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Green Bay Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 235 [displaying comments 181 to 191]
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G. P. from Chicago, IL USA (6/4/2004)
"Fast Course" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

This was my 7th marathon; I've run in Chicago, New York (twice), Maryland, Texas, and Ohio.

While much of the course was on pavement, the course was also flat and fast. I'd recommend to anyone wanting a PR or to qualify for Boston. As for beauty, the parts on the bike path next to the water were nice and quiet.

Organization was okay but not great. The weather was not cooperating, and the race had to be delayed for 1/2 hour. Runners were left in the dark during this time and had to scramble to find any info about this on their own while waiting at the start. Also, buses dropped us off about 1/4 to 1/2 mile from the start; no one told the runners about this either. But volunteers and overall organization on the course itself were both fantastic! Water aids, gels, porto-pots were numerous and well-placed.

When present, the spectators were amazing; kudos to the folks in Green Bay. However, there were many lonely times on that course in which no spectators were found: a slight drawback to a smaller event.

Given this seemingly average review, I would still definitely recommend this race as a small fast race, where one can take advantage of the relatively small number of runners while still enjoying the support of the fantastic Green Bay community. I'd run it again.


C. H. from Sheboygan, WI (6/1/2004)
"Great atmosphere and organization of event" (about: 2004)

2 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

Awesome marathon! I will never forget running through Lambeau Field at the end and how energized the crowd was at the finish line.

The marathon was very well organized and the finish area was the best! There is plenty of food and refreshments. The runners area is blocked off very well so when runners finish there is space to meet family & friends as well as unwind from the race.

The Saturday morning Prevea training runs were very well organized and definitely helped me reach my PR on race day.

Thanks to the race director for all his time in coordinating the training runs! I shaved 30 minutes off my previous marathon thanks to the Prevea training group.

I will be back in 2005!


K. K. from chicago suburb (5/30/2004)
"Great run despite the downpour" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Green Bay Marathons

Fourth year in a row running Cellcom. I did a 5 minute PR even with the rain and wind. I was amazed at all the volunteers who put up with the driving rain and strong winds to be there for us. Heated buses were a welcome sight after the chill set in at the finish. Even the cars were patient as they waited for us to cross all the major intersections. It is a perfect marathon for those who simply love to run and are not looking for the huge field and crowds of a Chicago Marathon. I did miss the Harley escorts we usually have but the rain made that impossible. I plan to be back next year. By the way, the people at the hotel and expo were just wonderful.


J. K. from Gladstone, Michigan (5/26/2004)
"Total surprise" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

I once swore that I would never run the Green Bay Marathon (who wants to run around Green Bay?!) but after getting tortured by the heat in Boston and licking my worst-time-ever wounds I quickly registered for GB. Imagine my surprise when I loved the course, atmosphere, spectators, Lambeau, etc and felt the best EVER in 11 marathons! It was GREAT.

I am so happy I decided to run there and would definitely do it again. The Fox River Trail was awesome, course flat and fast and good old Green Bay cooked up a thunderstorm at the start to make things more exciting. I would highly recommend this race to people - especially first-timers and Packer fans. Great job on a great race!


Keith San Diego from San Diego CA (5/26/2004)
"My coldest winter was spring in Green Bay" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

The world's best race director cant control the weather. Driving rain and high winds gave a Green Bay welcome to all the runners awaiting the start in the middle of the Ray Nitschke Bridge over the Fox River. The forecast was for more of the same all day. The race director played a hunch and it paid off. He delayed the race for 35 minutes. For the most part the rain stopped about 20 minutes into the race. The cold temps prompted this San Diego guy to run a PR through the puddles of Northern Wisconsin.

The Course: A bit too much cement, however, the trip down the Fox River Trail was on a beautiful fresh layer of asphalt and we had the wind at our backs. It was fabulous! Most of the course is protected by the downtown buildings or by the mature trees in the residential neighborhoods. It cut the wind very well. The final mile in Lambeau was cool, but not the safest. The running surface was sealed cement. When wet it gets very slippery. Fortunately, I didnt go down nor did I see anyone else fall. It is a flat and fast course.

Organization: This is by no means a mega-thon. That was one of the primary reasons I chose to run up there. The race director was available (and approachable) at the expo to answer any course related questions. Everything was very well organized and they handled the weather problem very well.

Spectators: It was amazing to see specators standing with umbrellas in the pouring rain early on a Sunday morning. Thats why I give them 5 stars.

And the volunteers get 5 stars as well. All the aid stations were well staffed and nobody seemed to care that they were standing around in an icy cold rain storm. Incredible.

Despite the weather I had a great weekend in Green Bay and highly recommend this race. The hotels and restaurants are reasonably priced and the people are all friendly. (Although there seem to be a lot of cigarette smokers)... Where else can you run mile 26 through a storied football stadium, and then be rewarded with free Titletown Beer and grilled bratwurst.

It was a blast. Great job, Green Bay!


B. B. from Louisville, CO (5/26/2004)
"Thank You Green Bay!" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

What a day! Rain, wind, and lightning, plagued the start of this year's race but kudos are in order for the staff and the incredible volunteers who turned what could have been a disaster into a fantastic race. Race directors pushed the start back 30 minutes to take advantage of a break in the weather and sure enough after about mile 9 the rain and wind subsided to a point where it became almost perfect marathoning weather.

Special recognition should go to the volunteers and citizens of Green Bay who came out in droves to support the race. When I awoke at 3:30am to the sound of distant thunder and wind-driven rain pelting the windows of the hotel I thought it would be a lonely day on the course. I couldn't have been more wrong! At many points along the course there were spectators enthusiastically cheering us on.

The aid stations were frequent and well stocked and the hearty souls manning the stations cheerfully dispensed a wide variety of goods (thanks for having the water AFTER the Gatorade at each aid station... finally someone got it right!). The course was nice with only a few minor hills.

One suggestion I would make is to move the trip through Lambeau Field to earlier in the race. I suspect that I speak for most marathoners when I say that at mile 25.5 all I want to see is the finish line, so my memory of the trip around the field is lost in the haze of just wanting to finish. All in all though it was a great race in a great community, and one that I would do again in a heartbeat... well, make that 4,160 heartbeats!


K. G. from Green Bay, WI (5/25/2004)
"This marathon is runner and spectator friendly." (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Green Bay Marathons

I really liked all the Gu, oranges, cookies, bananas, drinks, etc. that were available. There was plenty and it was excellent. I loved the course... keep it like this. The food at the end was great too. All the volunteers did a wonderful job!


T. L. from USA (5/25/2004)
"I had a great time." (about: 2004)

1 previous marathon | 1 Green Bay Marathon

It was very well run. I loved getting a medal at the end, and I will never forget getting to run through Lambeau. The course was awesome, especially the trail. This was my first marathon, and it was such a great experience I'll be back every year until my body says no more.


D. G. from Green Bay, WI (5/24/2004)
"Unbelievable weather!" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

We had a huge downpour throughout the race, yet that only seemed to make it more memorable for us middle-of-the-pack runners. I loved it, especially running around Lambeau Field. It was a great experience and I would recommend it to anyone who can make it. The weather has to be better next year!


A. B. from Minneapolis, MN (5/24/2004)
"Outstanding Organization" (about: 2004)

2 previous marathons | 1 Green Bay Marathon

On a day which could not have been worse to run an event or run a marathon for that matter, the organization was outstanding from top to bottom. Everyone from the race director, the volunteers out in the rain, and the police holding traffic was just outstanding.

The course is a pretty flat course and on a nice day I think a person could get a PR but when you add a torrential downpour and wind into the equation it actually proved to be quite a challenge. Running through Lambeau Field at the end was great!

I really can't comment too much on the spectators because other than those loved ones supporting their runners onward, I can't imagine anyone braving the elements to watch for the fun of it.

Although the elements were bad it was a great race and I am glad I did it. I hope more and more people put it in their schedules to run next year.

Again, kudos to the event staff. You truly made this marathon a great event despite Mother Nature's interference.


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