calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Athens Marathon (Greece) Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.7 
Number of comments: 140 [displaying comments 51 to 61]
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S. F. from Basking Ridge, New Jersey (11/6/2010)
"Indescribable Experience!!" (about: 2010)

2 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

The course traces the original path of the original marathon runner, Phidippedes, so it's not exactly scenic, but it's HISTORICAL! The spectators were amazing - "Bravo!! Bravo!!" while handing out olive branches. We went with Apostolos Tours and I agree with the other comments that they did a perfect and amazing job! Finishing in the Olympic Stadium was incredible and emotional - I feel extremely lucky to have been one of the 12,500 runners on this perfect day!


A. A. from San Jose, California (11/5/2010)
"What an amazing experience!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. This IS the real marathon. It's not a scenic course - but that was not on Pheidippides's mind when he ran it 2,500 years ago. Still, it makes you feel different. The many spectators along the entire course cheer you up - genuinely. They are very happy to see you running their course, literally. The organization was great - from the expo, to the very special, stadium-shaped medal, the shuttle and start line, and the many, many medical aids teams alongside the course (will spray your tight muscles, if needed). Lots of marathon flags everywhere. Bottled water at all 15-17 aid stations, sponges and sport drinks in about half of them. The course is hilly so be prepared (yet the course record is under 2:11...). Last but not least is the last mile and entrance to the amazing Olympic, marble-made, Panathinaiko stadium with 10,000-plus people cheering for you. It is so emotional that you see runners cry like babies.


J. M. from Athens Greece (11/2/2010)
"THE ORIGINAL" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Athens Marathon (Greece)s

What a race! What a day! But this IS the marathon race; it IS what it's all about. People were offering crowns from an olive tree to the runners.. Runners were entering the full marble ancient stadium in tears. All were part of the history of the marathon race; all were soul-mates with Phidippides, the legendary Athenian soldier who made this route to bring the victory message - 2500 years ago. No marathon racer can make the original without being touched. Experienced runners were crying in the full of crowd stadium that was welcoming them. What an experience! Oh yes, I am going to make the race again, and again as long as I can say that I can run marathons. This is the marathon race: from Marathon to Athens. Thanks to all of the runners from 90 countries who came to celebrate with us, the Greeks. It is not "our" history anymore. It belongs to anyone who can understand what a marathon race is.


S. C. from Rome (11/2/2010)
"A Historic Run" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

Athens did a spectacular job putting on this 2,500-year anniversary run. There were 12,500 runners and it all went great.

You CANNOT ask for a better finish than in the 1896 Olympic Stadium. And once you arrive, your final 200 meters are on a wonderful rubber track. It felt like heaven after hitting the pavement for 26 miles.

And the medal is the absolute best one I've ever received. It is a two-unit medal with the outside portion in a gold tone shaped like the Olympic Stadium.

Only one small issue: I wish they started earlier; 9 a.m. is a little late. But they had LOTS of water and every 2.5K as promised.

Plan to stay in the stadium and watch others coming in for some time. The music and the scene were fantastic.

Marathon Tours did an exceptional job for all of us clients. Thanks, Thom!!!


b. b. from Newcastle, England (11/2/2010)
"Athens: hot, hilly, hard" (about: 2010)

2 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

I was expecting some Southern European chaos, but this was not the case: the expo, packet pick up, buses to the start, pre-run music (Zorba the Greek at 8:30), water, food, amount of medical support, and helpers were all good. Perhaps smaller bottles or cups would be better as the amount of waste was staggering. The course is hilly - from about 8K through to 32K, a series of long, slow rises and some steeper ones with only one or two down sections. Overall, it's up. Anyone who attempts this would be advised to consider this in their training; don't let it stop you, as the positives more than make up for it. The spectators throughout and especially from the small villages were very supportive shouting, "Bravo" throughout and handing out olive branches. The finish in the stadium is exceptional and a one-off; this is history. If you want a PB, forget it; if you want an experience that will live with you, come here.


A. S. from Naples, Italy (11/1/2010)
"Ugly course; good snacks and hydration" (about: 2010)

2 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

I'd run Madrid earlier this year and went into this one with minimum preparation, but how could I back out of the 2500th anniversary of the original marathon?

The expo was confusing and crowded, and the tee shirt was a complete waste. I was surprised to look up that I actually climbed more in this marathon than Madrid (Madrid seemed a lot more difficult).

However, fans were great and the hydration/isotonic drink/snack intervals seemed perfect. Only pretty part of the course is ending up in the stadium. Besides that, you run past a lot of strip malls and gas stations. Would have been nicer had they cleaned up the road kill in the street pre-marathon. It was a little disheartening.


M. A. from Doha, Qatar (10/31/2010)
"Flawless" (about: 2010)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

Although I had an off-day for the 2010 marathon in Greece, it was a fantastic, and painful, experience. ORGANIZATION: was perfect. Plenty of support staff to help you and ensure order. COURSE: do plenty of training on hills (up and down) and bring extra gels (or other energy source) for this one. This is a difficult course if you don't. But ending in THIS stadium is priceless. I stayed for 2 hours afterward just sitting and soaking it all in. SPECTATORS: the sunny day had spectators from start to finish cheering you on emphatically - thank you! No doubt they take great pride in this, since they originated the marathon - it is "their sport." SAFETY: police kept all traffic off the road, and their were plenty of medics to help those in need. This one should be on every serious distance runner's "must do" list.


C. M. from Michigan, U.S.A (10/18/2010)
"Great Race, Better Travel Company" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

I have to respectfully disagree with a couple of the other comments. I didn't travel with Apostolos Tours, but they could not have matched our experience with Marathon Adventures. Marathon Adventures truly know how to create a fantastic adventure. Their staff crossed all of the t's and dotted all of the i's. And the cost was an unbeatable: $1,350, including flights, hotels, meals, entry fee and trips to Delphi, Argos, Mycenae, etc. Unbelieveable! There's only one way to see Greece and race the Athens Marathon and that is with Marathon Adventures! The course is great, the Greek people are very friendly and traveling with a group of fellow adventurers with Marathon Adventures was truly remarkable!


m. r. from Wasraw (4/6/2010)
"disappointment" (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

The 2009 race was prepared very well (drinks, fruit), but my advice is to take energy gel with you. Also, the route is very beautiful and demanding.

The gift bag is a joke - just a 5-euro t-shirt for an 80-euro participation fee. Also, you will not get a participation certificate or a photo unless you pay the next 40 euros.

The police in Athens did nothing. They will never help you; forget about it. Do not take your car to Athens, or park it only in a safe place.

People in Greece are very friendly. I have to thank them very much.

This was my second marathon. My first was much better.


M. B. from Portland, Oregon (11/22/2009)
"Tough course, good organization, great spectators!" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

For my 30th marathon, I thought this would be excellent - and it was great! Apostolos Greek Tours was superb, and Paul, Jill, Jeff Galloway and all involved did a SUPER job for us! This is the only way to go, and I would recommend it highly!!


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