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Cherry Blossom Festival Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.4 
Number of comments: 50 [displaying comments 31 to 41]
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C. B. from St. Marys, GA (3/31/2003)
"Mislead by hills, low spectators, no clocks" (about: 2003)


This course is very challenging. It is NOT relatively flat, but rather relatively hilly. Mile 24-25 is awful. Even some moral support would help there. The course was at times overcrowded by TRUCKS. There was potential for serious injury. Think about moving water stations to the tops of hills; it is difficult to stop midway. Sounds negative, BUT it wasn't. It was great!

A Runner from Georgia (3/31/2003)
"Hills, heat... Heavenly!" (about: 2003)


This was my fourth marathon, and my favorite thus far. No expo but easy packet pickup at Dick's Sporting Goods the day before or pre-race at the start. Pre-race parking was easy and very close to the start/finish. No need for a bag drop, as I used my car trunk for that.

The course is very rolling but extremely scenic, going through a small part of Macon's commercial area, but we ran mostly in rural areas and suburban neighborhoods. I tend to disagree with the runner from last year who said that the course is much flatter than Atlanta; I also ran Atlanta, and while the hills in Macon aren't as significant as the ones in Atlanta, they are more numerous. The ones around mile 25 are killers! The course was run in reverse this year. I'd say that the course probably is of similar difficulty, but Macon was an added challenge taking into account the temperatures we had this year (60 degrees at the 7 a.m. start and 72ish by the time I finished a little after 11:30). There's not much in terms of spectator support, but there were some very enthusiastic fans--lots of cheers and thumbs up from passers by in cars, with whom we shared the roads. The intersections all had traffic being directed by the police. Volunteers were wonderful--very helpful, and plenty of water, electrolyte replacement, GU at the aid stations, even for those of us finishing in 4:30 or later (Macon has a 5-hour time limit). There were portajohns at several locations along the course. A nice touch was being able to shower post-race at Wesleyan College (the place of the start and finish). Nice T-shirts and medals, too (a little on the feminine side, but as a woman that's good for me).

The only problem I noticed is that a couple of the later mile markers were missing, mainly those that were in the subdivisions. They had been in place the day before when I drove the course, so I'm wondering if the homeowners removed them prematurely... and when you're at 19, 20, 21 miles you need ALL of those markers to pull you along. However, this likely was not the fault of the race organizers. Also, please put the pasta dinner tickets in the race packets for preregistered runners; I didn't realize that mine wouldn't be in there and didn't feel like driving another 45 minutes to go and pick them up once I reached the hotel (this is a minor complaint, though).

The finish line celebration felt like others at small, hometown races--very nice and personal. I'd highly recommend Macon to those who enjoy scenic, small marathons and who don't mind hilly courses. I plan to return, and hopefully take advantage of some of the events at Macon's Cherry Blossom Festival next time, as I've heard great things about it.

J. R. from Atlanta, Ga. (3/30/2003)
"Cherry Blossom a Plus" (about: 2003)


This was my first time running the Cherry Blossom. I liked it, for the most part. There were the correct number of water/powerade/gel stations at least every two miles (a HUGE PLUS) and the scenery was, for the most part, beautiful. The first 13 +/- miles were in the country and was fantastic. We did get into some higher traffic areas where I had wished they had blocked portions of lanes off for us (not too bad though).

There were two hills toward the end that seemed like a 30% grade (I ran up the first and only made it 3/4 up the second - I passed quite a few runners along that stretch). The finish line was nice - everyone was cheering all runners on. I did run a personal best on this one (not sure why, but I did).
All in all, I give it a four out of five. Well organized and started on time with pleanty of water/gel stations.

E. S. from Roswell, GA (3/30/2003)
"Macon Marathon a 'Cherry' of a Run!" (about: 2003)


1. Gently rolling hills for the most part. I thought it was a fair course until the two monsters at the end.
2. The race takes place out in farm areas and through neighborhoods, so there are pretty trees, horse farms and homes to see. Though admittedly, not a lot else. This was the first race I have ever run with a headset. I was by myself, knew there wouldn't be a lot of 'stuff' to see, so I figured I might need it to entertain myself. I really think it helped to have it.
3. Plentiful water stops and support. This is the only marathon I think I've done where there was water/powerade at mile 23 AND mile 25. It seems like no one ever has support after mile 23, so I was surprised.
4. Great volunteers.
5. Very good on the signage around the course announcing the race and alerting drivers to proceed with caution. The signage was also very good in directing runners which way to go as well.
6. Even with the 5 hour time limit, there was still a lot of support and goodies for the late finishers. The Powerade, water, fruit and cookies were still waiting on us as well as the time clock and the small but enthusiastic crowd to cheer us in.
7. The showers!! Hooray for Wesleyan college for allowing us stinky, sweaty runners to bathe before our 2 hour return ride to ATL suburbia! How awesome-- they even provided clean towels!!
8. The medal!! I love the pink ribbon and the cherry blossom medallion (as an added bonus, I think it is the heaviest medal I've gotten yet and will serve nicely as a weapon if I ever need to defend myself. . . :) If you know how crazy Maconites are about their Cherry Blossom Festival, you realize immediately it is the perfect medal to symbolize their race.

1. Mile 24 & Mile 25: What the @#$@ were they thinking sticking those hills in there at the end like that!!??
2. The course was open to traffic-- though admittedly, there wasn't really a problem with this. There were volunteers and cops to direct traffic at intersections and most cars veered out of our way. I understand now why last year's runners requested the race to be run in reverse: we got through the busy roads in the beginning of the run when most of the city was in bed asleep. So there were very few cars to contend with in the early miles. Then, our final 6 miles were run through a quiet neighborhood and the college, so that made a lot of sense. Really, no cars to deal with there, except where we crossed Forsyth Road, where there were a slew of cops to direct traffic. Also, even though the race director said to run WITH traffic (okay, isn't that like #1 on 'The All-Time Top 100 RUNNER'S FAUX PAS List'??), most runners paid attention to the traffic and ran against traffic on those windy country roads (as we should have!!).
3. Not a lot of 'fan support'-- but of course, those who were there, were great!
4. Darn, it was hot!! 79 degrees by mile 16 and 83 as I was leaving Macon!! The bad thing about those Spring runs is you just never know what kind of weather will greet you. Guess you can't blame that on the race director though, eh? : )

All in all, I thought it was a great run. I enjoyed it, got a good time for myself, even got a little sun burn. Look forward to doing it again and would recommend it to any of ya'll out there.

A Runner from orlando, fl (10/2/2002)
"good run - cold start" (about: 2002)


This was my second marathon, and I had been a little misinformed about the hills - as there were plenty - but that just made the run more challenging and made the accomplishment of finishing almost 2 hours better than my run in Fl in january. I will run this course again next year and I hope that they get more people to line the course - as it was bleek at parts - but all in all the people who coordinated it and the volunteers did a wonderful job. On the down side i was told by a fellow runner that a police man directed a car into a shopping center that almost hit me - anyway - I think that the kinks of the first time can easily be corrected - oh yea - one more thing they need more portable toilets along the route

A Runner from Eatonton.Ga. (7/19/2002)
"the winner(alan black)" (about: 2002)


This was my first marathon and I was very pleased with my overall time due to the challendging hills. I loved running the back roads and the weather was perfect. There wasn't much traffic except towards the end. Very pleased on how it was organized.

A Runner from South Florida (7/5/2002)
"Be prepared for alot of 'rolling' hills" (about: 2002)


Not to bad for a small marathon. Great weather(30 degrees to start) for running. Loved running out in the country. Hated running along the busy road at the end. The race organizer told me this was a relatively flat course. I guess she just ran Pikes Peak. The course has lots of hills. All in all, it is a marathon that I would recommend.

Ivan Levinrad from Savannah, GA (4/9/2002)
"Challenging but scenic" (about: 2002)


This was my 77th marathon and I was fooled by the website saying that it was relatively flat or something like that:):). So it was a pretty hilly course and the crowds were not a plenty but it was an extremely well organized marathon. The festival was fantastic. I especially enjoyed the evening street party, what a way to enjoy a post race celebration. Well done organizers, it was a great first attempt.

A Runner from Cartersville, Georgia (4/3/2002)
"Training Run" (General Comments)


This is my 10th marathon in the last 5 years. I have run all over the US. Positive changes for this race would include 1. Same Day registration 2. Better crowd support 3. Make it clear in your written material that this is a very challenging course. 4. reroute the course to stay off the older roads with uneven surfaces and embedded rocks. 5. MUSIC

I don't think that telling people that this is difficult course will decrease your participation (hasn't hurt the US 10 K or the Peachtree). I have organized a race for charity and I know it is not easy and I thank you for your hard work.



A Runner from Marietta, Georgia (4/3/2002)
"Hilly boring course with no spectators to speak of" (about: 2002)


For a 1st time marathon the organizers did a fine job of getting it together and providing support along the way. The course seemed poorly laid out with no porta-johns and some really rough surfaces along the way. It was good training for Nashville as it was fairly hilly throughout.

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