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Marine Corps Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 937 [displaying comments 751 to 761]
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S. D. from Jacksonville, FL (11/2/2003)
"Nice course, needs better organization" (about: 2003)


This was my 7th marathon overall and my first MCM. The unexpected heat and humidity were tough to deal with, but that is out of human control. A few tips though -why not put the pins in the bag with the bib number? Several of the group I traveled up with didn't get pins because they ran out, and we had to round some up. Secondly, I couldn't agree more with the previous runners comments about the 5-6 hour marathoners standing in the 3:00 corrals (You know who you are!). I never could get a steady pace going for having to pass and/or make sudden stops for slower runners/walkers who had started too near the front. Take a clue from New York and corral runners according to estimated finish times. People were literally pouring over the hill and through the woods at the start to get onto the relatively narrow road. Also the finish was a disaster. Don't even think about meeting your family at the finish. There were 4 balloons floating about 20 feet apart with letters A-F on the first balloon. Get REAL. 20,000 runners plus their families trying to hook up in about 4,000 square feet. Last, if you have never drunk Ultima, be prepared. It isn't Gatorade and has a salt-water type of taste. On a positive note (about time, I guess) the Marines were great all along the course and especially at the end to place the medal around your neck!


w. o. from Western PA (11/1/2003)
"Nice, but for 80 bucks you should get pins" (about: 2003)


The course was real nice and I enjoyed it for the most part. Think it would be better if the start and finish were at a stadium where there is lots of parking and more room for runners, family, etc. I didn't like the expo, and my for 80 bucks you should get pins with the bib. I couldn't believe it, they ran out, so I spent Saturday night trying to find pins. How do you not get enought pins for everybody. That is bush.


Jennifer Hoffman from St Louis area (11/1/2003)
"Fabulous race, lousy hotel" (about: 2003)


This may have been only my second marathon (Long Island 2003 was our first), so I may not be an 'old salt' when it comes to marathon organization, but I thought it was good. The only complaint I really have is about the Crowne Plaza hotel in Arlington, VA. Its advertisement promised transportation to and from the race. BALONEY!! My husband and I had to find our own way there, then after being told they were 'unavailable' to pick us up, after running 26.2 miles, we walked the 1 1/2 miles back with our gear to find the shuttle idling in front of the hotel.

The Marines were fabulous, helpful and understanding. I do suggest more corpsmen at the finish area, and not just at a central location, but sprinkled throughout the area, with aid bags. I found myself and another EMT pressed into service, for several patients. 'Mac' and I didn't mind, but after running, we'd rather sit and eat a bagel. Special thanks to the guy who gave my husband, Don, his water bottle, since we had gel passed out, and no water stop in sight, for over a mile. (Note: Gel needs to be taken with water). The spectators who gave our orange slices, Twizzlers, and gumdrops... The racer who played the flute the entire way was very motivating, I wish I'd gotten a photo of him. Oh another thing about the hotel: it was 4PM, when we got back and the maid was just starting to clean the room. We waited over 30 minutes before kicking her out, we wanted to shower and eat. She had all day to clean it. I'd do the race again, but I'd rather sleep on a park bench than ever stay at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Arlington, VA ever again. Hint, hint to anyone planning to stay there in 2004.


B. c. from Pittsburgh, Pa (11/1/2003)
"Runners to blame, not marathon" (about: 2003)


I ran my first MCM Sunday and was very impressed with the course, spectators & organization. The Marines do a first-rate job and it was a great way for me to see the capitol district for the first time. I have been aiming at running a 3:20 marathon and have been within 7-10 minutes my last two races. I realized early on that this was not the race to try to improve my time.

Like many runners I spent the first 5 or 6 miles darting on and off the curb and grass trying to pass slower runners. I watched one man in front of me, doing the same, turn his ankle and go down in pain. I also heard that a girl fell hard on her face and was done for the race. Way to go, all you 5- and 6-hour marathoners who are to ignorant to simply start where you are supposed to. (You have a chip, you know).

I finished the race in about 3 1/2 hours and had a
chip time 4 minutes faster than my clock time. But when I look at the finishing results I see all these runners who came in over 4 hours with less than 30 seconds between there times. I don't know if you can blame the race for these idiots, but it would be nice if the race directors could try to do something in the future about the problem, because I think it is the races only flaw.

PS: Marines order more safety pins next year.


S. O. from New Orleans,LA (11/1/2003)
"What a race!" (about: 2003)


This was my third marathon, and favorite so far! I have run Houston and Chicago previously, and decided to run D.C. because it was close to family. The course was beautiful and the scenery awesome - I feel the planners did a great job mapping it out. I like the rolling hills - they posed a challenge to a 'flatlander' like me. The only negatives I saw have already been voiced - the crowd in the expo, the corral situation at the start - I feel these can be easily remedied. Thanks Marines - you put on a great race and party!


J. P. from USA (10/31/2003)
"Good race, but disappointing." (about: 2003)


The Marines were great and the only reason I ran this event. The fan support was excellent. My mom and dad were both Marines. The negatives about this race are that the course is chopped-up and I found it hard to establish a real good race pace. Too many up and down the ramp or small grades/zig-zagging back and around, etc. The expo is an atrocity. Held in the host hotel on multiple floors that we had to wait almost an hour to get in and spent an hour getting around to get our packet and shirt. They need to move it to some sort of convention facility. The guy running my section of bib numbers was difficult to deal with and didn't understand what he was supposed to do. After 2 trips to a help desk he finally relented with my only consolation that the help desk said, 'Yep, you're right, he doesn't know what he's doing'. Finally, for all of you in a Galloway pace group, stay home and train harder so you don't have to hold up the rest of us in your moving blockade groups. Running/walking/back and forth across the road. What a pain you are.


Richard Turner from Charlotte,NC (10/31/2003)
"Great First Marathon, Even Though..." (about: 2003)


This was my first marathon. Great race, city, organization, course, weather - it was all great fun for my first marathon at age 56. The only problem seems that my times were never posted and no one seems to care but me.
At least I have my finisher's medal and the photos and great memories. I will be back next year I hope.
Pleae have the timers fixed.


Inaki Escudero from san antonio, texas (10/31/2003)
"It's the Marine's marathon!" (about: 2003)


Something so obvious had escaped me until I crossed the finish line.

Everybody knows the Marines are tough, why wouldn?t their marathon be?
And I?m happy that it was so tough because finishing it made it even sweeter.

The Marines during the course impressed me. Their help and their presence was highly appreciated during and after the run, even though I probably didn?t show it enough. Thank you!

I finished the marathon at 3:53, my second best. And even though I was expecting more from my race, I have no regrets.

The crowds were spectacular, most of the time (even compared to NY and Chicago) their passion was great.

The heat and the humidity made the course even more difficult, and that?s something the organizers have no control over. But I would like to offer some thoughts about things they do have control over.

The expo was a mess. I guess I?m used to expos in big spaces (NY, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco).

The constant crossing of paths with runners ahead made it mentally draining.

Miles 1 to 5 were boring. Why go south to Crystal City? I don?t know Washington to offer possible alternatives but that part was ugly.

Miles 21 to 25 were boring too, but I can understand that. Chicago is boring too and let?s not forget the Bronx and Harlem in NY.
At this point is a date between you and your fears. It?s supposed to be lonely.

The infamous bridge at 21 was as hard as I have run (walked), ever!

I don?t think I?ll do MCM again though. I have good memories of it but I?ll try to run less challenging courses. Call me crazy, but running a marathon is challenging enough.
Who needs a bridge with gusty winds hitting your face while going up on mile 21 of 26?

I?m proud of myself and that?s what counts. Isn?t it? Thanks MCM for the memories.


T. R. from Kentucky (10/31/2003)
"Not a good first-timer's marathon" (about: 2003)


This was my first full marathon and it was definitely not a good choice for a first. Although the crowds were great and the organization was good considering it had to accommodate so many runners, it left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I served 7 years in the Corps and expected more. After mile 3.5 by Arlington, the other water stops were no longer serving water. All the water I saw was on the ground in empty cups they were cleaning up. Were it not for a lady who gave me a water bottle mile 4, I would probably have been stranded out there. I later got another bottle of water at mile 13 from an aid station, decided to call it quits due to the humidity and fear of no more water, and walked over the Arlington bridge back to the starting line.


M. D. from Alexandria, VA (10/31/2003)
"Excellent!" (about: 2003)


I had a great time at this race, despite the unexpected heat and humidity. The spectators were loud and enthusiastic, and the Marines and other volunteers could not have been more helpful. The course was mostly flat, and the scenery was fantastic for all but 4 or 5 miles. I will definitely run this race again.


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