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Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 481 [displaying comments 181 to 191]
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S. D. from Charlotte, NC (4/27/2008)
"Good Race" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Incredible organization, great fans, and punishing hills.

Very organized... had corrals that were released every minute, plenty of water and sports drink (contra Chicago '07), and a good number of fans out there.

The hills are punishing, though, so train with them.

The Accelerade wasn't so distasteful as expected during race-time... so don't worry about it as I did.

The expo was excellent; maybe the 30,000-runner size was the key.

Still not as good as the Marine Corps Marathon, but a good run!


T. S. from Cincinnati, OH (4/27/2008)
"Great race; just needs a few tweaks" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Great race; very well organized with a fun expo, music during the race, and lots of food afterwards. The race had some hills, but not so many that they were overwhelming. Lots of support on the race with spectators. Things I would like to see improved would be a better shirt given to runners (just a plain white t-shirt given for expensive entry fee?) and more policemen directing traffic into the parking area before the race and out of the parking lot after the race. It was a great race; they just need to fix a couple of things and it would be an awesome race for sure!!


s. f. from nc (4/27/2008)
"Too Many Halfers!!!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This race is for half marathoners. The second half was lacking in bands and spectators. One 8-ounce beer at the finish was pitiful. I know there were a gazillion halfers, but can we at least get the "real" runners some man-sized brews?! I thought that Nashville would know how to do after-parties better. The first 10 miles were littered with first-time half marathoners who had no running etiquette. They would stop for walk breaks right in the middle of large packs. I would not recommend this as a good marathon experience due to the immense number of novice runners who were mostly in the way! I didn't even mind the drizzle at the start, but after this I am sticking to the smaller events.


E. M. from Chicago (4/27/2008)
"Great experience!!!!!!!" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons

This was my 4th marathon and I couldn't have been happier about this truly great race. They say 1st impressions mean everything. I went to the expo on Friday and right away I could tell that all the details were thought of. It was crowded, but all the lines seem to go pretty fast and everyone was very friendly. The morning of the race, I took the shuttle to the start line from LP field which was provided by the public transportation busses. What a great way to use city resources. At the start line, gear check was provided by dozens of UPS trucks lined up by last name. The start was flawless with the corral system. The course was tough. Constant up and down the whole time. The finish was at LP Field, where there was plenty of room. The UPS trucks were properly lined up in a parking lot. Water and Accelerade were everywhere from the hotel lobby in the morning to the start and the finish. I've run Chicago, St. Louis, and Milwaukee and this race seemed to correct all the problems that I've encountered in these other races. THE COUNTRY MUSIC MARATHON TOTALLY OUT-CLASSES THE CHICAGO MARATHON. Great support from the locals and the mayor. The post-race concert was a nice touch and the awards were given out at the intermission. I had a great time partying at the Wildhorse Saloon afterwards.


S. P. from Flower Mound, TX (4/27/2008)
"Great race - minor issues" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This is a great race with some minor issues that could be easily corrected. As one of the major races, I would have expected some sort of traffic control. It took a solid hour to exit the interstate to enter the LP Field parking lot and nearly an hour to exit the parking lot after the race. There was no police or volunteer support directing traffic on the exits. The rest of the race and water stops were well organized even though we missed the official start of the race because we were tied up in traffic. The course is challenging but scenic for an urban race. Good crowd support. Good music as you would expect. The medal design is good but the ribbon is plain and looks cheap compared to the recent trend in race medals. As one of the more expensive race events I would have preferred a tech shirt instead of the cotton t-shirt. These comments apply to Rock N' Roll series races in general. Overall, I liked the race and would do it again.


D. F. from Georgia (4/27/2008)
"Huge Race, Great Crowd Support" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This race was huge, much bigger than I expected with around 26,000 finishing - 21,000 or more were half-marathoners. I ran the full marathon and it is a fairly challenging course. I also had it marked a little long at 26.59 with my Garmin. The course has rolling hills throughout that are not to be overlooked. This is not a flat course. I ran Las Vegas and that for the most part was flat. The crowd support on this course is amazing, more so in the first half. The finish was lined with tons of people - awesome finish! Red Accelerade was given throughout the race, as was water. Excellent, friendly volunteers. My only negative about the race is that it is really a half-marathon race. There were less than 5,000 that finished the full marathon. They do start you in corrals, but that is up to people's assessment of their ability. I started in corral 4 and passed several people early that should have been towards the back. Very cool medal with guitars on it. Great expo, and great finishing line food. Lots of people at the finish area; you can get lost and separated easily from your party. Weather was perfect at around 60 degrees (at the start). We had light rain in the morning that then cleared up. It was 85 the day before, so weather is fickle this time of year. Overall, great race!


E. S. from Birmingham, Alabama (4/27/2008)
"Great Event" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This is an awesome race! The hills are NOT bad, if you train on hills. Compared to the Mercedes Half Marathon in Birmingham, this one is a breeze. I didn't think the Accelerade was horrible, just not something I'd drink normally. The only advice I have is to get to the shuttle buses an hour and a half early - otherwise you will sit in race traffic waiting to park for an hour! Give yourself time to get to the shuttles so you can stretch and use the bathroom at the start line. Overall, a great experience, I got my PR by 8 minutes and I am definitely running it again next year. Run this race; Nashville is awesome!


T. J. from Lombard, IL (4/26/2008)
"tough course/great race" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

I had a very positive experience running the Country Music Marathon today in Nashville. It was a tough and hilly course, but I knew it would be when I signed up for the race. Ninety per cent of the spectators were along the course for the half-marathon, and there were not a lot of spectators once the half marathon split from the marathon. The volunteers along the course were, in a word, WONDERFUL, maybe the most enthusiastic volunteers I've experienced in my 40 marathons/ultra-marathons. I would highly recommend this race.


K. G. from Tennessee (3/17/2008)
"Wonderful" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This was my first half marathon and I loved it. It was a lot of fun, especially with all the music and people all along the way. The finish line was awesome and the sense of accomplishment couldn't have been better.


P. C. from Charlotte, NC (1/15/2008)
"Great Expo - Beware of the Course" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

I trained with TNT and this is my 1st 1/2 marathon. Honestly, I had never run in any race before. Great event!

Pros: 1) Great expo (now that I've been to others). 2) Complimentary breakfast items at starting area. 3) Good organization with bag check. 4) Great support and spectators along the way. 5) Not much boring stuff on the route (on the 1/2 marathon route). 6) Finish line set-up was awesome, with slippers and ice foot soak, etc. 7) Nice medal. 8) Good post-race celebration (concert with Sara Evans).

Cons: 1) Since I'm not an experienced runner, those little never-ending hills just killed me. They're not steep, but there are quite a few of them along the way. 2) Starting took a while, since there were so many runners - but it's also very exciting to see all of these people together

I seriously will consider doing any races organized by Elite.


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