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Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 481 [displaying comments 171 to 181]
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S. T. from Kansas City, MO (4/28/2008)
"Crowd great for first half; very hilly; tough endi" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

The crowd support was great through the first half, but dropped off where the course turned off for the full. It was very quiet through mile 19. The ending was very rough. At approx. mile 24 it was uphill on a slanted road. It was a killer on the feet - a bad way to end a long race.


A. S. from Oran, MO (4/28/2008)
"A must-do marathon" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

CMM was my first marathon and it was an amazing experience. It was well organized and the volunteers and spectators were wonderful. I didn't train on hills, but still didn't have any trouble with the course. The traffic getting to and leaving the race was horrible. The only thing they could improve on was somehow finding a way to keep it moving.


Jerry Hunt from Long Beach , NY (4/28/2008)
"Organized, fun, well-supported course" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Fun runners, lots of great bands, and crowd support almost the entire distance! This was my 26th marathon and the first time I have provided comments on one. I really enjoyed it and would recommend this event. Very well organized - the staggered start works! Best after-race party too!

Great job, Nashville; aside from NY, this is currently the only marathon I would run again.


M. A. from Kentucky (4/28/2008)
"ARRIVE EARLY" (about: 2008)

First Marathon

I had a great time. Great spectators! My improvement request is to streamline parking_traffic. I parked at the LP Field parking lot. I was traveling south on I-65 and was within one mile of exit 48 at 05:25. I finally got to park at 06:05. Then, it was another 40 minutes to get to Centennial Park on the shuttle bus. I was relaxed through all of this, as I was in corral 18. Got to the race at 07:30 and had a great time. Now, when it was over, trying to get out of the LP Field parking lot was ridiculous. I think this is the best opportunity for improvement. I sat for an hour and didn't move. Not sure why. This is still a great place to park; however, if it doesn't improve, I'll opt for finding a little corner lot a few blocks away and walk over to the shuttles. If things would be the same tomorrow, the only thing I'd do different is park away from the stadium. I will do this event again. Nashville has the greatest spectators!!!


C. H. from Kendallville, Indiana (4/28/2008)
"Very Hilly Course" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This was my first full marathon. I have run the Indianapolis Mini 1/2 Marathon several years in a row and wanted to move up to the full distance. I trained hard and felt that I was ready. The hills on this course left me sore and disappointed. I had to walk the last 6 miles, as my calves and quads would no longer take the pounding. If you are planning to run this one, train on the hills!


E. M. from Columbia, Missouri (4/28/2008)
"Fair course, great organization, and fantastic fan" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons

This was my 10th full marathon and Nashville did not fall short.

Positives: Course was fair. Consistent rolling hills through the first 9 miles. A nice, flat stretch out by the Cumberland River on miles 12-16, and then short hills between 21-23. Overall, if you do your training, the course is not overly difficult.

Fantastic fans and support. It does get a bit sparse between miles 13-17, but that allowed me to get into a rhymthm and focus on running.

Finish was very good - slightly downhill with great crowds and support.

Nashville really welcomed the runners and families and the city was a good three-day visit.

Overall, one of the most enjoyable marathon experiences I have had. Highly recommend this full or 1/2 marathon to all. And I set a PR, running 3:11!

- Eric


John Schmidt from Dayton, OH (4/28/2008)
"A very rewarding event" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This was my 8th marathon and my first P.F. Chang sponsored event. I was *extremely* well organized.

The shuttles to/from the start/finish line were efficiently run and worth the added cost.

The starting corrals were well staffed and holding each corral off until the previous corral had moved far enough away help keep the starting pack from being too overcrowded.

My only complaint about the start would be that there were two few porta-potties at the starting area, but the shuttles arrived with more than adquate time to use the facilities prior to the start. There were more than enough along the course.

I have two complaints (both minor) about the finish. 1) There was inadequate parking for friends/family at the finish. 2) There did not appear to be any massage tent available for runners (but perhaps I just didn't see it) that I've seen at other major events.

The course support fluid/gel/aid were excellent! I believe there were more than indicated on the course map.

Most areas of the course had good fan support, but there were some stretches where fans were thin/absent, but overall, fan support was very good, especially considering the inclement weather at the start.


R. C. from Tennessee (4/28/2008)
"Awesome race. You've got to run the CMM." (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

A really fun run. Over 30,000 at the start. It was my first race of that size, so I was blown away. A wave start got everyone going without a hitch. All runners are together through 11 miles, and then the full runners head north. The run along the river got a bit lonely, and the last five miles are largely without lots of fans, but the course is a lot flatter than I imagined. Two hills were placed late, at 17 and 19, but they weren't as bad as I'd feared. Tons of people at the finish. If you like big races, this is one you've got to do. Great organization. Lots of water and sports drink. Lots of fans. Plenty of parking and buses to the start. I'm already planning on next year!


T. K. from Tampa, FL (4/28/2008)
"Very fun race - great live music" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathons

This race was a last-minute decision for me, and it was very worthwhile.

- Music. Excellent musicians along the entire 26.2 miles. All were playing as I ran by except 1.
- Course - I love rolling hills. The course layout masterfully combined gentle uphills with slightly steeper downhills.
- Accelerade - this is not the best tasting drink, but it contains protein, which is essential for any physical activity lasting more than 2 hours. It saved me from lugging my own packets of Accelerade.
- Fan and volunteer support - both were much stronger than I expected. The volunteers and cheerleading squads truly looked like they were happy to be there, even well after the 4-hour mark.
- Wave start - Very effective for controlling the crowd on the course. I was able to run my pace without much interference and I ran with others the entire race - it was never lonely.

Could use improvement:
- Expo - There were no lines to pick up the bib and chip, but finding parking took nearly an hour and cost $8 - $12. Also, there was no room to walk through the exhibits. Please widen the aisles by about 4 feet. Better yet, move the expo to the Opryland Hotel or someplace accessible on Friday afternoon.

- T-shirt. It's just a cotton T-shirt. What's the point? The "official" merchandise is far superior in quality and graphics. Some races give out both a technical shirt and cap. One or the other would be preferable.

- "Free" beer at the finish - About 3 - 4 ounces worth of Mich Ultra. OK, it tasted great, but that was it - no more was available. The next beer stop was at the local bars in town. The 1/2 marathons run here in the Tampa area give you beer in 10-ounce cups and you can hang around for another if so inclined. It's the same Mich Ultra too.

My negatives are relatively petty, and with the exception of not being able to find parking for the expo, it did not detract from the experience. I will definitely run this one again in future years.


J. V. from The Great State of Texas (4/28/2008)
"Music the entire way!" (about: 2008)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

I have run a few of the Rock 'n' Roll series, and there has not much in the way of music on the course; lots of the bands would be taking breaks, the music was marginal etc. Now this was a wonderful exception! There were plenty of bands (good bands too!) and they were playing! I was in the back of the back of the bus and there was music being played for the 8 hour finishers! Truly amazing!

Okay, the course is a bit hilly, but not unfairly hilly. Every hill had a reason, and the reason was not to make the course difficult! The last ten miles were very pleasant as the hills were mostly in the first half when you were alive. The split was long and well announced for the half and full. You could not miss it if you tried back where I ran.

The rest stops had fully adequate liquids: Nothing special, but they were plentiful and well stocked even for the last runners! The cheer squads were fun in their themes. By the time I got there they was no great cheering, but they were there and trying to be supportive.

There were lots of neighborhood people out,and they were all supportive. Some had very elaborate watching parties (warming trays for their food, tents etc). There were also many smaller parties along the way. It was nice to see so many people out trying to help.

The medical tents were numerous and had basics that really helped: sun screen, salt, as well as anti-inflamitories. Vasoline was everywhere!

The Hashers had a nice shady spot to stop and have a beer, and overall it was a fun event and relatively interesting course. We passed the stadium, modest homes, shady neighborhoods, a pond, and a bit of industrial area. We did it all. A decent event, but the finish was all strung out; not in a large area, but in a long skinny walkway. About the worst I have seen for an RNR series, but the best on-course execution of music, so it was a true winner in my opinion. A big race, but well worth doing. The shirt was marginal, the expo fine, and there was some nice merchandise too.

I seldom repeat a race, and this will not be an exception, but it was a nice event. I only did it for the Heavy Medal Series, but Nashville is a wonderful town to visit. The weather was a bit warm, but at least it was a light rain at the start. So it wasn't too bad, except for the very slow people.


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