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Athens Marathon (Greece) Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.7 
Number of comments: 140 [displaying comments 21 to 31]
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R. G. from McMinnville, OR (1/8/2015)
"Bravo!" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

This was an incredible experience. It's not that this was the best, most scenic course I've ever run, and it certainly wasn't a PR, but this was as close as you're going to get to the original marathon. That makes it a five star experience, even though it wasn't perfect in every aspect.

What was perfect? Apostolos Greek Tours did a phenomenal job with pre-, mid-, and post-race support. All of the stress about getting to and from the race, particularly in a foreign country, was avoided. We got to meet great people in our group, so I made a friend to run the marathon with while my wife found one for the 10k. The tour company provided a van at the midway point for you to leave a bag with extra supplies, or that you could add to if you needed to drop something off.

The finish in the stadium was awe-inspiring and emotional. The crowds in the towns we passed through were magnificent, with 'Bravo!' heard often and enthusiastically.

The course itself alternates between level and uphill for the first 20 miles, and then finishes mostly downhill for the last 6. The weather was warm but the sponges and water were plentiful. Water bottles at the aid stations created a bit of a hazard, but most runners tossed theirs out of the way.

This event is definitely worth adding to your bucket list and then scratching it off as you channel your inner Pheidippides.


H. F. from South Florida (11/18/2014)
"Amazing experience" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

Incredible experience to run this historic course, filled with many spectators who were very proud of the runners and passed out olive branches to the runners in the first few kilometers of the course. Lots of long hills which we were prepared to face, and a spectacular finish in the Panathenaikos stadium which was incredible. Negatives were that many of the toilets at the start of the race were out of toilet paper, and even more disappointing, there were no toilets to be found probably after the 25th km, which is unacceptable. Other negative was the technical t-shirt which had a poor quality of printing and whose logo was tiny. Also not enough variety of merchandise for the race. The medal however, was fantastic!!! Highly recommend this race! Train with lots of hills and prepare to have an amazing experience!!!


David Trevino from Arlington, Virginia (11/12/2014)
"A Great Experience" (about: 2014)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

There have been two marathons that I have always wanted to run in - Boston and Athens. I have achieved both, with the Athens being the latest - November 9, 2014. Running in the Athens Marathon became my 40th marathon, and one of my greatest achievements. To be able to run in the spirit, and stride, of the mythic Feidippides and the legendary Spyros Louis, and finishing in the 1st Olympic stadium, there has been no other marathon that has given me a high level of sensation, and accomplishment, except for Boston. This was truly a great experience, and this is one marathon that should be on every serious marathoners list. Because of the toughness of this course, anyone that earns a Boston Qualifier will truly feel like they have made it to the top of the marathon world and can shout - 'I have been victorious!'

The citizens of Greece are friendly and everyone that came out to support the marathoners shouted out 'Bravo' as the runners went by. Great Support! Plenty of water/sport drinks were provided throughout the course. The water bottles were handed out vice cups. Gels were given at certain stages of the race, and water sponges were also at the water stations.

The Expo was large, with lots of vendors. The running shirts issued to the runners were nice, and the medal was awesome.

I highly recommend this marathon to all marathoners, and if your goal is to earn a Boston Qualifier in Athens, my only advise is that you incorporate a lot of serious hill training .

Greece, with all the surrounding islands, is a very pretty place - not to mention the ocean. There is a lot to see and do in Athens, with all its history - the birth place of Democracy. There are plenty of restaurants, inside and outside.

I plan to run Athens again in the future, and now that I have experienced the course I too will incorporate some serious hill training.


steve verhulst from new york, city (3/26/2014)
"amazing race" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

i run marathons around the planet and haven't repeated one yet. athens will be the exception. i've already signed up for 2014.
as a new yorker, i thought that no crowd of spectators could surpass the big apples. wrong. the greek people love their race and are so proud of anyone participating.
the flats near the start in marathon had people at the end of their driveways out to cheer on everyone, and as we entered the more urban area, the crowds lined the route. and the reception we received at the finish into the stadium in athens was so enthusiastic and overwhelming, it brought tears to my eyes. the best EVER finish to a race.
the wonderful greek people and the warmth of hospitality i received in athens, will be a pleasure to return to.


Judy Jennings from Northern California (2/9/2014)
"Glad we booked with Apostolos Greek Tours Inc." (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

My husband and I ran the Athens Greece Marathon original course. It should be on the bucket list of every serious runner. The history was rich, the friends we made through Apostolos Greek Tours unbelievably fun, and I love old Greek music. I compared prices and benefits of different tours. I'm so glad I picked Apostolos Greek Tours. The after marathon party alone was worth it. The food was the best quality and flavor, Greek folk dancers wonderful, and our awards were great. The tours to the ancient sites were not too long, but just right and informative. Wonderful experience!


Kami K. from Corpus Christi, TX (11/18/2013)
"My 100th Marathon!" (about: 2013)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

2013 Athens Classic Marathon

In 490 BC, in the Battle of Marathon, Athenians defeated the Persians. Phidippides ran from Marathon to Athens to deliver the news of the victory. Upon arrival, he was only able to say nenikikamen which means we have won before dying from exhaustion. Athens Classic Marathon commemorates this event.

In 1896, Athens organized the first Modern Olympic Games. Spyros Louis ran the distance of 42.185 kilometers from Marathon to Panathenaic Stadium in Athens in 2:58:50 and won the first ever marathon race. Athens Classic Marathon follows the same course.

I flew into Athens on Thursday, 7 November. My sister, Homeyra, had already arrived from Tehran to watch her brother running his 100th marathon! We were with Apostolos Greek Tours, which did a nice job in organizing all land aspects of the trip (airport transportation, hotel reservation, guided tours, marathon registration, pre-race pasta dinner, marathon transportation, and post-race dinner/dance party). We stayed in Amarilia Hotel in Vouliagmeni, an Athens suburb, which we found it relaxing, quiet, and scenic. The hotel was within a short walking distance from the beach and a nice paved trail. Vouliagmeni hosted the Triathlon event during the Athens 2004 Olympic games.

On Friday, we visited the Acropolis and had lunch in a sidewalk café in the Plaka district, which is located in the shadow of Acropolis. After the lunch, we went to the Marathon Expo for packet pick-up. Each runner received a short-sleeved technical Adidas shirt, a towel, a tote bag, and a pen.

On Saturday, we went to Sounion to visit the temple of Posseidon. The drive from our hotel to Sounion and back was scenic. The pre-race pasta dinner at the hotel was quite good.

The 31st Annual Athens Classic Marathon was on Sunday, 10 November. We left the hotel at 6:45 AM for the start line in Marathon, which was an hour-long drive. It was a sunny, warm, and slightly humid morning. Wind was not a factor. Thousands of runners were expected. There were plenty of portable toilets. DHL trucks carried our drop-off bags to the finish line. There was a wave start system. The first block started at 9 AM, followed by the second block at 9:01 AM, the third block at 9:03 AM, and the other blocks in increments of 4 minutes. The first aid station was as kilometer 5, then every 2.5 kilometers, which provided plenty of water, sports drinks, wet sponges, sport gels, and bananas. I was impressed by a large number of emergency medical personnel throughout the route. The crowd support was excellent as we were running through several towns; I heard bravo numerous times! As expected, the course was hilly from kilometer 9 to kilometer 32. The last 10K was easy and the last kilometer was mainly downhill. The finish line was in Panathenikon Stadium, and we were greeted by a large number of spectators. The finisher medal was nice. There were adequate recovery food items and drinks.

There were 7205 male and 1284 female finishers, respectively. The winning times were 2:13:51 (male) and 2:41:32 (female). I ran within my limits. I did not walk any of the hills. I walked the aid stations. I ran the first half in 2:13:58 (10:13 pace) and crossed the finish line in 4:39:37 (10:40 pace). I felt comfortable throughout the run and had a great time.

There was a post-race dinner/dance party for us in our hotel. All runners in our group received a Greek head wreath and a hand-made pottery. I was recognized for having run my 100th marathon, and I must say that I am glad that I ran it in the birthplace of marathon running.

On Monday, we visited the Agora and the Theseion, which is the best preserved building of ancient Athens. We then had few hours of free time to walk in and around Plaka district, have lunch, and do some shopping before returning to our hotel.

On Tuesday, my sister returned to Tehran and I returned to Corpus Christi. We both enjoyed a nice and memorable trip. Meeting several friendly tour-mates was the icing on the cake. Apostolos Greek Tours is highly recommended.


H. P. from Heidelberg, Germany (11/12/2013)
"My favorite marathon" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

It wasn't very good at the registration stage. When I paid by credit card, there is no automatic confirmation. I sent them an email but then I waited very long to get a reply. Many people asked the same question at facebook but no one replied.
But the race itself is really perfect. At the start, I guessed there were more than 100 potties, you just had to wait less than 5 minutes(There are 10000 people altogether). There is a stadium, providing enough space for warming up. Bottled watter was provided at the start. There were enough rubbish bin, so the starting place was clean. There was even firework display at the opening ceremony, how amazing.
When you began, the volunteers were already standing in a line beyond the starting line, giving the runners high five. The spectators were the most warming I have ever seen. They cheered the runners up all the way, even the children. I think Greeks are very proud of their marathon history.
They provided bottled water(500 ml) throughout the whole course, which was somewhat a waste.
The course is noted for its difficulty. And though having known it in advance, I still found it more difficult than I had expected. Anyway, the time limit is 8 hours. There is no need to hurry. I just took my camera with me and had lots of fun.
It is really breathtaking to enter the Panathenaic stadium. When we passed the finishing line and received a medal, a volunteer offered to help to take pictures of us. When you got out and got your stuff, you could still get in again to take pics.
Overall, it is a well-organized race. The spectators, volunteers really made me warm and touched.


A. C. from Italy (11/11/2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

I am just back from running the original course of the marathon: beyond expectations. The organization is well taken care of : the transportation to the start was fine with a very short waiting time, the start was well staggered with no bottleneck and the aid stations, fantastic, well staffed with an abundance of water, powerade, gels everuthing. Well done ! And now to the course. Get ready there is a steady climb of roughly 13 miles. It is a 3% slope, tough ! Above all in hot conditions. The arrival to the statium it is nothing short than spectacular. Hold back your tears and start celebrating your accomplishment. You run in the footsteps of Filippides.


R. G. from Texas, USA (4/3/2013)
"Athens Marathon Deluxe" (about: 2012)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

I ran the Athens Marathon in November 2012. It was an amazing experience in every respect. First, there was the race itself which couldn't have been better organized. The start with white fireworks against the Greek blue sky was stunning, water, sports drinks and food like gels, bananas and energy bars were readily available, as were portapotties. But what impressed me most was the great number of medics along the entire course at the bus shelters that werent used on race day.

The marathon follows a rather boring road until shortly before you reach Athens. Not that it matters because the endless uphill battle during the challenging middle part keeps your mind too busy for sightseeing anyway. Since it runs through a not very densely populated area, the number of spectators is fairly limited for most of the time. They make up for it, though, by cheering for almost every single runner individually and offering encouragement, twigs of laurel and flowers. The highlight of the race is when you fly downhill into Athens, hearing the cheers from the much larger crowd there and entering the white marble stadium to receive your beautiful medal. Unforgettable!

The other reason my Athens Marathon was such an outstanding event was that I went with Apostolos Greek Tours. They took care of all the boring and stressful logistics that can take the fun out of your marathon experience and use up the energy you'd rather spend on the race itself. Their plush private buses chauffered us to the Expo, the start of the race and back to the hotel afterwards. In the evening, they organized a wonderful celebration party for us that made us forget our fatigue and kept us dancing into the night. In the same professional and kind manner, they took care of runners and non-running family members during the remainder of our stay in Greece. They made it a true Deluxe marathon experience that was worth every penny we spent. The memories will last forever!


E. M. from Athens, Greece (11/23/2012)
"Be prepared for the hills" (about: 2012)

1 previous marathon | 1 Athens Marathon (Greece)

This was my first Marathon and as everyone was warning me about the 20km uphill run until the 30th kilometer I did many long runs in the nearby mountains (up to 500m / 1600ft altitude) and it did help a lot as to my amazement I managed to pull it without stopping anywhere to walk or stretch. Organization was very good, plastic bags at start (although it wasn't as cold as last year), plenty of water was available both in cups and bottles every 2.5km, isotonic drinks (Powerade) also in cups and bottles every 5km, gels and cereal bars later on. Bag collection and retrieval was without any delays or problems. As quite a few kilometers are outside of residential areas don't expect large crowds along the gruelling hill climbs between km 20 and 30, but they do cheer you. This year there were roughly 6500 participants and there was quite some room around me all the time.


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