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Cherry Blossom Festival Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 2.4 
Number of comments: 50 [displaying comments 41 to 50]
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A Runner from Atlanta, GA (3/28/2002)
"'Ok' for the first try..." (about: 2002)


The race was a nice training run but I got my $25 worth as a marathon. Some things that can be improved upon: To actually have port o potties on the course. 26.2 miles is a long way to hold it all in. Thank goodness for the one construction site. Also the police kept telling us to stay on the right side of the road. Runners are to stay on the left to see oncoming traffic. The course would have been nicer if it went more through the local towns. The majority of this race was in the middle of nowhere, although it was beautiful, just nobody cheering. Lastly, if you can't finish this in 5 hours, plan accordingly because they really do pull all organized support. Overall it was an 'ok' inaugural that was a short drive.

A Runner from Neenah, Wisconsin (3/27/2002)
"Challenging Course, Well Organized, Few Spectators" (about: 2002)


This is a very beautiful but challenging course, hilly the first 5 miles. There are very few spectators on this course. It is fairly well organized but needs a few more water stations. The police and volunteers were very helpful and friendly. Every intersection was covered. Nice job! The festival and other events make for a nice weekend. There is enough to see and do. I did enjoy it.

A Runner from Minneapolis, MN (3/26/2002)
"Nice" (General Comments)


A hilly run through a beautiful Macon neighborhood, then some pleasant country stretches, then more hills and an abrupt change to a busy city street for the last long stretch. Friendly people, great weather. Needed are a few portable toilets along the way, and better traffic control; you share the street with cars the entire route.

A Runner from Columbus,GA. (3/26/2002)
"Organized, flat, and fast. Hydration too sparse." (about: 2002)


It was convienient for us coming from Columbus, GA. A few hills in the beginning and around 20 and 21. Perfect weather in the 30's and 40's. Hydration stations were spread out oddly, some too close, and some too far apart. Much flatter than Atlanta. I will definetly be back next year. Great race. Thanx.

John 3:57

A Runner from Tucker, Georgia (3/25/2002)
"Well designed stress free small marathon" (about: 2002)


This is a very nice small race just over an hour from Atlanta in middle Georgia. There were just over 300 runners for this year's event. The course has rolling hills going away from the city and is primarily on country roads passing by pasture lands (lots of horses) and some residential sections of Macon. The only industrial area is at miles 23-25 as you head back toward the finish at Wesleyan College. The aid stations were approximately 2 miles apart with plenty of water and powerade along the course. Although the course was open to traffic there were sufficient police and volunteers at intersections where needed. The route of the course kept traffic control problems at a minimum for runners as well as the local populace. Other than the enthusiastic volunteers along the course there is no crowd support, but the peacefulness of the run more than makes up for that. Very nice local race. If you're visiting Georgia next year during the Cherry Blossom festival, check out this race. You'll like it.

A Runner from Concord, Ohio (3/25/2002)
"Nice Small Local Run With Lots of Potential" (General Comments)


The Inaugural Cherry Blossom Marathon kind of met my expectations for a local race on a tight budget. The smaller finisher medal and basic T-shirt is what one would expect for a race with a $25.00 entry fee.

Approximately 350 runners completed the hilly course meandering through some neighborhoods where one could see the cherry blossoms and some nicer residential sections, back county roads, and unfortunately two miles of a major thoroughfare towards the end. The continual 'rolling hills' weren't that bad, although mentally taxing at the end as my finish time matched that obtained at the 'runner friendly' Motorola Marathon ran just 2 months earlier.

A couple of issues that hopefully can be addressed for next year are:

1. Improving runner safety by having the runners run towards the traffic (and not with it as was the case this time), do a better job of blocking off or roping off the running lane from traffic ESPECIALLY on the major 4 lane thoroughfare and managing the intersections and entrances to stores. I personally saw one car come within 12 inches of a runner that was directed on by a traffic official.

2. Have a race representative available later than 6:00 P.M. the night before the race. Being from out of town and getting stuck in Atlanta traffic only to find the Macon visitor information center closed at 5:30 P.M. and the packet pick-up shutdown at 6:00 p.m.left me without my packet, any info. on the course, or location of other Cherry Blossom events described on the internet.

All in all I would recommend the race if you are looking to do a run in Georgia as I'm sure the issues will be addressed next year.

A Runner from Atlanta, GA (3/25/2002)
"Good training run not far from Atlanta; no frills" (about: 2002)


This marathon was an inaugural one, and not expensive to enter. The course consisted of lovely residential neighborhoods and sparsely traveled rural roads. There were no portapotties in sight for the entire route, and supporters were minimal, but pleasant weather rescued the day. As an Atlanta resident, I consider this a good training run for a later spring marathon, since the drive is short. The route provides a welcome diversion from Atlanta traffic and the air is cleaner. Don't go with great expectations or hopes of enthusiastic spectators, and you might enjoy this somewhat hilly but nevertheless pleasant course.

A Runner from Central Massachusetts (3/25/2002)
"Nice Job for First Go-Round" (about: 2002)


Kudos to the race director and all those involved in putting together a well run race. All the important pieces of the puzzle were there...on-time start, plenty of water, well marked course, good traffic control, friendly volunteers, timely web posted results and although the cherry blossoms were not in full bloom, the weather was perfect. Only things I might add next time would be a pre-race instruction sheet (directions to the start, parking, etc) at package pick-up for out of towners like me and perhaps a bag drop area at the starting line. Then again, maybe a bag drop is not needed when you're in Macon as my belongings were exactly where I left them when I finished the race. Thanks for a fun day.

Jerry Busbee from Denver, Colorado (3/25/2002)
"Southern Beauty!" (about: 2002)


The course is made up of rolling hills, especially the first 6 miles and definitely from miles 18 to 22. The course runs through some amazing neighborhoods filled with lots of beauty from the trees blooming and birds chirping. The weather was around 30 to start the race, but shorts were the way to go. By the end of the race, it was mid 50's. Great day for a race and not a cloud in the sky. And a couple of hot air balloons for the festival floating overhead. Plenty of water and powerade stations about every 2 miles. Mile markers were plenty visible and for a first marathon, it seemed like everything went very smooth. Crowd support was sparse, which you expect from a first marathon, but those that were there were very supportive and helpful! Great race!

A Runner from Orlando, FL (3/23/2002)
"A great marathon but man the hills were killers" (about: 2002)


The race course was marked by two long hill climbs at around 16 miles and 21 miles. The race finished with a very long gradual uphill climb. For a Florida boy that was hard.

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