calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Long Beach Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 240 [displaying comments 221 to 231]
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A Runner from Florida (11/24/2001)
"Horrible Management and No Support" (General Comments)


No marathon should ever go off 30 min late, it affects the runners strategy too much. Mile Markers were poorly marked. Fan Support was minimal.


A Runner from Long Beach, California (11/17/2001)
"Not bad for some firsts" (about: 2001)


The course was a nice taste of all that Long Beach has to offer. It was not hilly and had an overall decline. The first time organizers on a new course have some work that needs to be done. The race started late. Anyone was allowed to the start instead of just participants. Need to work on getting a better sports drink along the course. It was not mixed very well and was almost water at times. Overall, I'll run this race again. I'm sure that the logistics will get worked out and you will get to finish in a stadium.


A Runner from San Diego, CA (11/15/2001)
"Course not blinding fast; drink support weak" (about: 2001)


I ran this marathon believing that it would be a fast course. The first few miles are relatively flat. However, between mile 11 and mile 14, we passed by the Queen's Mary harbor and the bridge to the harbor - which is rolling hills with steep but gradual incline and decline - punished my quads. There was also some hills before mile 20. But the last 10K was all flat. Water sucked and the Ultima sucked more. I guaranteed you that theUltima was mostly water. The lack of a good electrolyte drink contributed to my poor time.

Won't run this race again.


A Runner from southern california (11/15/2001)
"enthusiastic volunteers, but lots of problems" (about: 2001)


This marathon has lots of potential, and I hope it realizes it.

Most of the problems, in my opinion, were associated with the start. It was a looooong way from the parking lot. The start was delayed by a half hour. The half and full marathons started together and there was nothing done, short of a couple of announcements, to keep slower runners and walkers from the front of the start (there were a lot of these--I started near the front next to an older woman who planned to walk. She mentioned that she was at the front so as not to get stuck behind all of the marathoners).

Also, there were lots of missing mile markers and, perhaps worse, others that were way off.

Many aspects of the race were excellent (course was fine, volunteers were great), but I was really disappointed because the areas in which the race fell way short were those that are most important to me.


A Runner from Utah (11/14/2001)
"Many events, basics overlooked" (about: 2001)


Perhaps if not so many events were going on the basics would not be overlooked. Starting on time is very important to runners, and it seems this is a factor race organizers haven't taken into consideration for several years, based on the previous years comments. From trying to get in the last potty stop to checking every degree the weather heats up, every minute lost at the start can affect a marathoner's race. Safety issues aside, inclement weather should always be planned for and adjustments made earlier so the event can start on time. Another basic is accurately placed mile markers. So many were missing in this race. Runners typically like to check their splits EVERY mile and the earliest mile markers are just as important as those at the end of the race. And last, the hike to the start from the parking lot was a marathon in and of itself. Surely the start could be moved back and the course altered to accommodate this.
The aid stations were well-manned and I really appreciated the voluteers. I really liked how the marathoners and half marathoners split off. I thought the course was fine. My understanding is that the course is one of the most troublesome aspects of this event. Hopefully, the people of Long Beach will lighten up as it's only one day out of the year. I feel the other events need to be reconsidered in the planning to make this a more enjoyable event for all who participate. Not eliminated, but maybe a format change of the order in which the events take place.
I really like this event and would like to see it reach its potential.


A Runner from LA (11/14/2001)
"Great weather" (about: 2001)


Haven't run enough marathons to make definitive statements regarding the organization (which I thought was about adequate) or the course (which I thought was good). But this much I know: the weather was just about perfect, even better than last year!


A Runner from California (11/13/2001)
"Will not be back in 2002" (about: 2001)


The 'new' Long Beach Marathon still needs lots of work. Road closures/construction made for TERRIBLE traffic conditions -- my hotel was 4 miles from the start, and I left 1:15 before the race start. An hour later, I was still in my car, about a mile away from the start. I was one of many people who had to ditch their cars and sprint to the start, scaling a chain-link fence, cutting through a golf course, and climbing back over on the other side before hearing that the race start had been delayed by a half-hour -- though not because of the traffic problems. The mile markers (those that were even marked) were a joke -- some just felt-tip pen on a piece of paper taped to a stick -- and did not seem accurately placed. Medals were cheesy. I also don't understand why they bother with the chip, telling you that you don't have to crowd to the start because everything is computer-timed -- yet they use the gun time to determine your finish, and don't even have the chip time posted anywhere... Liked that the course was flat, and that we had good racing weather, but will not run this one again.


A Runner from Garden Grove Ca. (11/12/2001)
"The water at the stops was terrible." (about: 2001)


The water stops were okay except for the quality of the water was almost undrinkable. I know that if it were not for all of the voulenteers it would be impossible to put a marathon on but they need to learn to keep there fingers out of the inside of the cups, which is not sanitary, and if they used small trays this could be avoided.


A Runner from Irvine, Ca (11/12/2001)
"Not Sure If This Race is Getting Better or Worse" (General Comments)


I've run this marathon since it's revival (99, 00, 01). '99 had the best course and organization, as well as crowd support. '00 was a dismal year, poor-poor organization, crappy course. This year featured a new organizer, and a new course. Here's the bad stuff: Not nearly enough porta-potties at the start line, race started 33 minutes late, several mile markers missing (mile 6,10,13, 1/2), more scenic course but hardest of the three years, very few spectators. Good sutff: Plenty of aid stations, more scenic (if you like Long Beach). Overall, this isn't a PR course, and it's just an average event. If you want to stay local, it's one of the better So Cal fall marathons.


A Runner from Beverly Hills, Calif. (11/12/2001)
"2000-one" (about: 2001)


Since this is the first LBM run under new directors I think some slack should be given. But, there were several issues in the organization of the event. First, getting stuck in traffic at Lakwood and the freeway -405- for about 30-35 minutes was a real bummer. Watching runners bail out of their cars and hoofing it in was an option, one I did not take. Upon getting to the race start area by 7:50, I was told that the race was delayed 30 min- what a bummer for those who used there own power to get their just to wait. The biggest issue for me was the inconsistency and poorly marked mile markers especially in the early miles. That is a basic to planning a professional race and I couldn't get why mile 15 (I think) appeared on the back of a NO PARKING SIGN. Again I know this is a first for this new group. There is lots of potential in the LBM. I hope this group can help reach it. PS- There was plenty of water and the fans were super. And the course is cool and very interesting.


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