calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Long Beach Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 240 [displaying comments 211 to 221]
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A Runner from Manhattan Beach, CA (10/20/2002)
"Flat concrete and nasty Ultima" (about: 2002)


First time running Long Beach, I did it as a training run. The course was flat, but too much of the race-- about 6 out of the first 10 miles-- was run on concrete. All the water stations before the 1/2 split were short on water. At a 4:30 pace, the early stations never had pre-poured water, and I had to wait to get even 1 dixie cup, which is not enough. I've had Ultima before, but the stuff at this race was just wrong. I pay $80 to enter the race, please provide Gatorade no matter how much Ultima pays to sponsor!

I liked the last 16 miles of the course a lot, it was near the water and on asphalt. Great atmosphere, I liked watching the inline skaters. But unless the organizers acknowledge the problems with the early water stations, I would not recommend this race. Get rid of the concrete, and I might run it again.


A Runner from Reno, Nevada (10/20/2002)
"Fantastic Race...Best course I've ever run" (about: 2002)


First, let me say this course is beautiful. I have never run a city marathon that had the scenery that Long Beach has. It is fast, I PRed by two minutes. I hope they don't change a thing. Volunteers are fantastic and there were more people out and cheering than ever before. The new organizers have got it right!


A Runner from Tustin, CA (10/17/2002)
"Great, Great, Great Run!!!" (about: 2002)


I have run most of the Long Beach Marathons. A big time high five to the race organizers! The course was incredible, flat,fast and and mostly by the ocean. They had great entertainment all over the place. The metals were some of the best I have ever seen, very vivid. I will be back with much enthusiasm again next year!


A Runner from Orange, Ca (10/16/2002)
"Great course & support" (about: 2002)


Having run the LB Marathon numerous times and through many changes of the course, this years was the best. All races were off on time this year compared to last year. Support on the marathon course is good except for some nasty tasting water at some of the water stations. The Optima or whatever the power drink was is nasty tasting stuff as well. It would be nice to see Gatorade sponsor the marathon.


A Runner from Seattle, WA (10/14/2002)
"Nearly perfect - only a few glitches" (about: 2002)


Organization was good except for a few minor issues (ran out of Ultima early, lame post-race food (saltines were the carb source, no bananas, no sports drink), no mileage marker at 25, shortage of restrooms and poorly placed at start, very weak pre-race expo, cheap t-shirt,didn't keep spectators off course for finish so you it was like running through the airport at the end, plus the food area was filled with non-runners), but otherwise was well-run (and started on time this year!!). Lots of excellent volunteers, no shortage of water (which tasted good), Ultima (before ran out) tasted better (new flavor), Clif Shots were abundant, LOTS of water stops, well closed streets (never running next to traffic). Course itself was great aside from the middle part which ran through innocuous strip mall terrain. Most though was pleasant neighborhoods and along the water, fairly flat with only a few small hills. Weather was PERFECT (60 and cloudy for first couple hours then sunny but still cool at end). Not very crowded so easy running space throughout. Limited spectators but enthusiastic when there. Definitely would do it again.


A Runner from Irvine, Ca (10/14/2002)
"Long Beach Is A Great Marathon - Finally" (General Comments)


I've run this marathon 4 years in a row, since it's rebirth in '99. After a good first year race, the organization and course took a crap in '00 and '01. This year featured another new course, and organizers who knew what they were doing. Last year the race started an hour late, this year, a few minutes early, yeah! The course was really nice and fast, best of the 4 years, and the city was very enthusiastic and supportive. This is finally a great little marathon, worthy of what Long Beach has to offer. This race was so good that I would make it my only annual marathon...if they don't change a thing! Thank you Long Beach for putting on a terrific marathon. Superb finishers metal as well.


A Runner from Pittsburgh (10/14/2002)
"Pretty water views" (General Comments)


This race was scenic, along the water much of the route. Unfortunately much of that was on hard concrete instead of soft asphalt. The worse thing about the organization was the mile markers at miles 23, 24 and 25 were missing, making it hard to judge pace for the last critical miles. The expo was small, but the pasta dinner was really good and in the cool aquarium.
The temps were ok at the start, about 60 but by the half turned sunny and over 70. The course is flat. Spectators were hard to find, but the few that were out along the course were very nice and enthusiastic. Musical entertainment was very nice, especially the local concert band.


A Runner from Toronto, Canada (12/6/2001)
"Not a bad first try for this organizing group." (about: 2001)


Yeah, there were some minor problems, but nothing too serious. Like everybody else mentioned some mile markers were missing, and like everyone I hated the Ultima. I can understand the delay in the start of the race because it was a safety issue and the organizers were following police orders. But, I wish they had a water table near the start so I could keep hydrated as I waited. I think they should of moved the start closer to the stadium finish line and parking and get rid of the downtown out and back hairpin turn in a not so interesting part of downtown. Otherwise the course wasn't too bad and fairly flat. The food at the pasta party was quite good, and the dinner site at the Queen Mary was great, though the banquet room itself was just like a warehouse. I would recommend this race to my fellow marathoners.


A Runner from Los Angeles (11/29/2001)
"Prior comments were unfair" (General Comments)


I have to disagree with much of the previous negative comments. There were many complaints about the water stops, and I whole heartedly disagree with this. There were plenty of water stops, more than were really necessary, which was great. And what race ever gets good comments about Ultima? Ultima tastes like crap no matter what race you're in. There were complaints about the hills around the Queen Mary - THIS IS A MARATHON FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! There were a few short hills, quit whining. And it's one thing to mention a lack of crowd support, but to actually heavily complain about it? Crowd support is great when you have it, but isn't it really just a bonus in our private accomplishments? Granted, the walk to the start was bad, as was the late start. But overall, I felt it was a very well run event. The finish in the stadium was pretty darn unique and incredible.


A Runner from Atlanta, Georgia (11/26/2001)
"A Logistics Nightmare" (General Comments)


Poor mile markers, they didn't even have water filled at some stops. There was a late start, but it was a nice course. Very, very few spectators


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