calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Twin Cities Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.9 
Number of comments: 454 [displaying comments 221 to 231]
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Dennis Johnson from Mound, MN (10/10/2007)
"Another great year for TC!" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

Yeah the weather was terrible but once again the crowds and volunteers made this a wonderful day. As other have mentioned, this was a personal worst time wise for me, and everyone I have talked to, but the volunteers handled everything just excellent. Oh, and to the folks who ran to the store and brought big bags of ice, thanks! You guys rock!


M. V. from South Dakota (10/10/2007)
"Great Course!" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

This was my second TCM and had almost as much fun as last year. While the course is fantastic and the spectators are plentiful and enthusiastic the whole way, I was dissapointed by the water stops this year. They did better than the folks in Chicago did apparently, but I ran into several stops that had run ouit of Powerade and/or cups! Given the horrendous heat we were using more cups than expected perhaps, but the organizers really need to ensure the 'back of the packers' have the necessary fluids, heck we need them more than the faster runners since we are out there longer. All in all a GREAT race, it's just that the heat shouldn't have caught the organizers with their pants down.


A. A. from Colorado Springs, CO (10/10/2007)
"Beautiful course, wicked heat and humidity" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

Hats off to the twin cities and race organizers. This race is as beautiful as they claim, the course is laid out nicely and the spectators were amazing. My only complaint would be how far apart the water stops were stationed. I ended the race severly dehydrated, partly because I didn't drink enough early on, but also because I was losing fluids faster than I could replenish them. When the heat and humidity is forecasted to break records, it would only make sense to add more water stops. There is a little lady on West River Parkway right around mile 18 that I owe a hug. She was one of the many spectators that cut and served her own oranges to all of us and I must say if it wasn't for her and the young boy that gave me the extra glass of blue powerade at mile 19, I could have been easily one of the many taken off the course by the medics.


M. S. from Minneapolis, MN (10/10/2007)
"Outstanding" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Twin Cities Marathons

This race is truly the most beautiful urban marathon in America. The outstanding scenery, organization, and crowd support can't be beat. The downhill stretch from the cathedral to the state capitol is the best finish of any race I have run. The warm and humid conditions this year were unusual. For those of you who had a PW (incuding me), come back next year. We guarantee better weather!


K. D. from Lincoln, NE USA (10/9/2007)
"more challenge than bargained for" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons

This was a great experience. I thought I would never be satisfied after running my first in Chicago. The spectators were everything. Although the day was MUCH hotter and more humid than I was expecting, I was very impressed by the fans. They along with the volunteers kept the runners going. I was amazed by all of the residents that recognized our efforts by putting up their sprinklers. Also thanks to all of the kids who handed out cups of Powerade with their blue stained hands. It is a credit to your community and the race volunteers that you were able to turn such a trying situation into a positive experience for almost all. I would defiantly recommend this race to all looking for the marathon experience.


S. P. from Lufkin Texas (10/9/2007)
"Gorgeous scenery." (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

Unfortunately this year the temperatures were record highs. Hence, it was difficult to do well. As most know by now, the Chicago marathon (same date) had a devastating death occur. Not sure the cause, but likely was related to dehydration. However, the fans at TCM were absolutely awesome. Many had garden hoses out and sprayed us as we ran by. Alot of people were offering drinkable water in between the official water stations as well as trays of fruit (orange slices, bananas). Thank you, thank you!! I loved all of the music bands/radios and especially enjoyed the people playing the Rocky theme song. Because of the severe heat frequent thoughts of quiting entered my mind. However, the constant cheering of the fans, and the fact that I was running the TCM in an effort to support a local home town charity kept me going.
TCM you have a tremendous beautiful race course, fan support, and great organization. I congratulate you on a great job.
I have yet to repeat any marathons. I like the idea of new challenges and scenery. If I were ever to repeat a marathon, the TCM would absolutely be on that list. I use the site to help me guide my decision as to which race to do next. If others do the same, I can only very highly encourage them to come to TCM. It's a very high-quality race. Thank you!


C. M. from Minneapolis, MN (10/9/2007)
"What a GREAT event, even on such a HOT day!" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 2 Twin Cities Marathons

This was my second Twin Cities Marathon, and I have to say it was an incredible experience this time as well! I am impressed by the organization, the volunteers, the amount of water and PowerAde provided, and especially... the SPECTATORS! They are what make it worth it. They shouted my name, made me laugh, cheered me on, and provided ice, fruit, water, Jolly Ranchers and sprinklers! It is a beautiful course, but when the spectators line the course the ENTIRE way, that is what I remember most! I ran just under 5 hours, so I was far behind the elite runners, but the volunteers and spectators made me feel like a pro! Thanks for a wonderfully organized experience, TCM!


d. c. from la habra, california (10/9/2007)
"Beautiful, scenic , tough course" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Twin Cities Marathon

The TCM lives up to its billing as "The Most Beautiful Urban Marathon In America." The organization was great. I was amazed by the crowd support in the various neighborhoods. I was also amazed by the tree-lined streets and the nice houses along the lakes. The course has a lot more rolling hills than what I had anticipated. Also because of the high humidity, I had to run at a slower pace. The tree-lined streets created a lot of shade so the sun did not bother me much - but the humidity did. They need to have more porta-johns on the course, especially late in the race. They also need more fluid stations. They were too spaced out. The downhill descent to the state capitol was a welcome relief after all those rolling hills. I also liked the Post-Marathon Party Tent where they had free pizza and soda and yogurt. Overall this was a nice marathon to do. Just do some hill repeats to make it easier to conquer those tough, rolling hills.


A. S. from Roberts, WI (10/9/2007)
"Excellent organinzation and fans" (about: 2007)

First Marathon

This was the hottest Twin Cities Marathon and they were ready for it. This was my first marathon so I don't have anything to compare this to but I can't say enough about the great organization of the water stops. The spectators were amazing too, I can't even count how many sprinklers I ran through on this hot and humid day. Whether you are are first timer or an experienced marathoner, this run is a must. Everyone comments on the beautiful scenery, I must admit I didn't see much of it because I was to entranced by the crowd.


R. M. from St Paul MN (10/9/2007)
"outstanding community support" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Twin Cities Marathons

I was so touched by all the spectators who offered water, turned on sprinklers or handed out ice. The conditions for this race were beastly, but the compassion showed by the spectators reminds me why I love this race!


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