calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Green Bay Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 235 [displaying comments 161 to 171]
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E. L. from Wisconsin (5/22/2006)
"A great day to run a great race" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

I just ran this race yesterday. It was the most organized race that I have ever done.
* The water stops often included food such as orange wedges and cookies.
* There were three GU stops along the way.
* The scenery was great with lost of variation.
* Beer and brats at the end!
* Race was not too big and not too small.
* The run through Lambeau was highly memorable.
* Several local hotels would not let racers use their room showers after the race. They wanted to charge 1/2 days rate for a shower after the race. Check this first before booking a room!


S. S. from Milwaukee, WI (5/22/2006)
"Loved every minute!" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

This was a fantastic marathon! It was my first GB marathon, and I'll definitely do another one. The course was flat, passing through cute residential areas and along the Fox River. The wind was awful, but hey, I suppose the race directors couldn't do much about that, right? Water stations were plentiful and organized, all three GU stops actually had GU (I've run races where they've run out!), and spectators were loud, fun and encouraging. Running through Lambeau capped off a great day. I loved it!


a. z. from Green Bay (5/22/2006)
"great race - thanks" (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

I wanted to share a comment regarding the finish. I think with the race getting larger that you should have the food tents a little bit away from the finish line - it got way too congested at the end. I have run a few marathons and the tents have been near the finish, but not right at the finish. The tents had one entry point so only athletes could enter. Also, it would have been nice to have more Gu packs at mile 9 or 10.


Ryan Miller from Warren, MI (5/22/2006)
"What a GREAT Race!!!" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

The course was beautiful! However, why was it that no matter which way we turned (N, S, E, W) there always seemed to be a headwind????? Green Bay lived up to its name Frozen Tundra...WOW was it cold that morning (38 degrees) did warm up and turned out to be a BEAUTIFUL day! The Spectators were wonderful! I did not expect to see as many people out there cheering for us! That was AWESOME and encouraging! Water / Aid Stations every mile and well manned! Fantastic Job and A+ in my book!

The only downside was the Expo and Pasta Dinner at the Expo. For a race this size, the expo was not organized well in my opinion or could have had more vendors even. The Pasta Dinner got started late and they only had marinara sauce (not my fav) and the salad looked rather brown(ish). The cookies were very yummy though! Wish that there was a better transportation services offered from the hotels closer to the finish line to the Expo the day before. Taxi Cab Rides get expensive!

Overall - EXCELLENT race!


R. K. from Bonfield,Illinois (5/22/2006)
"A comfortable race, as well oiled as a major." (about: 2003)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

This was my first Green Bay Marathon and it won't be my last. As any of my previous marathons have been in either Chicago, Nashville, or Memphis, I particularly enjoyed a somewhat smaller venue. The course was relatively flat which I enjoyed, in light of having run Nashville,Tn. three weeks prior. Plenty of water/gatorade stations,and the fact that there we're chip mats at each mile was a neet twist, allowing me to forget about punching in splits on my watch as these are all reflected on the results page. Lambeau Field, extensive resedential coverage, and the trail along the Fox River were pluses. The folks at the start line gear check did a great job, but I suspect they may have felt ambushed by a substantial increase over last year. This is a very good race.


J. B. from Brodhead, WI (3/1/2006)
"This Marathon is GREAT!!" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

The race was well planned, with good support. Not to mention, it's the only marathon that I have ever received beer at for placing....


M. J. from Neenah, WI (1/23/2006)
"This is a wonderful spring marathon!" (about: 2005)

50+ previous marathons | 4-5 Green Bay Marathons

This is the 4th time I have run the Green Bay Marathon. The organization and the spectators are great. The run through historic Lambeau Field is very inspirational. I will definitely run this one again.


V. K. from Andover, MN (6/3/2005)
"FUN!!!!" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Green Bay Marathons

I ran the 1st 3 GB Marathons, missed 2, and this is the best of the 4 I've done. The course is NOT as hilly as I thought it would be (more gradual up & downs); I personally was having a bad day that had nothing to do with the course and still bested my time in this race by 10-15 min. As has already been said, the expo was well-organized, the volunteers were first-rate (had to be at least half the town volunteering), lots of water stations, lots of encouragement though it was 'quieter' than I'd expected, and it is SO NICE to have brats and beer at the end. And popsicle-thingies. They also did a different timing chip that allowed my family to track my progress real-time online from the hotel; DH arrived just a few minutes before I finished. All runners' splits are saved on the website so I was able to look myself up and see exactly where the wheels fell off....


B. M. from Minneapolis, MN (6/3/2005)
"First-Class Organization" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

At mile 25.8, you enter a tunnel, run across a row of bricks and your breath is instantly taken away. As a lifelong Packer fan, running into Lambeau Field was the thrill of a lifetime. As a race director and marathoner, we were treated to a first-class race by director Sean Ryan, his staff, and a group of volunteers that obviously take great pride in the experience they provide to the runner. I'd recommend this race to anybody looking for a late spring marathon.


Mike - MTP from Neenah, WI (5/30/2005)
"Nice, well rganized and fast enough" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

I am not sure where the comments about the river trail being slippery or hills came from?? I ran it for the fist time this year and thought it was fast with only a few small ups and downs. The wind was strong enough that you wanted to run in a pack along the river part of the course (Thanks Rick S from St Point for breaking the wind). The start was great - indoor area and enough porta johns, the course was fast, the water stops plentiful and well organized, the finish was well done with plenty of water and stuff, and the showers with towels a nice touch. Having the 1/2 marathon joining back up with the marathon at mile 24ish was difficult. It made you run around a lot of walkers that were 4 & 5 across. Lambeau was also very difficult for the same reason. There was a lot more concrete than I expected. Someone said not a PR course, but I actually tied my PR to the second from Twin Cities last year and this was a faster course. Thank you to all the volunteers - You make or break the marathon experience and you made this one for me.


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