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Long Beach Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 240 [displaying comments 191 to 201]
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T. W. from Scottsdale, AZ (11/10/2003)
"Good marathon, hot weather" (about: 2003)


After running the Chicago Marathon the past 5 years, I decided to head west. While there is nothing that can be done about the weather, there seemed to be too much going on, with a 5K, 1/2 marathon, marathon and in-line skating race. Unfortunately, the marathon was the last to go. The run along the water was great, but it the heat took its toll. By mile 21, it looked like a death march. While there was a huge turnout for the in-line skating event, perhaps that can be held on Saturday allowing the marathon to start at 7:00, instead of 8:30. Next year I think I will head north again.


E. B. from Cypress, CA (11/3/2003)
"I'd do it again" (about: 2003)


On a cooler day that would be a great race! It was very hot for Long Beach in October and that probably accounted for the water stations having a hard time keeping up with the demand. I started feeling dehydrated by the first mile. I got stuck behind several groups of walkers at the start who had lined up in the middle of the pack (they should have been reminded to move to back and keep to the right) and that added several minutes to my time. Other than that it was a good run. I ran the half and enjoyed the route (a little breeze would have helped!). Not a lot of spectators, but the ones who were there were great. A little tip for next years runners: don't follow their traffic directions. Avoid the 710 Freeway, take side streets! You'll save 30 to 45 minutes getting to the race.


Michael Martinez from Modesto,ca (10/29/2003)
"Very Good Marathon" (about: 2003)


This was a very good race. I used this race as a Boston qualifier and made the time I needed. This was a very flat course. The hills on the course were very small. It is a marathon. It is not supposed to be easy. I wish the race would start at 7:00am; 8:15am is too late. I have read all the reviews on this race and I am wondering if we all ran the same race. This was only my second marathon, so my comparisons to other races are slim.


T. B. from Ann Arbor, MI (10/27/2003)
"A Great Race Experience" (about: 2002)


I read the other race comments and am assuming that those other runners had already been in a bad mood or something...? My first time in Long Beach was nothing but fantasic. Friendly people, scenic course and neighborhoods, the expo was easy organized and plenty of water and post-race goodies. If it were cooler it would have been perfect, but maybe next year? I didn't mind the cement portion of the course since I got to run along the beach. My family and I had a wonderful time in Long Beach.


L. S. from Boston, MA (10/25/2003)


I have only run 1 other marathon in Tampa and was not expecting to have problems with the heat in Long Beach. What I didn't realize is how the very late start of 8:30 am made this marathon unbearable in 85-degree heat with a lot of sun and no shade. At mile 22 I had signs of true heat exhaustion and had to walk. Most people were walking and unable to keep a consistent pace. I have a strong recommendation that they start this race at 6 am, before the sun and heat take their toll on marathon runners. This late start is OK for a half marathon but not a marathon.

There was a lot of concrete and far more hills than advertised. Every 2 miles there was a significant hill. This makes it difficult to maintain pacing. I was impressed by the commitment of the volunteers.

The Queen Mary Hotel should be avoided at all costs. Stay anywhere but there -- the hotel is very dirty and rundown. The staff knew nothing about how to get transportation to the marathon. It was obvious that they didn't care.

I would not run this marathon again.


N. w. from San Francisco (10/21/2003)
"Less than stellar experience" (about: 2003)


I was underwhelmed with the organization of this marathon. The bib pick-up at the expo was a major mess. The water stops were unacceptable. In 80+ degree weather to not have water ready at some of the stops, especially early on due to poor planning, is not acceptable for a marathon that is not new, not to mention that in the heat it was downright dangerous. Not much crowd support. Would not run again.


T. C. from Fort Worth, TX (10/18/2003)
"Good course, but unpredictable weather." (about: 2003)


The course was flat as advertised, with two small canal bridges. Overall, course was good with the nice run along the beach. The few miles running on concrete were not as bad as I thought they would be. The only gripe I have is the HOT weather. The temperature at 1 pm was in the low 80's for a five-hour marathoner, since the race started at 8:15 am.

But the organizers cannot control the weather. What they can control is the first few water stops which only had empty cups. Also, there was no food anywhere on the course. Not a single banana in sight before or after the race. There were plenty power gel at the two gel stops though. Spectators were scarce but the ones that were out were great! The two fire houses that sprayed us down were greatly appreciated. Being from Texas, it is hard to want to do this one again, especially in comparison with Houston and Austin marathons where you get a lot of water and food (including beer) on the course. And finisher goodies at those two included long-sleeve shirts and Tyvek jackets respectively in the 2003 races.


J. W. from San Diego (10/16/2003)
"Great course, outstanding volunteers & spectators" (about: 2003)


This was my first marathon, and I just wanted to say how well organized this marathon was. The course was almost all flat (thank you!). I could never have finished this marathon without the incredible support from the spectators and volunteers. Even though it was very hot that day, there was plenty of water, Ultima fuel replenishment and spectators with garden hoses to cool us off!! Rudy the race announcer was outstanding as usual - thanks Rudy!


M. W. from Louisville, KY (10/16/2003)
"Reusing water cups! What is up with that?" (about: 2003)


I couldn't believe it when the slower of us got to the water stops, they were telling us they were out of cups and were actually picking up cups and refilling them. Yuck! I drank out of one before I realized what they were doing. Also, someone noted freezing weather. Yeah right. I was in Detroit the week before and Long Beach was hot, not freezing. I got major sunburn. The townsfolk were really nice. Two ladies were handing out strawberries and sunflower seeds as they had run out of other food in their house. So nice. The strawberries were nice and cold. I personally liked the crowd in the back. Lots of people who were slow like me instead of being totally alone. Good race support for the slow runners. My only complaint was the line for food at the end. I almost passed out just trying to get one banana.


Kevin Kunkel from Reston, Virginia USA (10/15/2003)
"Good Fans, Good Support, HOT Weather" (about: 2003)


I was really hoping to run a fast race in LB after having been locked out of Chicago. Had the weather not been in the 80s I may have been able to. The course isn't as flat as many have stated prior. You have to traverse a number (I lost count) of bridges. LB is a pretty town and the course hits all the good parts. My only complaint in the running on the concrete bike path for somewhere around 7 miles.

The day I ran was great to WATCH a marathon, but not to run one.


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