calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon) Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.8 
Number of comments: 222 [displaying comments 151 to 161]
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P. R. from Round Lake, Illinois (6/5/2005)
"Good race that can get better" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)

This was my second half-marathon, so I don't have a lot to compare it with. However, I will say that the weather was perfect for running, the start at the state capital is a great starting point, the course was awesome - especially miles 3 to 6 that went down State St. and then went through the UW campus, and having the finish at Brat Fest was a great idea.

With that said, I was one of numerous people who didn't get a medal at the finish because they ran out. Or as we were emailed earlier this week - they gave them out to 10K finishers who were given half-marathon bibs because they ran out of 10k bibs. There were also a couple of places on the course where it could have been better marked (like the last few miles).

Overall, a course that I would definitely consider again. I hope the group of organizers also learn from the mistakes from this year. This could really be a premier race in the future!


J. B. from Columbus, WI (6/3/2005)
"Getting better!" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 3 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)s

The minor course changes for 2005 notably improved the race. The course winds its way through Madison's moderate hills, both natural and manmade. The volunteer support is excellent along the course. Fan support is spotty, but enthusiastic when present. The finish area has vastly improved in terms of quality and quantity of food available. 2005 was a great stride in the right direction.


Betty O'Dea from St. Louis, MO (6/2/2005)
"Very pretty - if lonely - course!" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons

This course is just beautiful, running around lakes and parks. Consequently there was plenty of shade. As usual, there was no Gatorade at mile 4 for the back-of-the-packers, however things picked up from there. The volunteers were outstanding and went way above and beyond the call of duty!


A. B. from Madison (6/2/2005)
"Scenic race" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)

This is my first marathon. I chose this one because I live in Madison. Thanks for all the supporters. The course is scenic but a bit hilly. More water stops and food at the finish line. The arboretum route was nice, but there are no water stops between miles 19-22 (the course map shows there is one at 20). The bridge over W. Wash is tough at the last few miles. Weather was good. Great run around the capital city.


PokeSaladAnnie Singer from Suffern, NY (6/2/2005)
"Everyone is a WIENER at this race" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)

What a combo: Bratwurst Fest and finish line at Willow Island Alliant Energy Center... great idea. Orange coned roads for direction were easy to see and follow.

Natural scenic views through parks. Small expo. Course overview talk needs much work... perhaps a movie of the course would be more helpful to first-timers. Pasta dinner with Coach Peter Tegen as guest speaker was humorous, informative and most enjoyable. Rita Kelliher made sure everyone was well cared for... especially us 6-hour, 50-state marathoners.

Marathoner shirt has "FINISHER" written on the long-sleeve cuff... nice touch... and given only at the end of the race.

Half marathoners receive a marathon shirt... should say "half marathon."

I think this race, for 1,000 marathoners, is well run. Madison is a great city to visit. I would go back any time. Try the Bratwurst at the festival... delicious.


A. A. from Janesville, Wisconsin (6/1/2005)
"Look how far they've come!!!" (about: 2005)

50+ previous marathons | 4-5 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)s

The race still needs plenty of work, but at least there's evidence that they're trying. This year's event was much better than last year's. Improvements were evident in the support along the way (plenty of fluids, Gu, fruit, etc.) as well as the finish line, where there was actually food left at the 5-hour mark!!!!

Improvements still needed: signage at the finish area, a tent for checked gear bags (in the event of rain), a finisher's shirt that actually says 'Finisher' (or did they run out and just pass out the shirts from other events?).

This race has depended on loyal runners who come back to do the race because they went to UW, etc. It's great to see that they've made some effort to actually deserve the loyal participation that they've enjoyed.


T. F. from Davenport, IA (6/1/2005)
"A low-cost alternative to Grandma's Marathon" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)

This was my first Mad City Marathon and it won't be my last. The course was relatively flat (certainly no steep or long hills). There were plenty of water and Gatorade stops, three Gu stops and numerous spectators spread out over the course that made you feel (at home) like a Wisconsin cheesehead (with numerous clanging cowbells). The size, about 1000 marathoners, the availability of hotels at a reasonable rate (although I heard that at least one located at the finish line required a two-night stay minimum), taking place on a Sunday of a three-day weekend, taking place in the spring in scenic Madison, and proximity to the Quad Cities made this a worthwhile marathon for me.


B. C. from Kohler, WI (6/1/2005)
"Unfortunately Lived Up to Reputation" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)

This was only my second marathon, but I found it to be nothing spectacular. The course is hillier than I expected, but very scenic. Not having an Gatorade/water stop at mile 21 was very tough at that stage of the race. Two miles is a long stretch to go without an aid station at the 20+ mile mark. There should be an aid station every mile at that point.

The finisher shirt I thought was uneventful and the medal was pathetically small. There was no food left when I finished (mid-4 hour) and the Brat Fest food was fine, but why should the runners pay for food after running 26.2 miles? Also, the sweat bag area was not controlled. All the bags were together in a corral with no staff there to ensure that runners were collecting the correct bags.

For $60, this race is not a good value. The Lakefront Marathon (Milwaukee) and the Cellcom Greenbay Marathon (I ran the half) blow the MCM away and are similar in size, nearby and more economical. I definitely would not travel from very far away to run this race and would advise to keep your expectations low.

After many years of bad reviews the organizers don't seem to care what the runners think. This is not a race that cares about the runners and reflects poorly on the city of Madison.


A. G. from edgerton, WI (6/1/2005)
"Still Struggling" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)s

I have run this marathon 4 times and the half twice. I keep coming back because I live close to Madison, otherwise I would not make a special trip to the area for this race. Organization is still bad - lack of food, porta potties, clear directions, etc. The medals were the exact same this year as last and I understand that they ran out. The finish line festival had a lot of potential, but I spent too much time searching for the food tent and my drop bag. I use this race as a training run for other marathons, but I keep my expectations low. Course is scenic but can get a bit lonely after the 20 mile mark.


C. C. from Madison (5/31/2005)
"Adding the Brat Fest Festival was awesome!" (about: 2005)

3 previous marathons | 2 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)s

This was my second year running in the Mad City Marathon. What a difference a year makes! Last year there were problems everywhere, this year it was a pleasure to participate. Plenty of water, goo, food, and fun afterwards at the festival. Madison is a great place to run - and this year was the best!


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