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GO! St. Louis Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 357 [displaying comments 201 to 211]
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Bob Butterfield from Orlando, Florida (4/13/2006)
"Not a Marathon for Walkers" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

Ditto on the great weather and volunteers!

I started this marathon in the middle of the pack, but due to an IT band injury, I was in the back with the walkers by the halfway point. For a marathon that was supposed to be open for the 16-minute per mile pace or 7-hour finish time, it seemed that the course was being closed to those finishing over 6 hours. After passing the halfway point in 3 hours and leaving Forest Park, a police car came up and announced he was the "tail car" and that I "need to stay to the right of the cones" that were simultaneously being placed about a foot away from the curb by the police on motorcycles.

Being an engineer involved with the design of traffic control, it seemed that moving the cones over at this point was unnecessary. The streets in Clayton and University City are wide, having a through lane with a parking lane or two travel lanes. In addition, the traffic was light at midday on a Sunday. Considering this, the traffic cones could have been kept in place or minimally moved to allow passage of vehicles in a standard 10- to 12-foot lane width. I don't know much about liability, but it would seem that the actions of moving the cones would expose either the city or the race organizer's insurance (of course) to a lawsuit if someone was hit by a car. I'm sure the lawyers could find a way around the signed waivers. The race organizers should either correct this situation or advertise the event to only those who can finish under 6 hours.

Finishing in 6 1/2 hours, I found most of the finish area packed up and I had to pick through boxes for bananas, bagels, and energy bars (but no beer, gasp!). I guess the good thing was I didn't have to wait like the faster marathon finishers who had to wade through the crowd of half-marathon finishers.

Although I did not miss seeing any of the mile marker artwork, I could see where they could be confused with one of the bus shelters that are about the same size as the artwork and just as colorful with advertisements. Perhaps using bright orange or lime green mileage signs on top of the artwork, instead of the plain red or blue signs would make the sign stand out.

Most of the musicians were gone by the time I passed, however the DJ near Mile 19 was still going and provided me with a boost. He was great; he announced my name and could see I was enjoying the music. Also I saw a rock band playing not too far before seeing the DJ.

The last few miles of the course did not have porta-johns. I had the urge to go around Mile 22 and had to hold it until I neared the finish.

I liked that this race is tied to the Lewis & Clark Marathon and Half in September by awarding the Run Around Town Medal for doing both events in the same calendar year. I have already signed up! It reminds me of the Goofy medal at Disney for doing the half marathon on Saturday and then the full marathon the next day.

I would do this marathon again, but hopefully next time I will be running the whole course.


B. A. from Iowa City, IA (4/13/2006)
"Untapped Potential Here" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

This was a well run race, but there's a lot of potential for improvement. The course skips a lot of St. Louis' landmarks in favor of an out-and-back course that stretches to Clayton. I can see the logic in the layout since not many potential spectators live downtown, but there weren't that many extra people out in the 'burbs. I would have rather run along the Mississippi, the arch, or even the new stadium. The highlight was definitely the Budweiser factory and it was great that they had the Clydesdales out for us. However, this was in Mile 4 (I think), when little encouragement is needed! There are other areas for improvement, but I would say the course layout should be the first to consider. Forest Park is about as far out as we need to go. On a postive note, the high school bands and dancing groups were awesome. I enjoyed them a lot, especially the marching bands, which you could hear well before you got to them.


a. b. from tennessee (4/13/2006)
"excellent race" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

This was a very nice race. The course was well laid out and featured interesting sites. Running through the brewery was very cool, as was Forest Park and Washington University. Yes, the course was a little hilly, but not too bad.

Organization for the race was excellent!!! Aid stations were well-placed and well-stocked. Gu was available at several points on the course. The course was well-marked. For those below who complained that the mile markers weren't noticeable: Well the markers were only about 12 feet tall and featured brightly colored art work, so I guess I can see how you missed them. The expo was about what I expected for a race of this size. The t-shirt is a little bland, but if that is a major problem for you, then you need to take up a different sport.

Overall, this is an excellent marathon and I have, and will continue, to recommend this to friends and family.


g. k. from St louis (4/13/2006)
"They just don't call it "the Hill" for nothing!" (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

This was my 2nd 1/2 marathon. Course was really hilly, but still got my PR on the course (2:16). Mile marker signs were hard to see... well I only saw one at Mile 6. First couple of miles had to weave in and out of walkers. Would be nice to have each area marked better at the beginning.

Will return next year a bit more prepared for the hills!!


M. C. from Scott AFB, IL (4/13/2006)
"Weather was perfect and the hills were gentle" (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons | 2 GO! St. Louis Marathons

My second Spirit of St. Louis. Well-organized with plenty of H20, Gatorade, and GU. Not many spectators, but the ones there were awesome. Nice course through the Brewery and Forest Park, but a leg down by the river and the Arch would have been nice. They altered the course a slight bit through Forest Park, which eliminated a couple of crossovers - smart move.

With the marathon and half- runners and walkers both starting together and running together for the first 9 miles, it was a bit crowded - and they were missing some mile markers between 21 and 26.

Sure would have been nice if the walkers would have started in the back....


Dominic Ricci from Chicago (4/13/2006)
"Great course but where were the spectators?" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

This was my second marathon and while I know this marathon is new, I did expect quite a few more spectators.

As far as the organization of the race, I thought it was great until the finish. After running a PR and was absolutely exhausted and dehydrated, I then had to wait in line for the food and drinks with the people finishing the half marathon. There should at least be a small area with massage tables, bananas and water for those finishing the marathon.

Overall though, I loved the course and would recommend it to anyone.


J. G. from Schaumburg, IL (4/13/2006)
"Overall, a race I would recommend" (about: 2006)

2 previous marathons

I really can't complain because I PR'd in a big way, paving the way for a trip to Boston next April.... That alone engraves a positive memory in my heart.

OK, one complaint: Pre-register for this race... if you don't you are denied the race program that details things like the gear-check location.

The race itself was great. No problems except for the end when I kept plowing into walkers (accidentally). After running 24 miles you lose your ability to weave around an irregular mass of slower objects. This is minor and by that point I was running slower anyway. Many walkers I passed would announce by yelling "RUNNER," which I thought was a considerate thing to do.

On the course, water, Gatorade, toilets and gels were plentiful and best I have ever seen. Excellent job!

I am glad I train on inclines, otherwise this course would have been hard... although the last hill towards the end was demoralizing.

I was hoping to keep track of split times. I kept missing the markers. It would be cool if there was a small strobe light on each sign - nothing obnoxious, just enough to catch the eye. After mile 20 I missed them all.

I love the solitude of distance running and did not mind the paucity of spectators. I dug the high school orchestra and the group playing what seemed to be Renaissance music, and the Beatles cover band was cool too.

The St. Louis cops are ON THE CASE. They did an excellent job protecting runners from traffic.

After the race I had to make a decision: Either find my family and leave OR stand in a line to get food that seemed about 10 miles long. I left.

Its a good run. I really dig St. Louis - it reminds me of my former home in Cincinnati, minus the smog.

Thanks to all.


J. H. from usa (4/13/2006)
"Loved the views of Forest Park" (about: 2006)

First Marathon

I'm a native of STL and wanted to support my own city. I loved all the areas we covered. Too bad there wasn't more support on the streets from fans. Weather was excellent.


M. P. from Joplin, MO (4/12/2006)
"Marathon a Success!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 GO! St. Louis Marathons

I have run the last two STL Marathons and have enjoyed both. I have found the race organization to be first-rate, and plenty of volunteers make the going easier.


A. G. from Houston, Texas (4/12/2006)
"Good course, but hilly with too many walkers" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

First time running St. Louis. Nice size of event with just under 2,000 running the full. Very relaxed and easy start with lots of toilets and room to stretch and "chill-out."

Surprisingly hard course. Other than through Forest Park, felt as though were either climbing or descending the entire time. Even the last two miles were a climb. Don't misunderstand me... these were not big, difficult hills - just relentless. Anther obstacle was the huge number of walkers. Finishing relatively fast in the marathon involved a lot of weaving through half-marathon walkers who - as usual - tended to walk in rows of up to 6 or 7 people. Why do that? And why get so irked when asked to move?

Impressive water and Gatorade points every two miles and the most gel hand-outs I have ever experienced. I estimate there must have been eight separate gel points. Very impressive. Well organised finishing area with generous food handouts.

A really nice mid-sized event, in great weather conditions. Although to be honest, any hopes of a bonus PR would probably be handicapped by the undulating profile and the (increasingly common) issue of slow walkers blocking a clear run.


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