calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Green Bay Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 235 [displaying comments 211 to 221]
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A Runner from Summit,NJ (6/29/2002)
"Great Marathon and City" (about: 2002)


I ran the Green Bay Marathon for the first time this year. The marathon and my visit to Green Bay were a great experience. There are many advantages to running a smaller marathon like this one. The race was well organized from registration through packet pick up and the finish area. Having run larger marathons where I had to leave my hotel 3 to 4 hours before the start of the race and then wait 2 hours in the start area, I certainly liked being able to leave my hotel 20 minutes before the start of the race and then walk one block to the starting area. The spectators along the course were very supportive. Some just cheered us on and many others provided water, fruit and other food. Many set up sprinklers to help us cool off a little on a very hot day. All of the volunteers and people of Green Bay that I met were friendly and helpful. There was plenty of medical assistance along the race route for those that may have needed it and the finish area was well organized with plenty of food and drink. The race had many good points and I would like to do the race again in the future.


A Runner from Saint Paul, MN (6/28/2002)
"Lots of trees doesn't mean shade!" (about: 2002)


I saw 'tree-lined' and 'lots of trees' in the course narrative, but that didn't translate into shade on the course, which other than the first six or so miles through the quaint downtown area was deadly boring. The spectators who were there were great, but there were long stretches without anyone. Boring course, few spectators after downtown --one or the other is fine and the spectator element is to be expected in small town like this -- but I would have a hard time getting psyched up for this one again.


Tracie from Columbus, OH (6/26/2002)
"Friendly city, fast course" (General Comments)


I was instantly impressed with the organization of this marathon when my husband and I cancelled our registration, then learned we could make it after all. The staff I spoke with by phone and e-mail were friendly and very accomodating. Race day was hot and the course was a little boring, but the excellent organization, frequent water stops (every mile), supportive fans and sufficient food (at the end) made it all a very good experience.


A Runner from usa (6/25/2002)
"Has promise, but needs improvement" (about: 2002)


I ran this for the first time this year, 6/23/02. The day after the marathon, they've already announced they are going to change to an earlier date. This should have been ran in May instead of the June temps that start at 70 deg at 5am and are in the upper 80's by race end. There has got to be better scenery in Green Bay than what was on the course, and I would like it if the shady part of the course wasn't only on the first four miles. After midway, the water stations were too far apart, especially every time you looked up in the first 4 miles, there was another drink station to accomodate the returning half-thoners. The spectators that were out were fantastic, especially the ones with sprinklers out and the ones who setup their own drink stations, but it wasn't unusual to go a quarter to half mile without anyone along the course. Hopefully they will change the date to sometime in early May and better setup the drink tables and porto-potties. There isn't much that can be done about the number of spectators, just because it's a small town/race, but you just need to realize that the crowd is not going to pull you through the race. As a personal preference, I wish they would stop having Ultima Replenisher as the drink of choice, since it tastes just about as bad as a drink can.


, Mike from Kuujjuaq from Kuujjuaq, Quebec (6/25/2002)
"Great experience esp. for beginners." (about: 2002)


On a whole, the event was well organized. The course was more than 99% flat and the last 1/3 was very scenic. Fans were greats and supportive, especially many of them who used their garden hose to cool us down under the very hot and humid weather, which made a great difference. Foods and drinks at the finish line were fantastic. I've been to several races, this is the first time there was free beer at the finish line! The goody bag was great as well. Rooms for improvement: (1) Water-stations could have been positioned better: There were too many and too close together at the beginning; and relatively fewer and far between in the last 1/3 of the course when people need them most. (2) Not enough porto-johns especially in the 2nd half of the course - a major problem! (3) The food served in the pre-race pasta dinner was somewhat disappointing considering we have to pay $12 per head. Despite the rooms for improvement, overall, it was a great race (except for the heat of course!) I'll definitively return next year especially if the organizers decide to move the race a few weeks earlier to avoid the heat.


A Runner from Norfolk, Virgina (6/24/2002)
"Best Community Marathon I've done" (about: 2002)


What a hot time I had in Green Bay. Not only was the temperature hot, but so was the community support. Parrot Head, Hooters girls, Packer fans, Church groups, business groups, the whole city! Imagine getting up on a Sunday morning and sitting in your front yard at 6 AM just to cheer. The course was well marked, plenty of water from both official and unofficial stops, iced towels, fruit, candy, Root Beer, water sprinklers, etc.. Closing the entire race course to traffic, I've never seen so many orange cones. GB should be proud of themselves for such a great race. The trade show was good with great goodie bag, pickles, TOILET PAPER!, salsa and bean dip with the logo on them. I wish we could get that kind of support in our area. Put this on your list as a must do marathon.


A Runner from Brookfield, WI (6/24/2002)
"GB Was A Blast" (about: 2002)


Ran Green Bay Half Marathon for the first time this year. Had a great time. The race was very well organized and the course was marked extremely well. The locals were wonderful -- lining the course and cheering folks on was great fun.

The water stops were really good, too......even for us back of the packers. All water stations did a great job, but I would say the GB Parrot Head Club was the best! The only thing I think could be improved upon was that they had 28+ aid stations which was GREAT. BUT, they could be spread out a little better. Seems as thought there were quite a few very close together (under a mile apart) and then there were long stretches with nothing.

All and all it's a very well run race and truly is a race for all runners. I will definitely do this one again :)


A Runner from chicago il (4/9/2002)
"I did the Green Bay marathon 2000 &2001" (about: 2001)


I did the Green Bay Marathon in 2000 and 2001. The 2001 course was much easer. I enjoyed the flat course, the spectators and great organization.


A Runner from Western Wisconsin (4/7/2002)
"A Well Organized Event!!" (General Comments)


I have run both GB Marathons and enjoyed both! (I prefer this event to Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, MN.) Green Bay was very supportive! Running through Lambeau was exhilerating the first year, hopefully once construction is complete, it will once again be added as part of the course. I must agree though, that it would be nice if it was on the last half of the course instead of the first half. The post race food was fabulous (who am I trying to kid, the food During the race was great too) especially the popsicles!!! I plan to run this once again this summer! The heat? was nice not to have to wear extra cloths or gloves to the start!


A Runner from Minnesota (8/24/2001)
"MUCH better than last year, GREAT course!" (about: 2001)


Last year there was a killer hill right around mile 20. This year the course was VERY flat. I didn't have any problems with the heat, the breeze was perfect for me. I couldn't find any SoBe drink to train on so I brought Gatorade in a water bottle, and a bag of raisins. Worked great.

I LOVED this one. If all things remained constant (and my knees weren't shot), I would not hesitate to run it again.


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