calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Twin Cities Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.9 
Number of comments: 454 [displaying comments 211 to 221]
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S. L. from WASHINGTON, IOWA (10/12/2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

The crowd was great. Thanks to those who took the time to slice oranges and bananas - and around miles 16-17, to the gentleman who was handing out ice chips. Beautiful course. Thanks, Twin Cities, for a fun and beautiful marathon (the heat notwithstanding).


Justin Deeg from Cape Cod, MA (10/12/2007)
"Screw Chicago! This is the one to run!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

The only thing that one couldn't control was the record high temps. Everything else was AWESOME! My twin bro nailed a huge PR and I was within a minute of mine, even given the rough weather. The course was by far the best city course I have ever done and the crowd support beat out Boston by far this year.

I think a better corral system in which runners are allowed to leave and take care of last-second business (pre-race pee) would be a huge benefit, but that's kind of picky. Along with keeping slower runners where they belong in the start corral. Somehow an 8-minute-mile runner always gets in front of the 6-minute-mile runners and it's usually more than one.

If you want a nice, clean, beautiful, city marathon experience, plan ahead for this one. It's worth every penny!


B. W. from Overland Park, Kansas (10/11/2007)
"Despite the heat, FIRST RATE!" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

Like many others, I achieved a PW due to the heat and humidity. The heat notwithstanding, I must say the beautiful course, great organization, dedicated volunteers and enthusiastic community support makes the TCM the best I have ever run.

To the woman spectator at around mile 17 or 18 who told me to move my a** because she did not come to see me walk. Just wait until next year! (when the weather will undoubtedly be cooler)


Richard Daymont from Northfield, MN (10/11/2007)
"26 miles and 385 yards... a GREAT Marathon" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 6+ Twin Cities Marathons

THANK YOU to everyone who worked so very hard to put on a tremendous event in spite of awful weather. I have come to expect a great marathon every year and I was not disappointed. I think many (not all) who developed severe problems in the latter stages of the marathon did not properly hydrate early on. I want especially to thank all of the wonderful folks who worked in the medical tent... you were fantastic!


s. m. from Ojinaga, Mexico (10/11/2007)
"Beautiful and challenging" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons

It is what they call it, the most beatiful urban marathon in America. The course is amazing, first featuring the Minneapolis downtown area with all the buildings, and the Metrodome; then the lakes, the parks, the Mississippi River; entering Saint Paul in the residential neighborhoods, the University of St. Thomas, and the finish passing the gorgeous Cathedral just in front of the Capitol. It is not plain, with several ups and downs, and this year the weather demanded a lot from runners - heat and humidity are a killer combination. Fortunately nothing to write home about.

Just at the half marathon mark I took off my shirt; I was done because of the humidity, so I kept a slower pace and take several walk breaks. I was surprised to find myself among the first 1,000 finishers, and the next day to find my photo in the newspaper.

Support along the course was great, with plenty of water and PowerAde, and tons of volunteers. Medical care almost at every water station.

If volunteers were amazing, the fans deserve a standing ovation; they filled the streets and cheered all the way, and took care of runners, offering us fruit, water, beer, ice, showers, Vaseline, candies.... It was really, really helpful.

Congrats to the Twin Cities people, organizers, volunteers and fans; they assembled a great marathon


T. K. from Chicago (10/11/2007)
"Terrific!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

I have run 11 marathons and this was the first time I did the Twin Cities. This marathon was great. Terrific course, people cheering the entire way with plenty of water and powerade on the course. Very well organized. If you are looking for a big city marathon without the huge crowds of Chicago this is the one for you!


M. O. from Rochester, MN (10/11/2007)
"Great race, terrible luck with the weather" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

This was my second TCM. Last year I had low expectations for myself and enjoyed the race tremendously despite warm weather. This year I had high expectations but almost everyone had their day ruined by the heat and humidity. That said, I look back and think about what a remarkable job the organizers, VOLUNTEERS and FANS did coping with and adjusting to the horrible conditions. I finished early enough that there were no shortages of fluids at the aid stations. I was drinking more than I normally would and worried that later finishers would not have access. I was amazed to see fans and residents along the course giving away bottled water and gatorade, handing out fruit and candy, and setting up sprinklers or standing along the curb hosing runners off. The volunteers and EMS personnel worked harder than the runners. The fans were beyond enthusiastic. This course is a gem. It's not a creampuff but not incredibly demanding either. There are no boring stretches or areas that are eyesores or industrial parks. Amazing, considering the course runs through the heart of a major metro area. I would recommend this marathon although I would like to see it scheduled for a week or two later, global warming and all. Incidentally, the temp was in the low 50's and overcast less than 48 hours later. Bummer.


W. B. from Minneapolis (10/10/2007)
"Perfect (besides the humidity)" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

I had heard so much about the marathon over the last few years. I was worried I was expecting too much. Boy was I wrong. The organization of this event is absolutely fantastic. There was plenty of water and PowerAde. They should add a second Clif Shot station. I didn't use it but I heard several people comment about that. The finish is amazing. Coming over the hill at the cathedral and seeing the finish was very emotional for me. It had been a tough day and I couldn't keep a smile off my face for the rest of the way. The spectators were absolutely amazing. I loved the cheering, signs, high-fives, bananas, oranges, etc. Since I live in the TCs, I know how great it is, but this event is top-notch. Keep it up, and if you haven't done it, DO IT!!


D. L. from Arlington, VA (10/10/2007)
"GREAT race!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

I picked Minnesota for the cool, crisp, fall weather. That clearly didn't happen. But I have never seen more enthusiastic or helpful fans, with seemingly the entire community behind the runners. Water, oranges, music, ice, beer (thanks Random Guy at Mile 24 who gave me your full bottle of some local ale), you name it! Plenty of medical support for those who needed it, but kudos for the organizers for letting all go on! Slow and steady wins the race, or at least finishes it!

Before this, I didn't want to run a race twice, but I will definitely be returning to MSP to do this one again. Let's hope for cooler weather next year!


M. B. from San Diego, CA (10/10/2007)
"Beautiful course and fantastic community support." (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

I came to MN for three reasons - 1) family visit 2) celebrate my husband's b-day and 3) run the TCM and I'm happy to say I did all three. This was my first TCM and I had a great time. The toughest part of the course was the humidity and maybe the last few miles on Summit Ave. I loved how the course ran around the beautiful lakes, through spectator filled neighborhoods and finishing with the American flags waving in the summer-like breeze and the state capital in site. My only comment to help improve this race is to have aid stations at every mile. I'm not just saying that because it was a particularly warm day - it's better to have more than not enough aid stations.


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