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Marine Corps Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 937 [displaying comments 721 to 731]
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B. P. from New YOrk City (6/2/2004)
"Poor organization at beginning of race " (about: 2003)

2 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

I was born and raised in Virginia and was excited to run this course. However, the problems began at the beginning of the day. In the course guide, everyone is encouraged to use the metro. Upon arriving, the metro station was so crowded that it was impossible to exit. I was delayed almost 45 minutes upon even reaching the race area. I had to scramble to check my bag and barely made the start.

Water stops were nowhere to be found in the Rock Creek Parkway area, and I never once saw a bathroom. It was also unbearably hot that day, and the 14th street Bridge was awful. I don't think I'll ever run this course again.


Erin McGinn from Washington, DC (5/22/2004)
"20 year-old DC student - AWESOME 1st marathon" (about: 2003)

1 previous marathon | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

This was my first of hopefully many marathons. It was one of the best and most rewarding experiences of my life... most importantly, IT WAS FUN! As a college student who lives in Washington DC, I am familiar with the area and delighted with the course. It seemed to include almost everything the city has to offer. The last bridge was pretty tough, partly because it was nearing the end of the race but also there was no crowd. Minus the bridge, the crowd was very enthusiastic and encouraging. I suggest putting your name on the back of your shirt because the crowd with shout out your name. Come mile 22, that extra support really helps.

The Marines did an excellent job organizing the race and were very helpful. Unlike other runners, I liked the Ultima and was very pleased with the oranges, pretzels. However, I would suggest getting rid of the cookies. They are heavy and sit in your stomach. As for the Clif energy bars, I did not like them... simply, they taste bad. Balance bars are much better! Also the stands are very crowded, I suggest more stands with more people running them. The start line was very crowded, but I think that is inevitable with 30,000 runners.

Overall, I loved it and I am signed up to do it again this year! Great for 1st time marathoners, but probably very crowded and slow for runners who are experienced and want to race.


R. M. from Texas (5/18/2004)
"Ultima ruined it" (about: 2003)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

Good course, good organization, but the Ultima made me sick. Get rid of the stuff.


d. c. from la habra california (5/8/2004)
"Nice but very crowded marathon" (about: 2003)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

I liked the marathon course very much. Going past the Pentagon, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials as well as Washington Monument. It was suprising how flat it was (with the exception of the small hills at miles 4 and 25). As for the organization for this marathon, they do their homework on organizing it better. The big complaint I had was with the water stations; there were simply not enough of them, especially in the last 4 to 5 miles of the marathon. When I was running the last 5 miles of the race I was constantly searching for water stations, not knowing if I was going to have enough fluids in my system to finish. Another thing they need to do with the water staions is to get rid of the Ultima and serve Gatorade instead. The Ultima that was served on the course was awful. They also need to establish the fluid stations on both sides of the course. When I was at mile 4, I noticed they were handing out water and Ultima on only the left side of the course and I was running on the right side, so I had to run immediately to the left side of the course to get water or Ultima. After mile 4 I started looking right and left whenever I was approaching a fluid station.

The start is too crowded. What they need to do to ease the overcrowded start is to establish a sub-4-hour corral for the faster runners. They have a sub-4-hour corral in the L.A. Marathon and it really helps ease overcrowdedness, and if it works for the L.A. Marathon, it will work for the M.C.M. This will enable the faster runners to establish better times and will save a lot of seconds and minutes fighting through the crowds.

As for the expo, they need to have it in a convention center. Having the expo at the Hyatt Regency made it too crowded, especially for a 16,000-17,000 runner marathon. I will do the M.C.M. again, so I can do more sightseeing after the race. Hopefully they will organize it better.


L. W. from Ottawa, Canada (4/22/2004)
"A good race but not a great race in 2003." (about: 2003)

3 previous marathons | 2 Marine Corps Marathons

I thought that MCM in 2003 was just ok. I have run it before but it seemed like there was more chaos this time. My key complaints would be these:

1. The facility for the expo is not an adequate size. Many marathons use indoor arenas and the like. Using a hotel ballroom and parking garages meant that thousands of people seemed to be sandwiched in. I'm not sure what would have happened if someone had pulled a fire alarm! We had to line up to get into a very crowded building. It was hard to shop and folks were pushing. Not fun.

2. The start. It was awfully chaotic again this year. At Disney, they have actual corrals that you enter. Staff check your bib (which has a code letter) to make sure you belong in that corral. At MCM, you generally stood in an area and far too many inexperienced runners raced ahead to try and start near the front to improve their time. This is bad for the fast runners but also bad for average runners like me, who had to pass these people as they faded through the field. That parkway at the start is huge and could be used, since they've stopped traffic anyway.

3 Pace Groups. I was in a Galloway pace group and I regretted having to ask the leader three times to move the group over to the side during walking breaks. We were 'horrible' runners for the first 8 miles, stopping every few minutes in the middle of the course as a group of nearly one hundred! Other runners struggled to pass us and there was a lot of grumbling. By contrast, I noticed that the runners for the AIDS charity were stepping aside and were very considerate not to dominate course.

4. I carry my own water but if I hadn't, I would regret the lack of water support offered by MCM, especially after mile 20.

5. Bad crowd control at the finish. There are so many Marines around and yet there are still spectators stepping onto the course to get a better look. I collided with one woman who was well onto the course who then yelled at me to watch where I'm going. The crowd after the finish was unwieldy, too.

All that said, there were some wonderful things about MCM.

1. More time to finish. I'm a slow runner and I appreciate being given more time to get across the bridge. Have they ever thought of running the race in the other direction? This would eliminate the bridge issue altogether.

2. Friendly volunteers, including the Marines. All the volunteers at MCM are unflaggingly kind. I appreciate that. It makes you feel great.

3. Decent fan support. Not great during the desolate times but better on the mall than in other years. It's too bad that the weak fan support comes so late in the race. I thought that the support in Rock Creek was wonderful.

4. I love the finish. It's great to run up that hill in one last note of defiance against the pain. I LOVE the finish!

5. Great post-finish care. I love the process they have for chip removal, medal awarding, getting your photo taken and being given food. Very smooth. We would have visited the other tents but couldn't really get to them.

6. Picturesque course. For the most part, this is a good course, especially on the DC side of the river. I love the Rock Creek part because it is shady.

That's the good and the bad, from perspective. I'm already in the lottery for this year so I guess the good outweighed the bad, for me.


C. W. from Hampton, VA, USA (4/17/2004)
"The Good, the Bad and Ultima" (about: 2003)

2 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

Good: The course has variety - you run through Pentagon City, Georgetown, Rock Creek Park, the Mall and its monuments. The hill going up to the Navy Annex was a nice early challenge. This year the course only went halfway down Hain's Point (for 2004, it back down all the way to the Awakening statue - ugh!). The spectator support was great - their cheers helped me get up that last hill to the finish. A big hoorah to the Marines for their great support. The

Bad: Crowded packet pick-up and expo. The start corral fiasco. The industrial park and stretches of highway (though Disney is worse when it comes to highway miles.) The 14th St. Bridge, if you don't prepare for it. The crowded finish line area (in their defense, there isn't much land to use near the Iwo Jima monument). Ultima - I'm one of those crazy people who likes Ultima. It tastes fresh, not sickeningly sweet like Gatorade and Powerade (which I always cut with water for that reason), and I find it provides the kick I need from an energy drink. I've entered this year's lottery and hope to run it again in 2004. Bottom line - run it at least once, you won't regret it.


C. L. from Washington, D.C. (3/8/2004)
"Fun, but not fast" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Marine Corps Marathons

I've run the Marine Corps twice. Because it was my first race, it will always be a special race for me. Having said that, it's not a fast course. There are too many turns and inclines (including one they added this year near the Navy Annex). The long incline over the 14th Street Bridge is also deathly boring and draining (there's no shade at all). Plus, there are too many runners jostling for position to really run a good time, and the spectators crowd onto the course at the end which narrows the running path. But, the organization can't be beat.

This is as professional as it comes. Plenty of water and snacks (although the Ultima isn't very good). Lots of medical stations. And nothing beats a Marine putting a medal around your neck at the finish. This is something you need to do once in your life -- the monuments, the crowds, and the final hill up to the Iwo Jima Memorial. But you should look elsewhere for your PR.


S. G. from Dallas, Tx (3/7/2004)
"Really nice, but maybe a tad overrated" (about: 2003)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

Have run six other marathons and thought MCM was plenty good. Gets kudos for organization and scenery. Does not get points for end point (way, way too crowded), the 14th Street Bridge is agony, and lack of fans until the last mile.


C. T. from Texas (3/3/2004)
"Hooray for the Marines!" (about: 2003)

3 previous marathons | 1 Marine Corps Marathon

WOW. What an experience! The expo was superb, the organization was perfect. A warm day to run a marathon but the spectators didn't seem to mind. The course was wonderful, scenic and exciting. The first 1/2 flew by! I would love to participate in this race again. GO MARINES!


Jarrett Roberts from Arvada, Colorado (3/1/2004)
"As Perfect as Perfect Gets!!!" (about: 2004)

50+ previous marathons | 2 Marine Corps Marathons

Having done 53 marathons, I am asked which marathon is my favorite? I respond that I have five, for various reasons. Those five are New York, New Orleans Mardi Gras, Mercedes Birmingham, Cincinnati Flying Pig, and the Marine Corps Marathon. Of the five, the Marine Corps Marathon is the one I hold most sacred. Having done this the last two years, I will do this one every chance I get. Forget Boston and it's elitism; this is the People's Marathon. It's marathon nirvana for us joe average marathoners. It is the definition of well run, fun, and meaningful marathon.


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