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Beijing Int'l Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 2.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 41 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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E. G. from Moscow, Russia (10/21/2009)
"Not bad at all, with right expectations" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Beijing Int'l Marathon

I was actually rather impressed with the overall organization, knowing that marathon running in China is not exactly a mass participation sport - not yet. My only serious peeve is that at the start line, runners were not corralled per expected time. Moreover, all four races (full, half, 9K and mini-marathon) were started simultaneously. So, with many local runners not familiar with how chip timing works, there was a lot of pushing and shoving to get as close to the starting gate as possible. At some point I was seriously concerned my bibs would be torn off.

Other than that, the course was reasonably varied, the public reasonably supportive, and the aid stations well-stocked with water, sport drinks and sponges (I don't eat anything on the course). The race finished at one of the Olympic stadiums (not the Bird's Nest - the older one). Oh, and your medal is on the bottom of the goody bag you collect at the finish. They don't hang it on your neck. The thing I was concerned about most - air quality - was not too bad; it was no worse than in my home town, anyway. The weather was almost perfect, in fact: cool, overcast, moderate breeze (that changed to a gale in the afternoon, but I was at my hotel already).

In summary, not a bad experience at all. Give them another few years; I bet it will be a world-class race - not only for the elite runners, but also for the ordinary marathon joe.


M. B. from Yanji, China (10/20/2009)
"Enjoyed this race" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Beijing Int'l Marathon

I ran the full marathon and do not agree with M.R.'s comments. This marathon had a five-hour time limit. I ran 4:44, but the only traffic I saw on the course were ambulances and buses to pick up people who did not finish. Most of the drink stations did only have water, but maybe almost half of them (as stated in the runners' packet) did have sports drink. And I even had some "elite sports drink" at one station. Although between the race start and 35K mark I only saw two port-a-potties, it seemed quite acceptable to pee on any plant or wall. I am pretty sure that I saw the 4:30 pace man being attended to by a medic at 37.5K. There were few KM markings until 21K, and absolutely no mile markings, and this made it difficult to keep pace.


M. B. from China (10/19/2009)
"Great volunteers, great supporters, nice course." (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Beijing Int'l Marathon

Great volunteers, great supporters, and an interesting, flat course. Everything seemed pretty organized. Lack of male toilet facilities, but it seemed to be acceptable to pee on any plant or wall. I saw two toilets between the start and 35K. There were three drink choices 1. Water, 2. Sports drink (blue Gatorade) 3. Elite runner drink (green, watered-down sports drink). But most of the stations only had water, and only one had elite runner drink. The other thing that bugged me was the lack of KM/mile markers. I had trained for a specific pace, but there were only sporadic KM markers until 20K and no mile markers at all. I am thankful to everybody who helped, including God who gave us perfect weather for the run.


k. l. from Beijing, China (10/18/2009)
"run it if you can register as a local resident" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Beijing Int'l Marathon

If you can get away with registering at the cost of a local, then maybe consider it. Otherwise, it's not worth it.

The only other thing it has going for it is starting in Tiananmen and ending in the Olympic Village.

1) The registration process is so backwards, you'd think they are trying to deter people from registering.

2) The bib pick-up process is equally as frustrating. Unorganized, and dual steps to make sure you are there for a long time and even more frustrated - not to mention I question the big box of xerox copies of everyone's ID or passports thrown in a big box after the bib has been picked up.

3. The starting point was so disorganized. They should have separate entrance or starts for the 9K, mini marathon and corporate teams, or at least organize them differently. I could get to my start line in time because of the huge mess.

4) Half-marathon was not a real half. AS mentioned in another post, it is only 20.5, and with poor marking, I too had a hard time determining when to speed up.

5) At the half-marathon finish, the only thing waiting was a tiny bottle of Watson water - one per person, please. (Seriously?)

6) Course was pretty boring soon after leaving Tiananmen. I thought we'd at least run through Haidian Park, but really we just ran along the highway. They need to make this course more interesting! Cultivate the real essence of Beijing and show the runners why Beijing!

So unless you're in the neighborhood and can register for 50 RMB - versus $50 USD or $100 USD (late registration) - and you're bored, don't bother with this race. The lack of organization will just piss you off.

The girl at Octagon had the audacity to tell me that they were very overwhelmed due to over 7,000 registrants for the marathon (and in her defense, in total, including all other participants, it was more like 24,000). I have no sympathy, though. The NYC Marathon has nearly 40,000, and they have an expo, pasta dinner the night before the race, goodies at the end of the race, and plenty of water, bagels, and bananas.

No comparison!


M. R. from Beijing (10/18/2009)
"What a disaster." (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Beijing Int'l Marathon

I ran the half-marathon this morning, which was 17.07 miles long, by my pedometer. I don't pretend that it's exactly accurate, but four miles over? Come on. They also opened the roads early (two hours and 15 minutes into the race), and so we had to dodge pedestrians, bikes, and traffic to make it to the finish line, where the pedestrians and people on bikes were standing and playing on it. There was also only water and sponges at the stations and the course was boring. The only good thing that came out of it was that now I feel like I can go anywhere else in the world and have a better experience.


T. D. from Beijing, China (7/26/2009)
"The course misses all of Beijing's beauty" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Beijing Int'l Marathon

I've lived in China for over three years, and know Beijing very well. The course missed all of classic Beijing, and bib pick-up was a mess. (I left my Chinese driver to wait there for 3 hours.) There were way too many police along the roads. I was somehow quick, so I cannot complain about water or the food shortage. The biggest omissions are that you don't go through Hutongs, along Kunming Lake, through the forbidden city, or along Tiantan. The marathon missed it all... I will only come back if the course is changed to capture Beijing's beautiful side. I can do better marathons in China. Organizers, please change the route and bib collection!


M. C. from Hong Kong (3/6/2009)
"difference: 2007 v. 2008" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Beijing Int'l Marathons

I ran the marathon in 2007 and 2008. There was a big difference in the organization at the end of the 2008 edition. It was a total mess - no water, no food, no souvenirs, fighting, etc.... What a pity, because up to the end it was a great course. Very different from the 2007 race, which was very smooth. I see the organizer changed in 2008. I hope they learned from the mistakes in 2008 to improve in 2009. To be fair, they did apologize many times and eventually posted the souvenirs/medals, etc., but that did not make up for the lack of water at the end of a marathon. I will run again because I am stubborn and have confidence that they will improve....


D. H. from Hong Kong (12/7/2008)
"Some good points, but some very bad" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Beijing Int'l Marathon

A real mixed bag, this event had some positives and some big negatives.

I really liked:
- Nice, wide, flat streets. You could do a good time on this course.
- Excellent organization on the course, with lots of police, soldiers and volunteers.
- Well stocked drink stations, even for slower runners. Plenty of water and energy drinks.
- Good t-shirt, medal, and food bag at the end.
- More spectators than I expected.

Didn't like:
- Number pickup. A disaster. I have never seen anything like it. Waited for over an hour and a half, with people pushing, fights nearly starting, complete chaos. Volunteers were doing their best, but there was not enough space, not enough people, not enough organization.
- General chaos at the start and end. Not enough information on where to go, directions, etc.
- Bag collection at the end a nightmare.

Overall I'm glad I made the effort, but probably wouldn't do it again.


H. S. from Beijing (10/19/2008)
"Half-Marathon only 20.5 KM" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 4-5 Beijing Int'l Marathons

I just ran the Beijing Half Marathon today, and when I got to the end I was shocked. Up until 17K, I was on pace to finish in 1:50. After the full marathon turned off the route at 17K, there were no more KM markings. I got to the end of the race and I was done in 1:46. I hadn't sped up, and was skeptical of the distance. I just checked out the course online, and indeed, the "half marathon" ended at 20.5K, 700 meters short of a full half marathon!

After the race I also waited 1.5 hours for the race-bag buses to arrive. When they did arrive, we stood in a mob for 20 minutes while they tried to hand the bags back.

I live in Beijing and I have run this race four times before. I have never seen it bungled this badly before. I simply am in shock that they cheated on the race distance.


Sung Kim from Beijing, China (10/19/2008)
"Disorganized and a bit disappointing." (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Beijing Int'l Marathon

I ran the half marathon this morning, since I'll be running the NYC Marathon in two weeks. Earlier this year, I did the Standard Charter Hong Kong Marathon and the Great Wall Marathon. Was disappointed at several points of this marathon, mostly the organization and lack of finisher medal.

1) Drop-off point for runner's bags were a mess. Not enough spaces between the buses, so it felt like Time Square on New Year's Eve just to drop off the bag.

2) I thought the runners weren't provided with enough information about the race in their race package. Didn't give any suggestion for runners how to get back into the city after the end of the run. Where the 1/2 marathon runners finished, there are no subway stations or other convenient methods to get back. Waited about an hour to catch a taxi.

3) After finishing the run, I discovered that the buses with the runner's bag hadn't arrived. Waited about one hour after running for the buses to arrive and get my clothes and food back.

4) At the end of the run, no souvenirs. No finisher medals, and no snacks; only water. Heard they were giving out towels, but we never received those either.

5) If you're not running the full marathon, you don't get timed.

6) Maybe I'm a bit spoiled, but I was expecting a "running T-shirt"... made out of the "wicking" material. Just got regular cotton T-shirts.

7) Course could've been a bit more interesting.

1) The volunteers were REALLY nice and worked their best to help you out.

2) Crowds were cheering you on all the way.

3) Aid stations were helpful, and well stocked with sponges, water and sports drinks.

I ran this with another friend who's been living here living in Beijing for over 5 years. We both agree this isn't worth doing again.

Suggestion: If you're coming to China to run a marathon, I suggest the Great Wall Marathon. It's better organized, the course is much more interesting, and the souvenir items are MUCH better.


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