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Marathon Details - Lake Geneva Marathon

North America Marathons > USA > WI > Lake Geneva > Lake Geneva Marathon

Lake Geneva Marathon

Lake Geneva Marathon & Cross Country Marathon, Half-Marathon, Walk, 10K, 5K

location icon Lake Geneva, WI USA

calendar icon May 11, 2013 - CANCELLED

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Marathon Results

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Contact Information

Address: Lake Geneva Extreme Sports, LLC
P.O. Box 1134,
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
Phone Number:  262-275-3577
Fax Number: 262-275-3358
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (73)

Course Rating Course 3.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 2.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.3 
Number of comments: 73 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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R. M. from New Jersey (6/23/2012)
"Good race, but difficult" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Lake Geneva Marathon

The 2012 Lake Geneva Marathon was my 22nd marathon on my way around the 50 states. I chose this one as my Wisconsin marathon because my dad was born and raised in Lake Geneva, but moved away long before I was born, so I wanted to see the town.

The comments from other runners below are all on the money. The portion along Route 50 around Mile 22 was terrible. We're running on the wrong side of the road with cars whizzing by at 60 mph for at least a mile. Yeah, blocking a lane off with some cones would have made me feel much safer.

But other than this, the course was beautiful. I thought the portion thru farm country was very pleasant. And yes, the hills (especially that one at Mile 16) were quite tough. As others have said, don't expect a PR here.

I too noticed that the mile markers were all about 1/2 mile off. I spent much of the second half of the race wondering if the course would be short. But there was a good 1.7 miles from Mile 25 to the finish, so like the others have said, the total distance was right on the money.

The nicest surprise for me was that I came in 3rd place in my Age Group and actually won an award! And this was despite the fact that I was a good 15 minutes slower than my average marathon time. I'd never won an award in anything longer than 5k, so I was thrilled. It certainly helped that there were only 5 people in my AG. I was surprised that such a small race had AGs in 5-year increments instead of 10. So if you're a middle-of-the-pack runner who has only dreamed of an Age Group award, this might be a place where you could get one.

Overall, I give the race a thumbs-up. It wasn't perfect, but it was still very enjoyable. And if the mile markers and safety issue on Route 50 get corrected, then I would enthusiastically recommend this race to anyone that doesn't mind hills and small crowds.


A. J. from Iowa (6/6/2012)
"Great race, with some quirks" (about: 2012)

3 previous marathons | 1 Lake Geneva Marathon

Overall, a good race. The spectators were awesome, although there isn't a ton of them as mentioned before because this is such a small race. I think about 110 people in total ran the marathon. I personally really enjoyed the smallness, even the spots when you are literally running alone.

Warning about the hills - you've heard it in the other reviews. At mile 16 is when they start (I had no problems on the rolling hills before this and thought I had the hills in the bag). I've never seen a hill in a race as steep as mile 16. It is like running up one of the steep hills on the streets of San Francisco. There are a couple more afterwards, but you are so totally wiped from that first nasty one that walking up the hills seems like the only option. My calves cramped like nobody's business at every slight incline the rest of the way.

The mile marker signs were off from about mile 9 - end, which there is no excuse for. To make it worse, they were ahead, so you see a sign saying you just ran 15 miles, but you actually only ran about 14.5. My GPS watch had 26.4 at the end, another person's had 26.9. I know it isn't that far, but at the end of a marathon it makes a difference.

The run on the 4 lane highway at mile 22 is simply unacceptable. The cars fly by, don't get into the other lane and it is extremely dangerous. I can't believe there are laws that don't require one lane to be blocked off. I can't believe no one has been hurt on this portion in the past.

I thought the signage marking the trail was pretty good most of the way. However, the last 1-1.5 miles was awful - It was on a small trail behind a residental neighborhood. The trail would go off in different directions, but no further instructions on the sign. I honestly had no clue whether I was going in the right direction or not and the way the course curves, you don't see the finish until just as you are coming up on it.

Overall, I enjoyed this race. I'd consider running it again...but then I have nightmares about the hill at mile 16 and think better of it. But you never know.


A. C. from La Crosse, WI (5/15/2012)
"Great rural marathon, anticlimactic finish" (about: 2012)

1 previous marathon | 1 Lake Geneva Marathon

Most of the comments I've seen hit the nail on the head. This is a hilly, rural race where you will have lots of time to yourself and not many people to cheer you on. If you are looking for a city-type marathon with lots of cheering crowds and other runners, look elsewhere. I thought the water stops were fine. Weather was perfect - low 50s, overcast. The finish was amazingly anticlimactic - there were a dozen people sort of half-heartedly cheering, and a few others milling about, and some fruit and water. It was kind of hilarious, or at least I would have laughed if I wasn't so exhausted. Only other downside was the route gets pretty narrow in some parts or you are competing for space with weekend tourists.


M. D. from Waukesha, WI (5/14/2012)
"Tough run, good early season challenge" (about: 2012)

6-10 previous marathons

GOOD: Nice support staff; small, almost 'intimate' race crowd; plenty of serious runners and a good chance for good running weather.
BAD: Signage still needs work (additional signs telling us we are on the course would be nice); the Hwy 50 section around mile 22 is really dangerous, running WITH traffic and without any cones telling drivers there is a race taking place; the last mile along the lake running through yards is ridiculous, especially since residents didn't seem to know there was a race going on! Finally, according to my Garmin, the mile markers from 13-25 were ALL off by 0.5 mile, if you can believe that; finish line was right in line with my GPS (about 26.3, as expected).
UGLY: This course is HILLY and will beat the hell out of you, especially if you are used to flat road courses.

This was my first time at Lake Geneva and 6th marathon. All others were flat courses- this one is a real bugger if you aren't ready for some serious hills. I was fortunate enough to run next to a LG veteran, who helped set expectations there is no shame in walking hills out here, and there are plenty of them, especially in the 2nd half. It was surprising how even the gentle up/down in the first 13 miles took it out of you for the ugly hills in the second half. If you come, don't expect PRs.

All in all, I'd recommend the experience. We had a beautiful day (50s, cloudy, light breeze), the other runners were great, and I had intended this as a 'get in shape after the winter' race target. I'm glad for the experience and feel as though the tough course was a good learning experience for me. I can say with a smile that this is the only marathon I've run that I had to dodge teen girls, wait for a dog/owner to finish crossing a pedestrian bridge, and had to stop for a boat launch!

Suggestion to race director- make sure that you've got some sort of signage every 1/4- 1/2 mile or so, even if we're on the same road; buy and place some cones to set up on Hwy 50 and going toward Fontana; I'd be fine if we don't have to run through yards to finish; check the placement of the mile markers for 2013!!


T. E. from Niles, MI (5/13/2012)
"Challenging, but gorgeous course!" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Lake Geneva Marathon

This event was very well organized & runners & volunteers were so friendly! The course was gorgeous...ran around the lake, through local farms, some neighborhoods...very pretty & scenic & some great architecture along the way.

Fellow runners & volunteers were great! Super friendly! The course itself was the hilliest road marathon I've ran & I've ran close to 40. Made for a very rewarding finish, but I wouldn't call this marathon one to race. My time was at least 15 minutes slower than normal, but I'm also not a hill runner. Regardless, it was well worth it & I'd do it again for the sheer beauty & organization!

The only 'negative' I have was that the water stations were too far apart for my liking...some were 3 miles apart. I did see this on the website & should have carried water, so totally my fault for not. That small complaint was minor compared to the fun I had.

The hotel staff at the host hotel was also amazing, very welcoming & supportive of the event. All-in-all, kudos to the race did a great job!


A. G. from Chicago, IL (5/16/2011)
"2011 Review" (about: 2011)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Lake Geneva Marathons

Pros: 1. The weather was perfect. Low 50's and overcast. 2. Volunteers were great a usual. 3. Other runners very friendly.

Cons: 1. Aid stations had Heed instead of gatorade...yuck. 2. The Highway stretch depresses me. 3. NO FINISHERS MEDAL AT THE FINISH. Really?!?!. There was little sympathy towards me for this error.

This is a great race, but it needs to be managed better. After I found out that they were going to send me my marathon medal in the mail, I vowed never to run this race again. I was genuinely upset after this race, when I was supposed to feel joy. My dad waited for me at the finish to take a picture of me and my medal. I had nothing around my neck for the picture. Very embarrassing.

I know this comment will be followed by the race director or a friend of the race director to tell me I'm wrong and that I should be grateful. This USED to be a good race. I cannot re-comment this to anyone anymore. From the <100 turnout this year, I see that people are learning. Please change and save this race. This is as honest as I get.


K. D. from Chicago, IL (5/8/2011)
"Tough course, beautiful location" (about: 2011)

2 previous marathons | 1 Lake Geneva Marathon

A very tough course through some quaint resort towns and the Wisconsin countryside. Not a place to BQ, the hills hit you hard at mile 16 and again at 21. I found the water stops sufficient but I didn't like the watered down HEED much. Thankfully, some had Gatorade. Ran alone a lot and while I didn't like the route along the highway, at least the shoulder is wide. They could use some more signage when the route gets to the lake trail. It is kind of confusing for those of us who are on our last legs. Finally, if you want the pizza luncheon, don't shower first. Get over to the hotel and eat first or else you won't get anything. Finally, 2011 saw some confusion at the end, apparently either a box of medals was misnamed or they were giving out full marathon medals to the half and European 22 mile runners, so that many of the Marathoners arrived and the medals were gone. I guess they'll be sent in the mail. The only other gripe is that at the finish, they hand you a bottle of water and then you can stumble about another half mile or so until you get to the hotel for the food. It would have been nice to have some goodies at the end and some signage to show us the way back to the hotel. All in all, I enjoyed the run and hope to be back.


M. M. from Waukesha, WI (6/5/2010)
"You get what you come here for. An honest run." (about: 2010)

2 previous marathons | 1 Lake Geneva Marathon

Most of the complaints I read about this one are disingenuous and based largely on misplaced expectations.

This is a $50, late-spring run in a 5,000-person resort town, pre-season. It's just a different race. You want 26 water stops, spectators, signs, and every possible advantage? Wrong race. You want gorgeous scenery, a challenging course, and a deeply personal experience? Do the LGM. Carry one bottle and water stops become plentiful. The lake path portion had to be shortened - owners made it more difficult (and more path means fewer water stops). If you need an iPod, can't run alone, can't carry a bottle, and have to have a PR, then just stay away. I loved every bit of this race. The partially open course meant my wife could support me throughout. The dearth of spectators made for a thoroughly introspective and personally satisfying journey, like a trail run on the road. I got everything I came here for.

I've run the half a few times before and the same great volunteers are here year after year.

Stay the weekend and have the ultimate small-town adventure.


S. E. from WI races should be put on by WI ppl (6/2/2010)
"Some course trouble" (about: 2010)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Lake Geneva Marathon

Interesting course choice. I saw people who stated that they did the marathon but actually ran the adventure course - and a couple of others who took the half marathon route, both cutting miles off of the 26.2 mileage. I agree about the safety of running uphill along the highway. When the course left the roadway and went to a trail along the lake... so did the directions. I felt lost and actually found a woman runner who was also confused about which way to go. I chose to shower before going back to eat. Bad idea. Pizza scraps and no soda. This is one I will have trouble recommending to anyone.


A. M. from Chicago, IL (5/21/2010)
"Beautiful and hilly marathon" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Lake Geneva Marathons

I have been running this marathon since 2005, only missing 2009. This is one of the most scenic marathons I have ever run. Yes, it is hilly, but that adds to the experience of this race.

The change in the marathon route between miles 22 and 23 was not a good change. This is the most miserable stretch of the race. You go from scenic pastoral running to a dangerous four-lane highway. Three years ago the route took you down to the lake, running on the paths. This needs to be changed back! I didn't run last year because of the change. It still bothers me. I probably won't run this race again until it gets changed back.

I didn't get my shirt at packet pickup. Apparently they "ran out" even though there was a box of shirts in sight. This is the second time this has happened in the past two years. The race director needs to be more organized. Nothing should have been changed. It was a great race.


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