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Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 481 [displaying comments 311 to 321]
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Alexander Taylor from Alabama (6/3/2005)
"Well planned, organized and executed." (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This course was well thought out and the support was the result of good solid proactive planning. Support and refreshments were available at all times during the race and after the race. The bands were cold and lazy except for the one on their own church steps, but the other supporting elements were more than adequate. I will be running this race again next year.



JS Ward from Pittsburgh, PA (6/2/2005)
"Overall, good marathon!" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

The Country Music Marathon was my 8th marathon. Overall, I enjoyed it. Nashville was a wonderful city - and everyone was friendly to this out-of-towner. In terms of positives, this marathon definitely had you pumped throughout the course. Music, music, music - and not just country! Also, for the most part, there was crowd support to keep you going. The medal was very nice. Kudos go to the organization - Nashville knows how to organize a great race.

My negative comments are minor, if not petty. The course was not flat - more like steady inclines here and there. Around mile 15-16 there is a STEEP decline - made me worry I would pull a hamstring! Another minor disappointment is the fact that I believe this race is set more for 1/2-marathoners. Once the 1/2-marathoners split from the marathoners, it felt like a ghost town. 18,000 runners and ~12,000 were 1/2-marathoners. My last negative comment would be a lackluster t-shirt; they could do better. I want to show off that I ran this marathon but the t-shirt looked more like one you'd get at a local 5K event: short-sleeved and already has tears and holes in it... and I have only worn it twice!

Ok, ok, like I said, minor and petty complaints. So, overall, if I was looking for my 1st marathon experience, I would definitely run this one!


G. F. from SC (5/14/2005)
"Very good! Very good!" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This was my third marathon and the one with the largest number of participants. I worried that there would not be enough water or sports drink and had planned for my wife to meet me at various places on the course. In the end there was enough of everything and I was amazed at the organization and support that the runners were given. I didn't find the course that difficult (hills) and enjoyed running along the Cumberland River.


George Higgs from Memphis, TN (5/10/2005)
"extremely well organized" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

After reading some of the problems with the 2004 event, I made some adjustments such as registering on Thursday. The byproduct is that I was able to attend the very informative sessions on nutrition, hydration, hyponatremia, pacing, sports medicine, etc. WOW, they were great. The whole race was a very positive experience. Longer registration hours, flatter course, & wave start showed they learned from 2004. The pace crew was fantastic! Thanks Kell.


Helen Adams from Florida, USA (5/9/2005)
"My third marathon; it was great, set a new PR" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Weather was perfect. The volunteers were great, absolutely fantastic community support, no traffic, roads were closed for us with police available to block roads. Good organization except for travel to & from start/finish - the $15 charge to ride the bus was a bit steep. They ran out of power gel at the 7th mile, sandals and medals. They gave full marathon medals to half marathoners since they ran out. The music was terrific, however I don't remember a band at each mile. No Bio-Freeze or other ointments for sore muscles at first aid stations -- need some more sponsors! Plenty of water/Powerade and fruit. Plenty of power gel at higher milage.

Overall, a scenic run especially in the Belmont area and Shelby Park; a bit hilly, but nothing steep. Yes, I would run it again. Nashville is a nice, friendly place with the full support of the marathon. Thank you to all those who cheered us on and were so supportive of this event!!!!!!!!!!!


R. S. from Blacksburg, Virginia (5/9/2005)
"Great Marathon for First Time" (about: 2005)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon and I did it under 4:00, and will surely not be my last. The weather was perfect - about 55 degrees, completely cloudy, and very little wind. I don't really know what some other commentors mean by hilly, but there wasn't anything that felt like much of anything above a slight grade (although I live in the sub-Eastern Appalachians, I grew up in flat northern Indiana and still wouldn't think of the CMM course as 'hilly').

I feel that this marathon is a great choice for first-timers for several reasons. First, the incredible number of bands and cheerleaders present really make a huge difference in motivation when the going gets tough. Second, having a lot of fellow runners around is very comforting and it makes it ideal for finding someone to run with. I came with a group of 15 runners, most who were doing the half or the full at much different times, but I ended up meeting someone at the start who was dead on my pace. She and I ended up running the entire race together, and I'm not sure if my chances of finding a running partner would be as great at a smaller race. Finally, the amenities that the race directors provide are really great. The medal is enormous & heavy, not some cheap piece of junk. The Spenco sandals are really nice for being 'free.' And the post-race concert (Phil Vassar) was really entertaining - and that's even more impressive because I don't particularly enjoy country music.

Just to add a few final comments about things that could be better: First, the section between miles 12 and 17 are pretty dull (out in the industrial center by the river) and include the only thing that MUST BE CHANGED - an incredible steep descent as the runners leave the riverbank's natural levee before mile 16. Everyone I talked to was scared to death they were going to do a major face-plant trying to 'run' down it. There are also few spectators in that part as well. Another small problem that I heard about was running out of the sandals, space blankets, and Powerbars at the finish line. Other than these minor problems, this was the most fun I've had at any race, and I will definitely consider doing it again next year (some friends want to do the entire Rock'n'Roll series).


J. H. from Nashville Tennessee (5/9/2005)
"The best for any first-time half-marathoner" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This was my first time running a half marathon and enjoyed myself so much that I am planning on doing this again. I am from middle Tennessee and the weather was just right for this type of event (not too hot, not too cold).


J. K. from Columbus, Ohio (5/8/2005)
"Expected much more" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

I've run a number of marathons and this was by far the least organized. I signed up late for the race, and was surprised to discover that the expo closed Friday night at 7pm. Way too early for anyone trying to fly in for this race. The wave start seemed like it worked well, but I was in the first wave. Crowd support was weak, but it could have been due to the mediocre weather. (Misty/raining and 50's - perfect for running though.) Contrary to what some thought, I felt the finish area did not have much going on. Bands along the route were pretty good and not all of them were country. Course scenery was also not the most inspiring. The race t-shirt was pretty weak as well. The best feature of this race is the finisher's medal.


m. k. from Charlotte (5/8/2005)
"Overall a great experience" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Overall, it was a great experience. Sure there were some hills, but they weren't a problem. The cheerleaders were great, the volunteers were great and having an official pace team helped me cross the finish line at a personal best.

The only thing that could have been better? Maybe some heat lamps set up at the start line. . . .some of us were there since 4:30 in the morning and was it cold (especially after my feet got wet standing in very wet grass waiting to use the port-a-potty!).


J. M. from Bowling Green, KY (5/7/2005)
"Much Better Than 2004" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathons

I slammed CMM in 2004, so I feel obligated to admit that they fixed most of the problem areas in 2005.
As I live close by, I was able to avoid most problems of traffic and parking. The start was much smoother, but the first 11 miles are still overcrowded by the half-marathoners.
And this is not a PR course, even on a good day. Support was fine, however, with lots of encouragement along the way. Worth the pricey entry this year!


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