calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Myrtle Beach Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.2 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.3 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.6 
Number of comments: 318 [displaying comments 161 to 171]
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M. G. from Columbia, S.C. (2/21/2007)
"Nice 1/2 marathon Course" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons

The mile markers were way off. Organizers should have this ironed out by year ten!


B. G. from Myrtle Beach, SC (2/21/2007)
"Flat and fast, under good conditions" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 3 Myrtle Beach Marathons

I am from Myrtle Beach so this is my hometown race, and this is my take on the event.

First the negative: The mile markers were off during the first 4 miles, making it difficult to set your pace. The spectators would just stand there and wait for their family or friend to go by and then cheer. They need to learn to cheer for everyone. I do give them a lot of credit for getting up so early in that cold, though.

The positive: A flat, fast course! Under conditions with no wind, this is definitely a BQ/PR course. Great medal this year for the 10th. If you get there early to avoid the back up, parking right at the start is a plus.

Suggestions: I would like to see them go to some sort of corral start system. I definitely think they need music/entertainment along the course, especially in spots with little crowd support. This would help the runners and might attract spectators to those spots.

Overall, a great race!


D. S. from Portland, Oregon (2/20/2007)
"Nice winter break." (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

I was a bit shocked to wake up to 27-degree weather on race day. Obviously this wasn't the race director's fault. :)

Fast, flat course with plenty of porta-potties and aid stations. The first four mile markers were all a bit off. Apart from that, everything settled down.

Some people complained about the lack of spectators but, if you want a crowd, go to NYC, Chicago or Honolulu.

Parking at the start was pretty limited. Not really a problem as there were plenty of road side parking close to the race start.

All the volunteers were friendly, both at the expo and before, during, and after the race on race day.

I'd definitely recommend this race as a good winter break, although, if the director could please order up some warmer weather for next year...


A. D. from Dunnville, ON, Canada (2/20/2007)
"Great race for a first-timer!" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

Myrtle Beach was my first full marathon, and I couldn't have chosen a better place to debut. The course is flat, and there are enough participants and spectators to keep you going. My wife ran this as her first marathon a couple of years ago, which is why I ran it this year. Organization was good, the course was well marked, plenty of volunteers and police to help with traffic, and lots of cheering at the finish. The only thing that could have been better was the weather, which was on the cool side, but nothing the organizers could do about that.


A. M. from Ambler, Pa (2/20/2007)
"Fast course with a few flaws" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Myrtle Beach Marathons

I've run Myrtle now for four years in a row and I still like this race. If you can stand training in the winter, then this is a great race at which to take a shot at running a quick time. As a runner from the Northeast, it's always great to travel back down South, take advantage of inexpensive off-season rates, and get in some good racing.

My only complaints with the race had to do with the start and with the mile markers. Once again, the start was very disorganized. There were no pace signs and no attempt was made to get people to line up at the appropriate pace. Fortunately, I knew that going in, so I lined up where I needed to and got up to pace right away.

As for the mile markers, what is the point of putting out mile markers if they aren't even close to being in the right spot? The first four mile marks in particular were way off. Unfortunately, those are the most important markers for anyone not wearing a GPS or foot pod system. Fortunately, I wore my Garmin so I was able to disregard the mile marks, but I felt sorry for anyone trying to pace by them in those first miles.


K. S. from Goode, Virginia (2/20/2007)
"Flat, Fast & Well-Organized" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

This was my first attempt at running this marathon after having done the half marathon last year. Obviously, there was something I liked about it last year to justify driving six hours to run double the distance this year. Overall, a delightful experience. This is a nice winter destination marathon, although it was unseasonably cold for Myrtle Beach this year. Great for running, but not so great for beach activities. The registration check-in was well organized and the expo was decent and about what you would expect for a medium-sized marathon. The technical shirts were a nice change from a t-shirt and the medals were first-class. There were MANY older folks assisting at registration and on the course and I found them to be very delightful to work with and friendly. The Myrtle Beach Police Department did a very credible job in keeping us safe and keeping intersections clear for runners passing through. The only negative comment I can offer concerns spectator support. These folks need to learn how to support runners! The spectators are sparse in sections of the course but in the areas where they do accumulate half of them just stand there and look at you like you are crazy for being out there running 26.2 miles on a 28-degree Saturday morning. How about a little cheering and support! Maybe they were too cold! All in all, an event I enjoyed and will definitely come back to.


W. C. from Philadelphia PA (2/20/2007)
"Kudos to Myrtle Beach" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

I congratulate Myrtle Beach for putting together a race weekend that (I believe) went off without a hitch and that included events for just about everyone who wishes to participate in something. The marathon course is about as flat as you can find.


D. B. from Charlotte, NC (2/20/2007)
"Very well run race" (about: 2007)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon, but I have run several halves and shorter races. This race was very well run, and I really have no complaints at all, other than the post-race party being a bit cramped given the number of people this race his hosting.

The fans, while not huge in numbers, did a great job of cheering everyone on and were very supportive. I recommend this race to someone looking for a smaller yet growing winter marathon race.

The course was fairly flat, but there are some gentle hills, and a few steady climbs around mile 19 to 23 that keep things interesting.


B. P. from U.S. (2/20/2007)
"Was OK, but wouldn't recommend it." (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

First off, the volunteers were great and there were lots of them along the course. For a small marathon though, the course was very congested. There were a lot of twists and turns during the first few miles especially, and most of the course was on one lane of a road that was very narrow. Also, there was a lot of traffic on the course and cars going by right next to you. The website promised lemon/lime Gatorade, but the aid stations all served fruit punch or the blue flavor - not what a marathoner wants or can stomach. There were a lot of slow runners and even walkers at the front of the start line. Also, it's pretty demoralizing to have relay runners out there with you, especially during the last few miles to have someone come and fly by you. The course also measured 1/4-mile long, according to my GPS and others' too.


J. C. from newport ky. (2/19/2007)
"Great organization - great volunteers" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Myrtle Beach Marathon

Really enjoyed the event - I have finished over 100 ultras and marathons and this was one of the best. The volunteers were great at all aid stations and at every intersection, police or volunteers were their for us. Stayed at the Sleep Inn Conway and was treated well. They couldn't do enough for us. I will be back.


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