calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Marine Corps Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 937 [displaying comments 731 to 741]
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Michael Holmes from Meridian, Mississippi (2/25/2004)
"Awesome!" (about: 2003)


This was my first marathon, but I don't need to have run any others to know that this one blows most out of the water. I was cheered for by the spectators for all but maybe 1.5 miles of the race. Beautiful course with plenty of water stops. Wearing a Marine Corps shirt will get you extra crowd support! The crowds pushed me to qualify for Boston (nevermind it was only by 15 seconds), which was my goal, but one which I thought was unrealistic. I give the organization one less star only because no amount of organization could compare to the great course and awesome fan support! Oohrah!


J. Z. from Camden SC (2/23/2004)
"Beautiful and Challenging Course" (about: 2003)


This was one those races I have always wanted to do. The day was warm and the course was crowded and challenging, but as we settled into our strides, we were presented with a gift. The most unique tour of our nation's Capital anyone could experience. The hallowed ground of Arlington Cemetery, (felt like) all five sides of the Pentagon, Foggy Bottom, Georgetown, the Potomac, the Lincoln Memorial, the Mall, the Capitol, the Smithsonian, the Jefferson Memorial, the Tidal Basin, and finally the Iwo Jima Memorial, (which I really didn't see because of the crowds and that d----d hill at the end).

Magnificent, breathtaking, inspirational.


Keith Whited from Northern Virginia (2/16/2004)
"Great Race - Terrible Fluid Replenisher" (about: 2003)


I have run the MCM every year since 1995 - 9 times.

The course is spectacular and the spectators are fantastic. Unfortunately I refuse to give the Marines more than two stars for one reason & one reason alone. Year after year after year MANY people have requested a different sports drink.

This is 'THE PEOPLES' MARATHON'! Ultima may be adequate for elite runners, but FAR to many 'PEOPLE' who participate in this end up sputtering to the finish line on an EMPTY TANK because ULTIMA is the sports drink the MCM insists on using.

Based on the information provided on the Ultima label it averages only 16 calories and 8 mg. of sodium per 8 fl. ounces serving when properly mixed. This is 1/4 of the caloric content and 1/20 of the sodium content recommended by 'American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand: 'Exercise and Fluid Replacement,'. Besides that it gives far to many runners an upset stomach and it tastes terrible. Further, Ultima's Proprietary Ionic Trace Mineral Blend contains unspecified amounts of metals which are toxic or radioactive and have no recognized nutritional value: beryllium, cesium, gallium, thallium, thorium and zirconium.

I have run 30 marathons in the past 38 months. Four of them MCM's and two Richmond Marathons (both Ultima sponsored races). Although both races are run on relatively flat & easy course, my race times for these races are among my very worst.

The Marines have to turn entrants away every year - they have no reason to care. But since they DO promote this as the PEOPLES' MARATHON, would it be too much to ask that a fluid replacement drink PREFERRED by the PEOPLE be provided.

MCM, I ask you again! Conduct a survey - you have the entrants e-mail addresses. Take a poll! If ULTIMA wins, I promise to shut up and never complain about Ultima again!

Otherwise, A darned FINE race.


J. B. from Stoughton, MA USA (2/12/2004)
"A very patriotic course!" (about: 2003)


This course was everything I thought it would be, it went through all the parts of D.C. that I saw on the tour bus the day before. The spectators were great; there was even a guy with a 'free beer' stand after the 14th Street bridge. My only complaint was that the sun came out at about mile 20 and made the humid air feel that much worse, but that can't be helped. I will definatly be signing up for this one again. Semper fi!


B. S. from Hampstead, MD (2/8/2004)
"Go marathoners!" (about: 2004)


This was my third marathon and also my first - great to return to the scene of battle once again. Nothing can beat running downtown in DC.

First of all, a few complaints. The Metro was extremely crowded - I left early but barely made it to the race start in time. Ultima tastes funny - had my family bring me Gatorade on the course. And the starting gates were not very well organized - slow start and very congested for the first few miles.
On the other hand, who can beat a race organized by the Marines? Nothing beats running through Rock Creek Park or down the Mall. Nothing beats the agony of the infamous 14th Street Bridge or the final hill just before mile 26. Nothing beats the awesome spectator support. I especially appreciated the woman on the bridge yelling 'Is this your first marathon? Well, you are all now marathoners!' I'll definitely be back!


Don Kienz from Exton, Pa. (12/28/2003)
"Privilege and Thrill to Run the Capitol" (about: 2003)


I've been in numerous marathons. I've been in many cities. I've been to D.C. multiple times before.

It was a thrill to be able to run this marathon, a thrill!

It travels through Arlington National Cemetery, past the Pentagon, through Georgetown, past the Kennedy Center, the Lincoln Memorial, the White House, the Capitol, the various Smithsonian buildings, the Washington Monument, the reflecting pool, the Jefferson Memorial, the FDR Memorial, and then finishes back at Arlington, with a climactic climb up the hill to the Iwo Jima Memorial.

I cried, climbing that hill. I prayed. I thanked God for the active military, and for their predecessors who served, who were wounded, and who died so that we can live in freedom.

It would be a privilege to be invited back. Thank you so very much.


W. L. from Virginia, USA (12/26/2003)
"Great Marathon" (about: 2003)


Almost everything was great! Especially the fans and Marines. They were excellent!! Only two things disappointed me. The moody weather after I finished. And there was no live band at the finish line.


R. W. from Tulsa, OK (12/18/2003)
"Overrated" (about: 2003)


I have run 25 marathons - I think DC is overrated. With one of the higher entry fees, they did not give out a finisher T-shirt and - worst of all - they could apparently only afford 13 water stations. We had to go 2+ miles late in the race without any fluids. The fans and Marines were outstanding.


Matt LaCorte from Long Island, NY (12/17/2003)
"Pretty good marathon, basic organizational mistake" (about: 2003)


This run was mostly positive except for two things. First, they have got to get rid of the Ultima. I have never heard so many negative things about a product and still seen it used in such a large event. Who's getting paid on that??? Second, this is a common mistake for all races: Why are people with goals of running 5:00:00 in the front? Why am I passing them at mile 4 or 5 when I'm running close to 3:30? Just a common problem with large events. Larger events need to have qualifying corrals for runners under 4 hrs.
Overall it was good. I will not be back until they're serving Gatorade though!


J. T. from Plano, Texas (12/14/2003)
"Great race - beware the 14th Street Bridge!" (about: 2003)


My first marathon, so I may not have the perspective that other experienced marathoners may have, but I'll add my two cents.

There are some great parts to this course - starting beneath the Iwo Jima Memorial is inspiring, and the run through Rock Creek Park is pretty scenic. The crowds at Georgetown are nice and boisterous, and of course, passing all the great monuments is great.

The toughest part is crossing the 14th Street Bridge, which is really hot, and like a war zone - people walking, stopping, and sitting down. Even more desolate than that bridge (which seemed to last a few miles), was the course this year dumped us out into this bleak industrial park. We had all hoped for crowds once we crossed the bridge, but unfortunately, we had to run that loop through the industrial park.

Of course the Marines make you finish uphill, and you don't see the finish line until you're about 200 yards out.

The water stops were great, with Marines handing you your water and Ultima, but it seemed they were pretty sparse in the last 6 miles or so.

The expo was a bit disappointing - especially the marathon store. 95% of the items were cold weather gear, which I don't need a whole lot of, living in Texas. The expo didn't seem very organized.

It was my first marathon, so despite my minor problems with it, I would do it again just to charge up to the top of Iwo Jima another time.


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