calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

GO! St. Louis Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.9 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.5 
Number of comments: 357 [displaying comments 211 to 221]
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W. G. from Minneapolis (4/12/2006)
"Well executed but not particularly inspiring" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

I had a horrible performance in my last marathon so after 6 months of additional training this marathon was to rebuild my confidence.

The weather was perfect (40F at the start and no wind) for a PR and I managed a PR despite the constantly rolling (nothing particularly long or steep) course. I ran with a pacer and his times were about as close to perfect as you could expect.

There were only a couple of course highlights - the brewery and the park. Otherwise it was on boring streets. All the streets were not completely closed to cars and they were even trying to get cars across the course through the gaps between runners.

There were not many spectators with the exception of the last 2 miles.

The start was well done and I was across the start line in under 2 minutes - not bad for a race with 7,900+ participants. The water stations were frequent and well run. I didn't have a long wait for the porta-potties.

I stayed at the Westin and they were not letting runners have a late check-out. They did let runners use the fitness showers after the race. I think the race should choose not to recommend the Westin again.

The bagels after the race we so stale as to be inedible. I grabbed a bagel from the box labeled blueberry and it ended up being a different flavor. The same thing happened to the woman behind me. The chips for salt replacement are not a good idea. Broth goes down easier and faster.

The medal is great. The T-shirt isn't anything special.

If the race fits your schedule, do it, but I wouldn't go out of my way to run this marathon again.


T. C. from MIlwaukee, WI (4/12/2006)
"Nice race but tough course" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

I PR'd on this course but that's because I didn't hit the wall this time. The race was well organized - plenty of water, Gatorade and gel, and a large number of friendly volunteers. Crowd support was good. The medal and the shirt are both cool. The huge US flag hanging close to the finish line was also encouraging.

It has more hills than expected. It also lacks split times - more red pads besides the one at the 13.1 mark would be nice. Runners had to wait in long lines for food while friends and family members weren't allowed in the area. Otherwise it was a nice event.


d. R. from Lincoln, NE (4/12/2006)
"2006 race" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

I've run 6 marathons, and this was my best time by far. It was well organized, plenty of water, gatorade and goo on the course, and a decent number of toilets. There were a large number of volunteers working the event - I suggest next year you give out stopwatches to 24 of them, place them next to mile markers, and have them call out times. This race was really lacking split times. But in general, this was a very good, fast race. If anything, the crowd turnout could be better. The weather was absolutely wonderful, couldn't possibly have been better.


D. J. from Mead, CO (4/12/2006)
"Great April Marathon" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

This marathon has a lot of hills but none are really very steep. The long downhill toward the finish is very nice psychologically. The medal is good, the shirt is kind of plain. The marathon is well organized generally, but there are far too few port-a-potties at the race start area. The aid stations were well stocked with fluids and the volunteers were very friendly and helpful. Spectators were numerous and enthusiastic. The weather this year was absolutely gorgeous. The course overall is not at all boring despite a few switchbacks and I believe the numerous shallow hills reduce the monotony of the completely flat races. This was an overall good experience; I recommend doing this marathon!


L. F. from Chicago, IL (4/11/2006)
"Excellent course--disappointing extras! :-(" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

I ran the half marathon this year (2006). This was my first half. The course itself was excellent--the only hills to speak of were rolling inclines, and they were very manageable for somebody who has done all her training in Chicago. The volunteers were very helpful, especially at water stations. Local law enforcement also did an excellent job of keeping the streets closed off so that we could focus on the race instead of dodging traffic! :-)
I was disappointed by the lack of spectators at the event--the reviews I read from last year's event suggested that there would be significantly more people to cheer us on. (Although perhaps there were more spectators at the far end of the full marathon course, which was in more residential neighborhoods???)
I was also excited to see in the course map pamphlet that there would be music along the marathon course. However, I was disappointed when I ran by the miles that were supposed to have music--and only about 20% of them did. Again, perhaps this has to do with the fact that I ran the half and not the full, but there were elite, full marathoners coming through the last couple of miles when the bulk of the half-marathoners were coming in across the same course, so I don't think it has anything to do with the difference in races.
Overall, I did very much enjoy this race--it was a good first-time experience, but it was certainly a lonely 13 miles. I'd consider doing it again if I knew that the music and crowds were going to be better.


Cliff Franklin II from Milan, Michigan (4/11/2006)
"Challenging but fun" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons

Course was nice, I would have liked to have spent more time downtown. STL has an amazing skyline, great buildings and the arch, didn't get to see much of either. Hills were pretty tough, not sure why they have any near the end. My only complaint is the beer tent closing early. I finished in under 3 1/2 hrs, got some food and a massage and they were already gone! Another sponsor would probably love to fly their flag in Anheuser Bush's hometown. This was a huge disappointment for me, I was looking forward to some cold draft beer.


B. B. from Wisconsin (4/11/2006)
"Well Laid out, lots of water and gel shots" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons

I would have given it 4 stars on Organization, but 2 things stopped me. The
1/2 Marathon is run on the same course up to almost mile 10 at the same time, they should start a half hour before to clear up the course, it's too congested. The finish food was not well organized, I just ran a Marathon and I have to STAND in line? PUt the food in bags and I'll just grab one. The course was beautiful but VERY hilly (my worse time ever). But that's my fault not the Marathon's.


E. G. from Kansas City (4/10/2006)
"Outstanding" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

The volunteers were great. Extremely well organized with plentiful aid/water stations. I will definitely look forward to doing this again. The only change I might suggest is a little larger mile markers. Whoever ordered the weather needs a promotion. Thanks for a great race!


R. R. from St Louis, MO (4/10/2006)
"Average" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

I'd like to brag about the marathon, given that I live in the St Louis area. However, I can't identify much to brag about except the wonderful weather, which was the luck of the draw.

Course (average):
** Seemingly half of the miles were through what I might call urban/vacant blight.
** The highlights were going through the scenic Forest Park and Clayton areas. Neat idea to circle the brewery.
** The course seemed much hillier than advertised. Noteworthy was the 3/4 mile incline at mile 24 or so -- ugh.

Organization (average)
** The race advertised that the course would be open for 7 hours. Many of us running at 5:30 pace, and slower walkers, were faced with cones being torn down and the fun of dealing with traffic at our sides coming from behind as we meandered through the town of Clayton.
** At a minimum, how about written directions to go along with the poorly designed and barely readable course map? Many folks were confused trying to drive the course prior to race.
** The water stops were well run with enthusiastic volunteers. Thanks!
** The port-o-potties were few and far between, with long lines for participants, particularly over the first half of the course.
** The police and volunteers were very positive and friendly. We appreciate it!
** Post race party was good.
** Very nice medal.

Spectators (average)
** Very little crowd support, even for a marathon of this size.
** Those that came out were wonderful -- thanks!!

Overall, an average marathon.


David Siegfried from Yorkville, IL (4/10/2006)
"Great spring Race" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 GO! St. Louis Marathon

This was my 2nd Marathon. I was worried about the hills, but I made sure I trained for them. I was able to improve my Marathon time by 27 minutes. I thought the course was awesome. Went through the Anheuser-Busch complex and they had a couple of Clydesdales out to greet us. Although there were hills, they did not seem very steep. The fun part was going fast down the other side. During the final miles it was nice to be able to see the Arch towards the Final stretch. Organization was fine, but I think the finish area needed to be a bit larger. The lines were very long but they moved pretty fast. Was tired of waiting and then could not find my way out of the Caged in area. I was expecting more as far as Entertainmaent on the course during the race, but the Spectators more than made up for it. It was very motivating to hear all the cheers along the whole course. Finished with a Huge Smile. NICE JOB!! Will include St. Louis as a future Marathon.


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