calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Long Beach Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 240 [displaying comments 171 to 181]
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J. R. from Tucson, AZ (10/14/2004)
"Congratulations for putting together a great race!" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons

Although I only ran the 1/2 marathon, I was very impressed with the organization of the expo (everyone was friendly and offered help), the course (it seemed safe and scenic), and the wonderful jobs that the volunteers did. I will try to run the whole marathon next year.

To me, you couldn't have had more perfect weather!


M. S. from Los Angeles (10/14/2004)
"Somewhat Mixed Review" (about: 2004)

50+ previous marathons | 3 Long Beach Marathons

First of all, all of volunteers were the greatest! It was a beautiful day to run a marathon in Long Beach. Well organized and on time start.

As for this marathon claiming to be 80% ocean view and the most scenic in Southern California, not true. Maybe the half marathon is 80% ocean view, but the full marathon goes many uninspiring inland miles. Most scenic in Southern California - how about Huntington Beach, Carlsbad, Palos Verdes? Long Beach doesn't compare to these.

Promised Cliff Shots at mile 9 - gone before I got there. Food at finish line - gone before I got there. And I finished in the top half. When they promise energy gels I rely on that and don't carry my own. With a bike, rollerblade, and half marathon, the marathoners really get shortchanged at the finish line. That just isn't right. Having paid a premium entry fee to run the full marathon, the organizers should at least make sure that a few morsels of food are available at the finish.

One of the organizers of this race was quoted comparing this to the Los Angeles Marathon: 'Long Beach focuses on the race, not promoting the race (as does Los Angeles).' That part is true. Despite some of my petty complaints here, this is a far better marathon than Los Angeles will ever be.


Linda Bedwell from San Dimas, CA (10/14/2004)
"Perfect Start to the Fall Marathons" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Long Beach Marathons

This is the 4th time I have competed in the Long Beach Marathon. This was the best yet! The early start was much better, yeah! The water stations were well stocked this year, a huge improvement and things went very smoothly. I love this marathon, and the other events that accompany it. Though now in the 50-54 age group this was my 2nd fastest marathon time ever and the course and the support of the volunteers helped me. I have been training two new runners who both thoroughly enjoyed their first running event. We will all be back again next year. Thanks to all concerned. Linda Bedwell (Bib 190)


Kyle EricSon from Riverside, CA (10/13/2004)
"Enjoyed the 2004 Edition" (about: 2004)

3 previous marathons | 2 Long Beach Marathons

After having read all of the negative comments regarding earlier runnings of this marathon, in my opinion all of those items have been remedied. The start was earlier (7:30), it started on-time, finisher's medals were hung around participants necks, finisher's medals were nicer and more colorful, there seemed to be ample food and drink for finishers (although I'm sure it thinned out for people at the back of the pack), and the weather was cooler.

For those of you who still don't like this race and compare it to the mega-marathons like New York or LA, perhaps you should just skip it. There will never be 35,000 particpants, screeching fans to encourage you every step of the way (although for those of you who were out there, thank you very much!) or bands playing music on every street corner. This is a nice, friendly, well organized, mid-size marathon that I hope never changes. I'll be back in 2005. Thanks Long Beach!


Z. T. from Los Angeles (10/13/2004)
"Well done race" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Long Beach Marathons

I have run 25 Marathons, including 2 previous Long Beach marathons, and have to say that this was one of the best overall races I've done, summarized as follows:

Pros: Well organized, low key enough to get situated at the start of the race, well marked course, late course motivation running next to half marathoners, nice people, relatively flat course, etc.

Cons: The course was pretty good and flat. Moderate number of turns, but the running into headwind along the ocean on a bike path was the only negative (my preference would be to take the course back onto the streets rather than the bike path, but I suspect others may have liked this).


p. p. from USA (10/12/2004)
"water stations" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Long Beach Marathons

Unsanitary volunteer water stations. Volunteers dunking water pitchers into lined trash cans filled with hose water is unsanitary. Potential for illness and bacterial infections are great. I would like to see a more effective way of using water facilities. I have been running marathons for 6 years and bottled has always been an option. I would gladly pay the extra fee for sanitary drinking water. I did run this years marathon but did not partake of the unsanitary water stations... I purchased water from vendors on the route.

Other than that, the run course and RR facilities are fine.



J. F. from Gothenburg, Sweden (10/12/2004)
"Nice, friendly, beautiful" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Long Beach Marathon

Being a Swedish citizen, I just want to extend my thanks to all people at all levels for making this race one of the best in the world. The atmosphere was superfriendly all the way from entering the expo to the crossing of finish line. The waterfront course is unbelievably beautiful. Thanks Long Beach!


j. w. from redlands, ca (10/11/2004)
"great first- time experience" (about: 2004)

First Marathon

Twenty years ago, nearing my 40th birthday, I promised myself that, as a personal gift, I would do a marathon. Well, it took me 20 years (it was, after all, the 20th anniversary of the LB Marathon) to finally either put up or shut up. I no longer run (as I did when I first expected to do a marathon) but rather, I now power-walk. I realize that I didn't really train properly (hindsight is, for most of us, 20/20) but I did the best I could to get prepared. My time was slower than I had thought I could do but still, I completed the marathon in under six hours. Not bad for walking the entire way. I'll train smarter for next year which I fully intend to enter for 2005. Thanks for giving me a chance to fulfill a dream. It was worth the wait!


C. J. from Granada Hills, CA (10/11/2004)
"Good course, parking should be coordinated better" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Long Beach Marathon

I ran the half marathon, not the full. It was my 6th different half (plus 6 full marathons), and this was probably the best course of the halfs I have run. It's mostly flat except for 2 bridges in the first 4 miles and an incline from miles 10-12 (miles 23-25 on the marathon course). There's a nice ocean breeze especially when you are on the bike path, though in some places the bike path and boardwalk area are a bit narrow for passing. And they do put the medal around your neck now!

The big problem seems to be with parking. They need to give instructions on how to get there using more than just one off ramp, or have remote lots and shuttle people in/out. There were no clocks on the course, just time callers at the first few miles, and chip mats only at the start and finish so there were no official split times. (I've found that Race Results, the timing company, isn't exactly the best out there.) There weren't a lot of spectators out there but those who were there were supportive of everyone,

I will do the half, perhaps the full, again.


D. D. from San Diego, CA (10/11/2004)
"Excellent except for starting line" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Long Beach Marathons

POSITIVE: I ran my fourth LB Marathon today (10/10/04). The course is great and the spectators are excellent. A few places where spectators are sparse, but quality makes up for the lower quantity. They started the race an hour earlier this year, because last year was disastrously hot. Today also turned out to be very hot, but that's the risk of a marathon in October in Southern California.

NEGATIVE: I will not run this marathon again unless they have starting corrals. I spent the first two miles dodging walkers and slow runners. LB Marathon is notorious for huge packs of walkers at the front, blocking runners. Same thing the past three years... next year I'll remember! Don't expect a PR here unless you start at the very front of the line.


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