calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon) Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.0 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.8 
Number of comments: 222 [displaying comments 161 to 171]
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d. r. from Wisconsin (5/31/2005)
"Overall Grade B++" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons

Very Good overall event and race.
I believe the new site was a plus with a few minor concerns. Had to ask a few questions to find a few things, but I find that with the other races I have ran. I liked the course..beautiful course and great weather. Thanks again.


V. J. from Chicago, IL (5/31/2005)
"A little hilly, but a lot of fun" (about: 2005)

3 previous marathons | 1 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)

I really enjoyed this run and would do it again. Admittedly, I'm a novice to marathons, but having been involved with a bunch of big races in other sports, here are my comments:

1. The course was pretty pleasant, though you don't really get to see much of the city, in terms of interesting landmarks. But nice natural scenery along the lake and through the parks. The FAQ on the race Web site specifically says the course is not hilly, but I've got to disagree--though maybe Chicago has dulled my memory of hills! Every mile seemed to have one hill--not big ones, but enough to challenge you. Attacking the hills (especially the big one around mile 20) gave me something to do every mile, and the crowd really gets behind you, but I could see it being frustrating for others.

2. The finish line area had a lot of great stuff--it just didn't seem particularly organized. Coming to the race on my own without any friends/family, I needed all the help I could get in my post-race haze to find my stuff and anything else I might have wanted. While each tent generally had some marking of what was there, it would have been nice to have some directional signs to indicate a) this stuff existed and b) where it was. I was impressed that they had sandwiches, yogurt and water at the tent for free. One of the nice things I wouldn't expect at a big-city megamarathon. A nice addition might be a cool down area where there are some sprinklers and paper towels to wipe off the salt (or finish by the lake so you can jump in!).

3. The crowd support was sparse, but when it was there, it was great. Even the police and emergency workers were cheering runners on. I don't think anyone could expect much more on Sunday morning during Memorial Day weekend, especially in a college town.

4. Water/Gatorade stops were pretty good. I appreciated the multiple GU stops, though it would be nice to get the GU maybe a quarter-mile before the stop so you can down the GU, then take the water without having to stop or walk. This happened at the first stop, but not on 2+3, where it was given out at the beginning of the stop. As long as we're begging and choosing, some tubs of Vaseline along the latter stages of the course would be nice, since the shirt rub started taking its toll.

All said, again, a lot of fun and a very nice race in a very nice town. I'm interested to see what other people have to say.


S. H. from Ga (5/30/2005)
"Good marathon, in a very friendly city." (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)

This was my 21st marathon and I enjoyed it more than most. The course was tougher than I expected, but after running Knoxville in March I was well prepared. I would recommend it to someone trying to get a Boston time. Fan support was nice.


S. O. from Wisconsin (5/29/2005)
"Thumbs down, too many organizational troubles " (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)

The course on the event is quite good with plenty of great scenery and the spectator cheering was nice. Madison is a great city in which to run! However, I thought the pre-race day organization and finish line was a mess. Nobody (volunteers) seemed to know where and when the awards took place, race results, etc. Better markings on the tents at the finish line and signs to identify where the pasta dinnner was would be nice too (the volunteers we asked did not know where the dinner took place). They also ran out of finisher medals (again) this year.... Not good for enhancing the reputation of a race. Overall, the experience was below average when compared to similar marathon events.


Dan O'Connor from Minneapolis (1/22/2005)
"Please get this marathon right" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)s

I love Madison and I love the Madison Marathon. I've run it 4 times. For a UW alumnus or former resident, it's a great trip back home. I also qualified for Boston in Madison, so this marathon will always hold a special place for me. I blew up in 2004 (due to lack of training, not the rain), so I don't know if the later miles were marked correctly this year or not. In previous years, I was amazed that the same two miles were marked incorrectly three years in a row. The first time I encountered it, the mental impact could have thrown me off my race. The route is great up through Vilas Park, then it breaks down. Why not take the race through Eagle Heights after Picnic Point and end in Vilas Park? That would eliminate the infamous footbridge and the last winding miles. Thanks to the support crew that stuck out the rainstorm. I love the food at the end.


A. A. from Janesville, Wisconsin (8/17/2004)
"Will they EVER get it right?" (about: 2004)

50+ previous marathons | 3 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)s

I've run this race 3 times in the last 4 years, and they've run out of all food at the finish line at about the 4 hour mark EVERY TIME!!! There are no day of race sign ups, so they know exactly how many runners there are in the marathon. It has apparently never occurred to them to either buy more food or save some for the later finishers. They have also been known to run out of GU or GEL at certain key points, so as to render their promised supplies completely unreliable. Otherwise, nice hilly course and great spectators, and the friendliest police I've ever encountered doing traffic control. I'm kind of hoping that some other 'local' marathon decides to run that same Sunday before Memorial Day - I think many runners are fed up with the inconsistencies in support.


j. f. from south milwaukee, wi (8/8/2004)
"This race has potential" (about: 2004)

2 previous marathons | 1 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)

I ran the half and this was my first run in Madison. Despite horrendous weather conditions I ran a very good race. I would like to echo almost everything those before me have said. I really don't mind the pedestrian bridge. My only complaint with this race was the fact that there were no space blankets at the finish, I really could have used one. Madison is a beautifal city and a great place to run. If this race had a little better sponsorship it could be a great race and one of the 'must do' spring marathons. Thanks to all the volunteers who stood in the pouring rain. I will definitely be back.


C. G. from Ridgefield Park, NJ (6/2/2004)
"Great race, although very wet" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)

Despite the bad weather, I ran a personal best. The volunteers were topnotch. The organization was excellent. Definitely worth doing if you like a medium-sized race.


Doug Fulton from Minneapolis, MN (6/1/2004)
"Finally, It's Getting Better!" (about: 2004)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Madison Marathon (Mad City Marathon)s

This was my 4th Mad City Marathon. Despite frustrating shortcomings that never seemed to get remedied (mismarked miles, sparse spectators, the overpass), I kept coming back because I love Madison. After reading last year's reviews, I was reminded of these chronic problems and almost bailed out. I'm glad I didn't. Despite horrible weather, fans were great (still relatively few; but more than past years -- and more spirited). Organization seemed a bit better and aid was plentiful (3 GU stations!) Yes, the pedestrian overpass in the 24th mile is a bad idea and the finish line food could be better; but things finally seem to be on the upswing.


Richard Jones from An Englishman, living in Houston (6/1/2004)
"Despite the weather, most enjoyable" (General Comments)

First Marathon

This was my first half marathon and despite the awful weather, I would like to congratulate Madison on a job well done! It was well organized, the volunteers were great and enthusiatic even though conditions were truly horrible, the course was interesting and for someone who has not been to Madison before it gives you a great tour of the city. Lastly, all the spectators deserve a big round of applause, as even the rain could not dampen their enthusiasm. Looking forward to next year!


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