. I could not be bothered standing in a mile-long line for the infrequent buses, so, along with many others, I walked 7 KM back to the hotel. Not a great idea at the end of 42 KM. All in all, a great event, and knowing the Australians, once they are on to a great sporting event, it will only become bigger and better. Finally everything on the website is very close to the facts, so that is a good guide.


Marina White from Southern CA (3/31/2008)
"Golden Opportunity" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Gold Coast Airport Marathon

This was my third marathon, and my second international one. I think it is an excellent choice for an international course. It was really beautiful along the ocean and flat, so it was simple to run through. It was a pretty warm day, but they had a good amount of aid stations so that was not a problem. Also a fun city to check out - just don't sign up to do one of their many courses on how to surf on the same day as your marathon. I found out this didn't work too well, but the water felt great!


Allen Thomas from Las Cruces, New Mexico (12/28/2007)
"It's a BREEZE" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Gold Coast Airport Marathon

Most of the course runs alongside the ocean. The sea breeze generally blows across your body (don't expect a headwind or tailwind) that is refreshing. I thought I was off to a possible personal best for the first half of the race. Only when I hit the turnaround point did I realize that we were running slightly downhill. The course isn't bad, though. Some of the spectators were true Aussie characters... drunk, sitting in yard chairs or sofas, and jeering on the runners. It struck me as funny. Gold Coast does draw a lot of young party goers. But be forewarned you holders of Yankee dollars. The Aussie buck is pretty strong so expect to spend more on food and entertainment than you ordinarily might expect to spend. The finisher medal is a beauty. However, since there are so many people who travel to Australia to run this race (7 continent types), I would change the name of this marathon from the Gold Coast Airport Marathon to the Australia Marathon and make the finisher medal in the shape of the continent. I think this would draw more foreign runners.


Peter Stevenson from Jakarta, Indonesia (8/14/2006)
"fantastic organization" (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 1 Gold Coast Airport Marathon

This was my second marathon (my first was Blackpool in England last year and it had many problems). I beat my first time of 3:44 to finish in 2:59:51. It was a relatively easy run till the last 2 KM when I could see the end around the curve of the coast. Those last 2 KM were murder, as I knew I had to maintain my pace to get under 3 hours.


S. H. from Austin, Texas (7/14/2006)
"Terrific Destination Race" (about: 2006)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Gold Coast Airport Marathon

Great organization, PR course and friendly volunteers. Gold Coast is a wonderful beach. Two complaints: Energy drink was served at 1/2 strength, and post-race food consisted of only oranges (and there was no beer).


flosh h, from Sydney Aust (7/7/2006)
"Australia's best marathon" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Gold Coast Airport Marathons

This was my second Gold Coast race - fantastic. Would recommend it to anyone wanting to do their first marathon. Long, flat, easy course, though it can get warm towards the finish if you're out there beyond 3 hours. It was 25 degrees C when I finished this year just before 10 a.m. (I ran 3:03:25). Start line excitement was a big buzz again this year.

I went out hard looking to break 3 hours for the first time; 40:50 through 10 KM. At halfway I still felt fresh, but knew the pace would have to slow (1:27:40). The searing pain in the hammies and quads was really bad by 25 KM. Crossing back to the start/finish line around this point is a real boost, and the crowd is a big help.

I was questioning myself by the 32 KM (2:18:03). I think the last 10.2 KM were the hardest of my life; each step was agony and the KM markers seemed to tick by at longer and longer intervals. I was running 4:35 mins/KM and feeling awful. Running the last 2.2 KM are always a surreal event and relatively easy compared to the previous 40 KM that you've just experienced.

The finishing chute was terrific - the crowd, the announcer, the location. That first 10 minutes after finishing is not something anyone enjoys, but straight after that I was back to the hotel to get some rest but to also read the free running magazine to plan my next one!!


William Kyte from Rutherglen Victoria Australia (7/3/2006)
"a super race, and well organized - bravo" (about: 2006)

50+ previous marathons | 6+ Gold Coast Airport Marathons

The only fault that I know of was the last 3K of the marathon. It coincides with the last 3K of the walk. There were only 100 marathoners battling to finish in the hot sun and millions of walkers strolling along in the warm sun on a Sunday. They were all over the road, especially the lane reserved for marathoners. Dogs and prams and chatting amblers were a special problem. Unfortunately, I was extremely hampered by the wall of walkers, and so my performance was affected so much that I was almost unable to finish. I had to struggle against this wall of happy strollers, causing me to hyperventilate. I am thankful that I was not disqualified - certainly I was unable to prevent the occasions when I crashed into people, as this is not my style. You need to define and police a lane for marathoners - there was utter chaos for 3K. This was my 20th G.C. Marathon and I was lucky to finish. You had every right to disqualify me, but I did not deserve my predicament. Strollers did not know that there was still a lane for marathoners. I am not exaggerating my description of the trauma that I went through. Otherwise, I congratulate you and your staff and volunteers. (Your medical staff were superb.)


B. B. from Tokyo, Japan (7/2/2006)
"Fast course, good organization, great weather" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Gold Coast Airport Marathon

I came from hot, humid Tokyo to run here, and it was well worth it. Conditions were perfect and the course is fast. I beat my PR by 7 minutes and hit my qualifying time for Boston. Expo was disappointing and few fans, but the organization was great. The confusion with walkers, etc., talked about in comments from past years seemed to be fixed. A great event in a wonderful part of the world


J. M. from London (7/1/2006)
"Great race, great location, great atmosphere" (about: 2004)

2 previous marathons | 1 Gold Coast Airport Marathon

My first marathon - what a wonderful atmosphere. Bands playing in the streets, people cheering on balconies, runners from all over the world. Well organized. The best Australian race. Fantastic beaches. The only problem was that when I finished it was hot (25 degrees). Highly recommended!


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