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GO! St. Louis Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 357 [displaying comments 181 to 191]
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J. B. from St. Louis, MO (8/1/2006)
"Great race! Could use more encouraging fans." (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

Overall I thought it was a really fun race and I enjoyed it. I thought the expo was wonderful and had a lot of great booths filled with information and freebies! I also thought the course was good; it was great running by the brewery, but I would agree that maybe a few more landmarks would be a bonus. The only thing I was bummed about was the fact that the spectators that were there, which weren't too many, were not very encouraging. So many just sat there looking unhappy, staring at me. But overall I really enjoyed the race and I would do it again!


B. D. from Peoria, IL (5/21/2006)
"Great experience, you gotta love hills." (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

My first marathon, and I never expected so many hills.
Terrific spectators, very coordinated, very nice people, well organized.
Finishing the race running toward the Arch is a great feeling.


D. F. from St. Louis, Missouri (5/12/2006)
"Fun, but needs work to be great." (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 2 GO! St. Louis Marathons

St. Louis native so I'm biased. I think the marathon is well put together and fun. However, I ran the marathon last year and the course went through SLU which was great and added more character to the first half of the run and this year they had us run over the by-pass from Market to Forest Park Blvd. Not quite as fun or pleasant. St. Louis has too many beautiful places, parks, buildings, and streets that are worth the effort to showcase the city to visitors and make the run more pleasant for locals. I don't really understand why the planners have the run, especially the half marathon, double back down the same roads. Even the St. Patty's Day run was a more visually interesting downtown run. The Brewery part is great, but it should not be the reason why other downtown landmarks are skipped by, like the landing, park below the arch, busch, SLU and CWE. It might even be nice to start the run in Illinois to cross over the Eads. Plus, I don't think it should be a run that ends up where you start. I don't see why the half marathon could not end up in Forest Park or run through Wash U or even the Loop. I'm sure it has something to do with logistics with what the city is willing to do, but a big enough marathon brings great attention and even money to the city and it's not like Sunday morning puts a big burden on the city's traffic. And unless AB requires the run to go through the Brewery for adverstising in return for free beer, it doesnt sound like they provided enough beer to the runners to be worth it for the event. Moreover, it would be better for the run to end up in a place that isn't crammed like it was in that tiny park downtown. Openning the space up might make it easier to go through the lines at the end and for people to find the beer.


S. R. from St. Louis, MO (5/5/2006)
"Weather... good, no beer... bad" (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

The weather was awesome, but the course missed some major St. Louis landmarks. No riverfront? No Arch? No Busch Stadium? There weren't a whole lot of spectators, but who cares? The few kids who high-fived me near the end did the job quite nicely. Could have used a few more clocks to pace myself. Didn't really feel like standing in long lines for food after running 26.2. And I'm really bummed now after reading all comments about missing out on the beer. There was beer??? I'm coming back next year and I'm drinking for two, dang it!


Jesse Turner from Elgin, IL (4/27/2006)
"Very good smaller race" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

This was my first smaller marathon.... Weather was perfect, St. Louis was wonderful, and I thought the course was very comparable to Boston (although it actually may have had a few more inclines than Boston, it probably had fewer long declines). Everyone dreads going uphill but its the going down part that destroys your legs. I just missed PRing, while my wife rocked... easily busting the 4-hour mark and shaving over 20 minutes off her best. I'm so proud of her. Thank you, St. Louis, though I doubt I'll run it again. There are too many other races to run. I would highly recommend it. My only complaints are that I was dodging half marathoners (walkers) for the last 2 miles. They could have tried to stay to the right a little better. Also, mile markers were very inconsistent....


L. C. from Chicago (4/26/2006)
"Great weather and great organization!" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 GO! St. Louis Marathons

I ran Boston, New York and Chicago but I have to say that I really enjoyed running the St. Louis just the same. Last time I ran the St. Louis was 2004 and the course was different. I like the new course and I think it made it easier, at least for me. The organization was great; I did not have any problems with the water stations but I did encounter some problems with the walkers. On the mile marker 21-25, I weaved around so many walkers that I think I could have improved 30-60 seconds on my time. My suggestion on the walker would be, if they could be designated to an area (right or left of the street) to walk and leave some room for the marathoners, I think this will alleviate the traffic jam between the walkers and the runners. As far as spectators, keep improving year by year, and the St. Louis Marathon will reach the same caliber as other big-name marathons. Thus the spectators will come.


Callme Gilly from Michigan (4/24/2006)
"Nice race... does St. Louis want to make it great?" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon


" The weather was perfect.
" Running around/through the Anheuser Busch headquarters was neat, especially since there were about 5 Clydesdales out to greet us as we ran by.
" The ability to purchase a technical race shirt instead of the free cotton one.
" The ability to have your name on the race bib (although maybe it could be printed a bit larger, and we could put our nickname instead of our real name).
" The Gu/gel stations were plentiful and helpful.
" The gear check ended up working out fantastic.
" The police and many volunteers were very positive and friendly.
" I thought it was a nice medal for finishers.

About what you would expect:

" The water/Gatorade was pretty decent although some of the stations were too close together and some too far apart (also some of the Gatorade at the finish line was big-time watered down - I wanted the real thing after running 26.2 miles).
" The mile markers were not that hard to find although a few people mentioned that they were, but some of them I think were not spaced to the proper distance (I think the mile 4 marker was especially early).
" Expo was okay, but very small.
" Spectators - I really didn't think there were many, although I've been reading that there were more than in previous years. I found it shocking that a lot of people around the town (who lived there) knew nothing about the race&.that it was even going on.
" I didn't notice any more problems with port-a-potties than you experience at any mid- to large-sized race.
" Not enough clocks on the course and although it would be great if there were more, most racers wear a wrist watch to keep track of their time, so I am not sure why this is such a big problem to most people.


" Hills - lots of them through the whole course (it seemed like it anyways), even though most of them weren't super steep.
" No Arch or the new Busch Stadium incorporated into the route, which I found a little disappointing. I am not promoting the Detroit marathon at all, but they really incorporate a lot of neat places/sites into their route and I didn't get that feeling here at all. I know you create more traffic problems by doing this, but this is why you have most marathons on Sunday mornings, when traffic isn't busy.
" The food lines were too long. Maybe they should have separate food lines for marathon runners as opposed to 1/2 marathon runners and walkers.
" The beer running out! Like someone else already said, "My only complaint is the beer tent closing early. I finished in under 3 1/2 hours, got some food and a massage and they were already gone! Another sponsor would probably love to fly their flag in Anheuser Busch's hometown. This was a huge disappointment for me, I was looking forward to some cold draft beer."
" The course map especially in the handout at the expo was hard to read/understand.
" Too many half-marathon runners. I think they should limit this number/put a cap on it and promote the longer distance.

Overview: All in all a nice race, and it sounds like they made a lot of improvements from 2005. I think the leaders of this race and the city need to decide if they want to keep it more of a small to mid-level marathon, or if they want to take the next step to make it a "destination"-type, fairly large marathon that people "rave" about. I think there is a lot more that can be done PR-wise to promote the race and promote the city.

Finally, I am sorry for the walker that felt this was a marathon for runners... but wait, it is a marathon for runners. It is great that there are people walking who care about their fitness level, but I've never been to a race, let alone a marathon, that catered more to walkers than runners, and I hope I never do.


E. C. from Bossier City, LA (4/20/2006)
"Great weather - enjoyed the race" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

This was my 20th marathon and I thought it was very well organized. The weather was terrific; I loved the artwork and having the Clydesdales out was interesting and a great photo opp, for those who are not RACING a marathon. No problems with aid stations - I'll recommend it to others. Must be a woman in charge of this race!


m. m. from Oak Park Il (4/19/2006)
"Great time" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 GO! St. Louis Marathons

Running this year was better than last. Although the hills are challenging for someone from the flat Midwest, I improved my time from last year. The water stations were well stocked, and the volunteers were excellent. The expo was much better this year, and had tons of room. Looking forward to next year! Great job, St. Louis.


Steve S. from Illinois (4/18/2006)
"Marathon" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

I'd heard that the course was hilly. I suppose if you're from Nebraska, it might be. Otherwise, gradual rollers with only one incline that might be considered a hill. Don't dismiss this course due to the hilly comment. Nice course.

Even if it were a crummy course, the weather was so fantastic, it would have still been a great course. Good job to the officials who requested the weather.

The only negative aspect was the line for refreshments after the race. The line was long and there was not a great assortment of food selection. I'd highly recommend the race.


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