calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Athens Marathon (Greece) Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.7 
Number of comments: 140 [displaying comments 41 to 51]
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M. W. from Washington State, USA (3/14/2011)
"THE MARATHON every marathoner should try once" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

The Athens Marathon was a great race, a very pleasant surprise.

Before I came, I trained to hydrate every 3 miles or longer and skipped intervals so as to train on more hills. Well, I would say you have to come to experience it.

At the plain of Marathon, where the legendary run took place 2,500 years ago, we were given a clear plastic bag after we got off the bus. This was ingenious. The runners can have the insulation from the morning cold air and still able to take memorable camera shots with bib numbers clearly showing.

There was wave start sequenced with last marathon finish time like in Boston, so it was never too crowded. The start was divided into 7 blocks and with different color bibs. Runners should start from the assigned blocks - otherwise they will automatically be cancelled, as the result will not be included in the final results. It was almost a perfect system to have the race run orderly.

There were water stations every 2.5K, and starting around 7.5K there was PowerAde in addition to water. All liquid was provided in capped bottles, so it was very manageable with fewer volunteers, considering Greece's population is at 21 million.

The weather was mostly sunny, and cloudy and breezy at times. There was good-sized crowd there to cheer us on. "Bravo! Bravo!" A response of "calimera" or "echaristo" would induce a slew of good wishes in Greek. They never ran out of water, PowerAde, energy gel or food throughout the race. It was a well-run race. I believed the organizers had good consultation and made their first biggest race ever a stunningly great success.

However, the weather was tricky for me. It was slightly over 60F, and hot when sunny, and I needed to pour water over me; but when the sun was out with breeze, I was wet and cold and at the brink of getting side stitches. This scenario just kept alternating.

Then, the hill was the killer. There were only slight flats in the first 10K, but then incline for several long miles. By 21.1K (which is 13.1m iles) I was so tired that I wondered if I MIGHT NOT FINISH it!

When there were only KM markers, it seemed that the agony was dragged longer with more markers. Fortunately, the other runners who were there in front of me, and to my left and right helped me to keep going. I kept saying to myself, one more kilometer.

The alternating hot and cold feeling on my body eventually gave me abdomen pain. I managed to hold off the additional urge to walk until the next water station. There were many medical aids along this part of course where many runners needing help.

For the last 2-3 miles, the light blue Alpha Bank Banner Gate welcoming the runners began to show up. It boosted my spirit right away. But when the 2nd and 3rd and more also came in view, it made me wonder how many were there to go before finish.

The finish was at the Olympic Stadium, Panathinaikon - a spectacular place! How great a feeling was that you finished the same tough course that 2,500 years ago Pheidippides did! Enter this magnificent, white, marble arena for the finish and be part of this marathon history! It was incredible. It put me in an elated emotional state.

But my physical body was running out of steam. When crossing through the sensor carpet where the LCD finish time displayed, I felt nauseated and could not raise my arms. Then, to my surprise, runners nearby were still running, so I picked up my pace and then realized that a couple hundred yards yonder was another finish time clock and sensor carpet. That was confusing - to have two finish time clocks about 150 yards apart. It appeared that the second one was the REAL finish time. My time was 4:03, several minutes shy of my goal, but better than I expected after the tough race course.

The medal was a very well designed: A metal center piece embedded inside the gold rim and connected with a gold satin band. Very handsome!

After-race re-fuel and re-hydration supply was plentiful. Fellow runners from all over the world - North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, Australia and more - were friendly and very sociable.

The pre-race bus transportation, course markers, traffic control, water stations, medical aid, race photo choices, and the crowd support at the finish were all top-notch quality.

Athens was much tougher marathon than Boston; I consider it to be the toughest of the marathons I've run. Many other marathoners there agreed with me on its toughness. But this was the origin and the history of the modern MARATHON. I think every serious marathoner should run this course at least once.

EXPO was very good, but accepting euros only was a disappointment; they have missed out so much credit card sale due to the restriction. I wanted to buy a good quality 2,500-year anniversary sport jackets like the 2008 Boston and did not find any. The available ACM apparel was very popular and sold out early.

All of the concern over Greece's recent financial problem and civil unrest was nevertheless over-worry. Athens was very clean; people were very friendly and helpful. It was a great race to travel far to run for.


M. S. from São Paulo, Brazil (12/29/2010)
"Just too good!!!" (about: 2010)

2 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

Superb race, in a great place. Awesome atmosphere!!! People along the course give you a push to help you reach the finish line. Every runner in the world should run this at least once.


D. I. from Gainesville, Florida, USA (11/29/2010)
"WHAT A RUSH!" (about: 2010)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

Finishing in that beautiful, historic stadium with the Parthenon looming on the hill in the background was such an emotional rush! This was my first time to do the Athens Marathon, but I couldn't pass on this historic running on the 2500th anniversary. The marathon crew delivered! The crowds were so supportive and encouraging. I was given olive branches and flowers by spectators. The course is well marked... just follow the blue line all the way to Athens! The start of the marathon and the loop around the tomb of the fallen soldiers from the Battle of Marathon make the race extra special. I arrived early and stayed over in Greece for some sight-seeing and good food... and I wasn't disappointed! The race, the hospitality, and the beauty of Greece and all of its ancient wonders make this a must-do marathon! You won't be disappointed!


N. R. from USA, MD (11/18/2010)
"Excellent Execution" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

It was beyond my expectations. Excellent job by the organizers, including volunteers. One of the best of my 29 marathons so far.


M. L. from Switzerland (11/17/2010)
"great marathon and big improvements from 2008" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Athens Marathon (Greece)s

This was my 17th marathon and the second time running Athens. I ran this previously in 2008, when around 3,500 runners took part. This time around it was 12,500 so a huge difference in numbers and something that was completely new for the organizers of the race. I traveled from Switzerland just for this race and would not have wanted to leave this one off of my running CV. I arrived Saturday afternoon and, yes, the expo was crowded and busy, with all of the 2,500 clothing and gifts sold out; but I found many of the Greek volunteers trying to speak English and help me, which I very much appreciated.

This time around was very different from 2008 and a huge improvement and thumbs up from me. The timing for the departure from Athens to marathon was spot on (yes, all 12,500 runners had to be driven to marathon). Course is tough, but any good and trained runner can complete this one. Still, I advise lots of hill training as i saw many runners walking up as their power drained away. Lots of first aid posts, lots of helpers and lots of food and water. The finish in the stadium is priceless and just as great as 2008 - and something every serious marathon runner must experience. I don't think they will ever have the same scale of runners as this 2,500-year-old race and will possibly return back to 3,500 or so, but I do suggest doing this at least once.

Great medal for the finishers - I was amazed at the size and weight, and most of all, the very good quality unlike some others I have. My flight was 1 hour after the race, so there was no time to really take in what I had achieved that day. Yes, it was very warm temperature-wise, so maybe prepare for that also if you plan on doing this in future years. Lastly, I found out that of the 12,500 starters for the marathon only 10,086 finished, so that should give you an idea this is not something you can just go into to. Highly recommended. I am at home and I still get a buzz from it thinking of that day.


Elaine Doll-Dunn from Spearfish, South Dakota, USA (11/15/2010)
"What an mazing journey through history!" (about: 2010)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

This was marathon number 118, and rated in the top 10 of all marathons I have done. The organization, crowd support, historical venue, beautiful medal... unforgettable. I put on a marathon; I know what it takes. Thank you for a priceless memory.


N. H. from Connecticut USA (11/14/2010)
"Not to be missed" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons

Congratulations to the organizing committee for a job well done. Despite a huge increase in the number of runners, it was executed flawlessly. Demanding course, but the historical significance along with the amazing finish at the Panathinaiko Stadium provide for an unbelievable experience. The Greek people are friendly and proud of their heritage - and they showed it all along the way. If you're looking around for the next race, pick Athens and you'll have the thrill of a lifetime.


D. K. from Holliston, Massachusetts (11/13/2010)
"Unforgettable, amazing race!!!" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

This was my 30th marathon and a dream come true. Although the sunny skies made for hot conditions (for me, anyway), there couldn't have been better support! Plenty of water, and bananas, even Coke at two places - my favorite pick-me-up in a marathon!! Can't say enough good things about this marathon.


D. B. from Ann Arbor, Michigan (11/13/2010)
"Incomparable historic course." (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

Running the original historic course can't be beat, in my opinion. It's difficult to put into words the emotion of being at the site of the original marathon, and the inspiring finish in the beautiful, white, marble stadium built for the 1896 Olympics. The course is listed as the most difficult of the world's major marathons, and with the elevation increase I don't question the rating. There was a generous finish time (8 hours). Organization superb with warm support by residents, many of whom passed out olive-leafed twigs to runners. I went with Apostolos Tours and have nothing but positive comments to say about their service.


D. I. from Gainesville, FL (11/9/2010)
"Bravo, bravo!" (about: 2010)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

What an incredible marathon experience! The course is tough, but steeped in history... and the run through Marathon was so emotional. The people of Greece are so friendly and encouraging. The course was well marked... just follow the blue line in the road! The police were helpful, and there was excellent traffic control. There were pairs of paramedics throughout the course. I have never been in a race with that much medical support. Finishing in the white marble stadium was a thrill that I'll never forget! I also was part of the Apostolos Tours, and they provided a supportive presence throughout the race. Thanks, Greece! I highly recommend this one!


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