calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Marine Corps Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.9 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.6 
Number of comments: 937 [displaying comments 771 to 781]
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M. D. from Philly (10/29/2003)
"Worth the trip!" (about: 2003)


With a distance of 26.2 miles, some of the course isn't going to be spectacular. I gotta say that 22 of those miles were great though, and well worth the trip if you're thinking of doing MCM.

Water stops need to be placed on wider sections of road, my only real complaint. Oh, and you need to give water out with gel. You have to.


B. H. from Chicago (10/29/2003)
"Course needs improving - go further up Rock Creek" (about: 2003)


This was my 20th marathon and I found it to be amongst the most challenging due to the humidity and heat, and convoluted, difficult course. There are elements of this race that are unsurpassed, and made for an overall good experience, but the zigzag back and forth around the Pentagon was bad. Why couldn't the extra miles be added up Rock Creek Parkway, which was so beautiful, instead of the deserted wasteland around Arlington? The Marines were great - thank you! The crowd: great. The 14th Street bridge was awful, but this is what gives the race its character. Another aid station is needed late in the race. Georgetown and the Mall were highpoints. Too many people at the start and finish for the small area. Too crowded at the end.


scott gaye from Oakville Canada (10/29/2003)
"Good race" (about: 2003)


I got into this race by posting on the bulletin board on this website that I would buy a bib #. What a great policy they have at MCM that you can transfer a race # for a twenty-dollar fee (thanks Michelle). Over the years I have missed a few races that I know someone else would be glad to buy my number and pay a twenty-dollar fee to the race (race directors take note). This is just another reason I guess it's called "The Peoples' Marathon". They lead by example. Another thing I like that they do is that you can enter the lottery as a group. Way to go MCM! Only bad comments I have about this race is the sports drink.


J. S. from Omaha, NE (10/28/2003)
"Good, but somewhat disappointing" (about: 2003)


Some things in their control not handled very well.
Start - confusing and chaotic, poorly signed target pace order;
Water stops - well done and Ultima wasn't as bad as I expected; could add another stop on 14th Street bridge;
Crowds - enthusiastic;
Expo - way too crowded; had trouble finding my way out once I was in;
Post-race - too crowded and difficult to move around;
Weather - 85% humidity a surprise, but usually the weather's probably much better.
Overall - worth doing, but not one of the best in my mind.


J. Y. from Waynesville, NC (10/28/2003)
"This was my first marathon - I'm glad I chose MCM" (about: 2003)


I thought everything was organized. I would have appreciated more water at the later stops. All in all, it was a great experience for my first ever marathon.


P. A. from Aurora, Canada (10/28/2003)
"Could be a fantastic race, but..." (about: 2003)


This was number 9 for me and I must admit that I was looking forward to a better experience. It was very humid, which of course is no fault of the organizers', but the things that should have been controllable were out of control. The start is not close to the hotels; why not move it a mile or two closer to Crystal City and keep the finish where it was, if neccesary? The Metro really was a poor way to get to the run. The escalators at the race were not working, the trains were infrequent and full, and the stupid turnstiles that you have to keep your ticket to exit from should have been released so runners could get going. The crowd support was quite good with the exception that they should have given more space in some of the areas. The area after the finish was really crowded and when you have that many runners, they need more space to be accommodated.
I hate such negativity, but I know that with some attention to the details this is a world-class run, especially for us 'middle-of-the-packers'. There is so much to do, and so much that is right with water, support, course guidance, the route, the great communication pre-race, the expo... and the list goes on.
Finally, it should be noted that this is the MCM, and we all appreciated the fine men and women in uniform that did their best to overcome the poor organization. And thanks for having both Marines and Marinettes to give out the medals and hugs at the end of the race.


Fred Bateman from USA (10/28/2003)
"My first marathon, and it was totally awesome" (about: 2003)


The only thing that I thought could be a little better was the beginning of the race, but other than that everthing else was outstanding. The crowd is actually what helped me finish the race besides seeing my wife at the 18 mile mark, because the crowd was so supportive and helpful. After talking to my wife she said that some of the other spectators could have been a little less pissy to other spectators, because everyone was basically cheering for the same purpose. And those runners that thought that the Ultima was not for them, they should have done their research, because it did not upset everyone's stomach, and besides, I thought that it tasted pretty damn good for this being my first marathon. And I never got any real bad cramps, so I guess the Ultima actually worked. This marathon experience was great, and I would recommened it to anyone from the elite to the beginner. Thanks for everthing Fred G. Bateman USMC.


D. W. from South Riding, VA (10/28/2003)
"Decent marathon to 'collect'" (about: 2003)


MCM-'03 was my second marathon (my first being Richmond). I have to agree with the previous comments. There was way too much asphalt and looping. It doesn't boost the morale to see faster runners pass you like on-coming traffic. I started naming the potholes on I-110, I had seen them so much. The crowds were good, but randomly placed.

The Marines were hearty souls and their loud, booming, motivational cries were great. God bless the Marine who untied my shoelaces at the end to take off my Champion Chip!

The worst part of the marathon was the last 3/4 mile, where the finish line was at the tail-end of a series of cork-screw turns up hill around the memorial. Before I knew it, the finish line was right on top of me. No grand sprinting finish to be had here.

The beginning and the end of the race were very chaotic. There were no corrals in the start area and finishers had to stand in line to get their photos taken.

I tried to pace myself with the Galloway runners, but found the finish times displayed on their backs to be misleading. I finished the marathon around 5:26, alongside a fellow runner who had 4:20 on his back.

Overall, the marathon was decent, considering its size. This is a good race to participate in if you like to 'collect' marathons and need one for DC.


T. H. from North Carolina (10/28/2003)
"The Marines were fantastic!!!" (about: 2003)


This was my third marathon, but by far the largest that I have competed in. The temperature made it rough for me, but overall it was a great experience. I was so impressed by the awesome Marines. They were everywhere, from package pickup, to helping at the shuttle buses, to handing out water, to helping runners at the finish and handing out medals and space blankets. They were fantastic. The race was very well organized and I have never seen so many spectators.


J. G. from Uncasville, CT (10/28/2003)
"GREAT RUN! However, a little crowded at finish" (about: 2003)


As my third marathon, it was all I hoped it would be. The finish area was way too crowded. There was just not enough area to support all of the runners and spectators. The spectator and Marine support throughout the course was fantastic. I would have liked to have seen more music throughout the course and get rid of the Ultima!


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